Chapter 3-Caught Red Handed

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To show you that I couldn't give two shits about Asher, I didn't even realize that he was in the class. I treat him just like the other students, I try to ignore them as much as possible, which I was trying to do right now.

Unfortunately, blabber-mouth does not know the meaning of 'shut the hell up'. The worst part was that the desks were placed in groups of two; which meant I was glued to Asher.

GREAT, just my luck. Of all people, it had to be him! What did I do that was so bad to deserve this punishment?!

I stand there frozen, well actually I was sitting but you get the point. My feet felt heavy, like two cement blocks. Why me?

Of all people why does it always have to be Asher Brooks that comes to bug my ass. I prayed that he would not be in my class, I even made my mother go to the principal to make sure he was not in my class, I guess volunteering does not give you that advantage. What a waste of time then, right? I then stare at the ceiling and say to myself, really God, WHY?!

"Ummm... Westscott, are you just going to sit there or are you going to give me a pencil." he whispers close to me, looking back and forth to make sure the teacher does not catch us speaking. His blue eyes sparkle with anticipation.

"Why, you don't have any in that pencil case?!" I say angrily and point to the black pencil case near his binder.

"Nope." he says exaggerating the 'pe' and shaking his head. I sigh and look into my gorgeous new turquoise pencil case and find a #2 HB pencil with broken lead. I quickly take my sharpener and start to sharpen my pencil quickly.

Asher placed his arm on his desk, makes a fist to rest his head on and waits until I am done. "You know Peyton, you are actually pretty." he says while reaching to try and touch a strand of my hair.

I quickly move my hair out of his reach. I silently slam the pencil on my desk and turn my head towards him. "What are you doing?" I ask him with anger starting to boil up.

"What, I can't just state the facts?" he asks.

"Ohhh... Bullshit. Listen to me, and listen clearly, shit for brains." I whisper-scream and I see his eyes widen as he hears the name I give him.

"I am not like the other girls that just love to hear your shitty-ass compliments, got it? So stop pestering me when I have better things to do with my life than just sit here and listen to you speak out of your ass." I say, taking a breathe when I'm done.

It seems that Mr. Ash-hole is taken aback by the reply I give him, but he recovers within a second. "Ohh, aren't we feisty today?" he smiles, "I like it."

I roll my eyes and suddenly feel something, or someone to be more exact, grazing the back of my hand. "What do you think you are doing?" I say as I simply remove my hand from Asher's reach.

"Trying to touch your hand." he wiggles his eyebrows and looks at me confidently.

"Well..., stop it." Wow, Peyton of all the things you could have said, you decided to say that?! I hand Asher the sharpened pencil, and he does it on purpose to grab the entire pencil just to touch my hand just to see if I will react. To show him whose boss, I simply stare at him in the eyes and smile at him evilly, when he takes the pencil he seems displeased that I did not make a shocked facial expression.

"Your welcome." I say rather pathetically.

He smiles and shakes his head, "I am not saying 'thank you' after you called 'shit for brains'." as he says shit for brains, he mimics a high pitched voice, that I guess is supposed to be 'me'.

Even though he just pretended to act like me, it was still pretty funny. However, I bit my tongue to stop from laughing and instead, I roll my eyes and turn to my pencil case to find another pencil.

Just my luck, I gave my only pencil to the #1 douchebag of the school. I slap my palm on my forehead and curse under my breath. I feel a small thing tap me on the shoulder and turn to see Asher smiling.

"Here," giving me back my pencil "I didn't really need it, I just wanted to speak to you and bug you. Thanks."

I look at Ash with my mouth opened with nothing coming out.

He leans in towards me and lifts his hand up to my chin "Might want to close your pretty little mouth, don't want any flies entering." and he softly shuts my mouth.

"I think you should open your copybook and pretend to be listening or else Miss Knottin will go all haywire."

I could not help myself, so I giggled silently, when instantly a noise made me jump.



Hi everyone!
This is the third chapter.
What do you think is gonna happen next chapter? Who just caught Asher and Peyton?
Keep reading to find out. And for those who are rereading, please no spoilers.
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Until next time my lovelies, ta-ta for now!

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