In a race between danger and indecision, the difference between life and death comes down to confidence. Faith in our abilities, certainty in ourselves and the trust we put in others.
But sometimes, the ones that has already been marked for death, has always been beyond our saving.
So much for a magical, elven cloak.
I woke up shivering, the cloak did little to shield me from the freezing morning air. The weather was different today. It was going to be colder, fog floated above the water and hindering the view of the eastern shore.
The sun hadn't risen yet, my surroundings still dark and I could still hear my companions snoring softly.
A tall, lithe figure stood above a high rock like a statue, mimicking the stillness of the rock beneath his feet, all except for the soft swaying of his flaxen hair that was blown softly by the wind.
I approached him. Though being as silent as I could, still he turned his head to me, detecting my movement.
"Arduil (morning), Sara."
His voice was emotionless, his eyes peering far towards the fog. There was something about Legolas this morning. He seemed tensed and didn't seem to move from his position since last night. He stayed in this exact position.
"Arduil, Legolas," I replied quietly.
Unlike yesterday, when he would always try to fill the silence, he just remained stoic this time. Unmoving. He reminded me of a Roman or Greek statue that artists used to sculpt in the early civilization.
This might be just how elves usually were, especially in such situations, but I couldn't help but being worried.
At last, unable to stand the state that Legolas was in, I placed my hand on his arm. He turned to me, his expression still unreadable.
"Legolas you need to sleep," I told him. I could see faint smoke in front of me as I spoke, the testimony of the cold around us.
He turned to me briefly before letting his eyes fleeted towards the fog. "I am in no need of sleep," he replied emotionless.
To be honest, I never saw Legolas this uptight, and it scared me a little. But I refused to let it show.
"There's still probably a couple hours before the sun rises. Let me take the watch. You rest."
Legolas still had his undivided focus towards the fog.
"Please," I added.
It seemed to be working, because he then turned to me and emotion seemed to came back to his sculpted face.
"You're worried about me."
"You haven't moved from this position for hours," I replied, trying to deny the fact that I was indeed worried about him.
"I am on the duty of the night watch. I am not supposed to move from this position."
Ugh. Who knew that elves could be stubborn?
"Two hours of sleep won't hurt. Please, let me take your place."
His gaze softened at mine, and for the first time that morning he smiled.
"Nay, Sara. I am fine. 'Tis very pleasant to know that you actually cared about my well being," he said with a hidden smugness in his eyes. "Though at the moment it is quite unnecessary."
"No, I'm not," I denied with a scoff, "It is the Fellowship I'm thinking about. We can't have you falling asleep on the way-"
An icy air blew towards us, and I shivered violently, forcing me to clutch on my Lothlorien cloak tighter.

Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
FanfictionLEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a j...