[Author's Note: If you see this, it means I have put link to music that helps me into mood as I write this chapter or one of the scenes in it. Feel free to listen to them as you read on. Let me know what you think! Happy Reading]
Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while that may be, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.
Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim. Others will see evil incarnate getting exactly what’s deserved.
A soft, velvety voice woke me gently from my slumber. I opened my eyes slowly, finding my cheek rested on Legolas’ warm back as I rode with him and the others, sans David, back to Edoras.
“We are here,” he said softly. I could hear him smile as he spoke.
Against its purpose, Legolas’ voice only served as a lullaby that lulled me back to sleep. I closed my eyes again.
“I don’t mind us staying in this position, but I’m afraid Arod would mind,” said Legolas again, this time with a light amusement in his tone. “He wants to rest like other of the horses too.”
That woke me up. I pouted at him and he chuckled at me. I smiled and let him help me dismount Arod. I patted the horse.
“Thank you, Arod,” I told the horse, despite not being sure if he understood me. The horse neighed happily. I pulled out an apple that I brought with me in my pack and feed it to the white horse.
“Arod says you’re welcome,” said Legolas with an attractive smile before dismounting the horse gracefully, like one of those Prince Charming in the fairytales I often recited to the hobbits. “He likes you.”
“You speak horse?” I said teasingly, raising my brows at him as I brushed my fingers along Arod’s neck.
Legolas smile widened, but he didn’t answer me. He patted Arod, his sharp but kind eyes trained on the horse. I watched as Legolas’ expression turned into focus as he studied the animal.
“He says you’re much lighter than the dwarf,” said Legolas, his neat brows furrowed in concentration, ignoring Gimli who overheard our conversation and huffed loudly in disapproval. I stifled a laugh.
Arod neighed as if confirming the elf’s statement. Astonished, for a moment I began to suspect that Legolas really did speak horse. My mind was blown as I watched Legolas smiled at the horse as if sharing an internal joke with the white horse.
“Arod says you should ride with me again next time,” said Legolas seriously.
“Woah…” I breathed in wonder. “You really do speak horse.”
I wish I was born an elf.
“Nay,” intercepted Aragorn who appeared behind us. “Elves have learned to sense animals’ emotions and feelings, but they do not speak horse,” said the ranger in amusement. “I believe Legolas is making that up.”
“Must you tell her, Aragorn?” protested Legolas with feigned defeat. “I was trying to impress her.” Aragorn only smiled, a hint of playfulness and confusion danced in his steely grey eyes at the elf.
I forgot that we hadn’t really told Aragorn about us.
“No, that’s okay. I’m impressed. With your acting skill that is,” I commented lightly, eliciting a collective chuckle from Legolas and Aragorn, and a guffaw from Gimli. “You had me there for a moment.”

Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
FanficLEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a j...