Chapter 12: Vision

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Alice's POV

I was walking into the living room where Jasper, Rosalie, and Connor were sitting when I had a vision.


"Hey, Sky." The man smiled then looked at the woman behind her. "I'm Marcel. I don't think we met."

Then it changed to Skylar and her friend being upstairs. Skylar heard something and then went downstairs.

The vision changed to Skylar and Hayley being in a truck then someone put them over his shoulders then suddenly everything went black.

End of Vision.

"Alice, what did you see?" Jasper vamped to his wife worried.

"Skylar, her and her pregnant friend has been kidnapped." I frowned.

"What?! By who?!" Rosalie asked panicked.

"I don't know. He had dark hair, veins under his brown eyes but they turned yellow." I frowned. "I have to go."

"We'll come with you." Connor said standing up.

"No, it's just gonna over whelm her if we go. She needs someone that will comfort her through anything, no matter the cause. Someone who always calms her down." I sighed.

"She needs Emmett." Rosalie said.

"I'll call him now." Jasper said walking out of the room.

"I hope she's gonna be okay." Rosalie frowned worried.

"She's a fighter, she'll overcome it." Connor assured.

"He want's to talk to you, darling." Jasper said handing me the phone.

"Emmett?" I asked taking the phone.

"Where the hell is she Alice?! Who do I need to go to?!" Emmett demanded.

"Listen to me carefully. Go to the French Quarter in New Orleans. She'll be there. But be careful there are witches and vampires everywhere. Try looking for Marcel or the Mikaelson's." I advized.

"Okay, thank you! I'm on my way there now!!!" Emmett stated then hung up.

"What do we do now?" Rosalie asked.

"We wait." I stated sitting on the couch with Jasper, waiting for her to come home safely.

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