The human soul is hungry for beauty. We seek it everywhere – in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, love, religion, in ourselves, and in companionship. No one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the beauty of companionship, there is a sense of homecoming.
Flashes of colors and shapes skipped before my eyes.
Greens. Reds. Oranges. Blues. Neon colors.
Landscapes. Buildings. Skyscrapers.
Planes. Trains. Buses. Cars.
The Sheep Meadow is packed with people. Nothing signifies spring like the opening of the fifteen acres of green pasture in Central Park.
Friends, families, pets, all gathered down at the great lawn as they enjoyed the warm, bright, golden sunlight. Skyscraper skyline of New York City towers behind the green silhouette of the trees as people sit on the grass, relaxing, doing nothing but watch life passes by in peace.
A face of a man came into view. He was wearing his red Yankees hat backwards like a trophy.
Among the crowd and the fuse of bright, lively colors, one thing stands up the most. One thing that surpasses the brilliance of life around him.
His broad, ear to ear smile.
I opened my eyes and awoke to the dimness of my surroundings.
Sure, the sun had already been up and the sophisticated engraving found around the elvish decoration in my private talan was beautiful.
But everything was just dim and muted. Never bright enough. Unlike the dream, the memories that stuck in my mind.
I wiped the single tear that escaped my eye at the memory of my father’s smile. The longer I lived in Middle Earth, the more surreal this life had become.
Everything was backwards now; like my dream was the true world, and in here, among the mellorn trees, was the dream.
I took a deep breath and clutched my hair tightly with my both hands, wishing just for one thing: a brighter sun.
Like New York.
But everything in Arda always seemed dark and gloomy despite the broad daylight. I don’t know why.
I let go of my abused, dark golden locks and reached under my pillow. I pulled out my gun and took out the magazine, staring wistfully at the only remaining bullet I had left since the goblins attack in Moria.
“My lady. You’re awake.”
On reflex, I hid my gun and slipped it inside the rim of my pants. I turned to the beautiful elleth that had been assigned by Lady Galadriel since last night at our arrival to assist me.
“Hi,” I greeted her with a smile.
She blushed when she saw me smile and bowed her head in greetings.
“Lady Sara,” she said softly, “Did you sleep well? I’m here to escort you to the bathing pool,” she informed me, then quickly added as if in panic, “If you wish, of course.”
I tilted my head in wonder. The elleth seemed to be more than shy around me. Nervous.
“That is very kind,” I answered with a smile, “I’m still very filthy from the journey last night. I could really use a bath,” I said gratefully, getting up from the comfortable Lothlorien bed. Her eyes lit up and she smiled happily at my answer.

Thorns & Roses (Legolas Love Story)
FanfictionLEGOLAS/OC. MOVIE VERSE. Desperate to save her father, Anastasia made a grave choice and struck a deal that eventually led her to be banished to Middle Earth. In grief, she thought all that was left of her was hatred. Revenge drove her to set on a j...