[Author's Note: So I decided that from now on I'm going to put link to music that helps me into mood as I write every chapter. Feel free to listen to them as you read on. Let me know what you think! Happy Reading]
Absolution is the washing away of sin. The promise of rebirth. And the chance to escape the transgressions of those who came before us. The best among us will learn from the mistakes of the past, while the rest seem doomed to repeat them. And then there are those who operate on the fringes of society, unburdened by the confines of morality and conscience. A ruthless breed of monsters whose deadliest weapon is their ability to hide in plain sight. If the people I’ve come to bring justice to cannot be bound by the quest for absolution, then neither will I.
I stumbled back in terror at the things that passed before my eyes. My eyes flickered aimlessly in panic.
Feeling the warmth sensation of Aragorn’s blood still between my fingers, I frightfully swatted my hands with a shriek.
I only began to stop my hysteric shrieking when I noticed that my hands were clean. There was no single red stain on it. With trembling lips I studied my shaking hands, then my eyes met the brilliant blue orbs of Lady Galadriel.
“D-did you see that?” I asked with dread and doom, my eyes clouded with fear.
The expression of the powerful elf was hard to read. I looked away in realization of what just happened.
I just witnessed my past and my future. But the worst of them all was the future yet to come.
“I-I betrayed them,” I choked, shuddering at the remaining memory of the vision where Aragorn’s dead eyes stared up at me after I stabbed him. Then at the betrayal and hate in Legolas’ blue eyes.
I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to stop myself from crying out loud. It seemed that my heart was being squeezed tightly by an invisible, cold hand, and I had no power to ease the pain.
Right now, the only thing that I hated the most other than the Dark Lord, was myself.
I gripped at my head tightly with both hands, almost as if pulling the hair out of my scalp, but it didn’t provide any comfort that I needed. I felt like the biggest failure in the history of mankind; the vision of New York being burned to the ground attested to that.
“The future is not yet set in stone, Anastasia,” said the Lady of Light comfortingly. “It is our choices that define the future.”
I shook my head and continued crying softly, feeling remorse and was on the brink of giving up.
Why do I bother to even try if I’m already destined to fail?
“The biggest failure someone could ever have is the failure to try,” answered Lady Galadriel in my mind.
A pale, feminine hand made its way in front of me and gently caressed my cheek as if to comfort me. But I winced, backing away from her touch.
“Don’t!” I sobbed.
I looked up at her through my tears and shook my head. Lady Galadriel gazed at me with saddened eyes.
“I don’t deserve it,” I sniffled, “I’m sorry–“ I cried and started to get up on my wobbly feet, “I should have never come here.”
Giving her one last look I began to turn away and exited the courtyard. I staggered and shivered, but not from the cold. I passed Haldir and Idril who were waiting by the entrance. I averted my gaze from them, but managed to take my cloak that was in Idril’s hands.

Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
FanfictionLEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a j...