Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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Skylar's POV

The past couple days have been hectic. So here's what has happened these past couple days:

●Sophie, Hayley, Rebekah, and I went back out to the bayou to get the warlocks remains.

●Klaus went to distract Marcel while we did.

●Elijah returned home.

●Agnes used a cursed object to try and kill Hayley's baby.

●Elijah tricked Davina into unlinking Sophie and Hayley before the baby almost died.

●Elijah killed Agnes.

●Rebekah left New Orleans.

And here's where wet left off after all that.

A Couple Night's Later
The Mikaelson Plantation

"Where is he? I've been trying to get a hold of him all day." Josh, one of Marcel's vampires Klaus compelled, asked. "Marcel knows that Klaus lied about where he lives."

"We're not his damn keepers, Josh." Hayley stated.

"Fine, just tell him to call me, please?" Josh asked.

"Okay, good night." I nodded closing the door.

Hayley and I walked away only for the door to be knocked on again.

"Ugh!!! What the hell Josh?!" I growled with Hayley behind me, only to open the door to Marcel.

"Hey Sky." Marcel smiled making me and Hayley frown as he looked at her. "I'm Marcel, I don't think we've met."

"No you haven't, so what are you doing here Marcel?" I asked playing it cool.

"I was wondering if Klaus was here?" Marcel asked.

"Sorry, buddy. You just missed him." I lied.

"Oh, too bad. Well you ladies have a good night." Marcel nodded with a smile.

"You too." I said smiling a tight smile before closing the door and turning to Hayley. "We are so screwed."

"We can deal with it when they boys get home, yeah?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and we headed towards the stairs. "Let's get some rest."

Hayley agreed and we went separate ways to our rooms.

I was about to get into my pajamas when I heard a creaking noise from downstairs. I quietly sneaked down the hallway when Hayley opened her door.

"What's that?" She whispered.

"Stay here, don't move until I come back or if the boys get here in a few." I whispered back before I made my way downstairs.

I scoped the whole first floor but there was nothing. I was about to head back upstairs until I felt something being stabbed into my neck, then a burning sensation until everything went black.

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