Chapter 15-I Scream For Ice Cream

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I register what he just said and within a second I remove his arm from around my waist.

"Uh," starts the kid "it's like 6 for the girls team and 2 for the other team."

"Thank you." I say sweetly and drag Asher back to our side of the fence, but far from the dugout and more to the shaded grass. That way no one can hear or see us.

"What is your problem?" I ask seriously.

"What do you mean?" he plays dumb.

"Oh ya, it's true you have multiple," I retort "but I'm talking about the arm around my waist and the 'girlfriend' part!"

"I didn't like the way the guy was looking at you." he says like it's no big deal.

"What are you talking about? He wasn't looking at me and he's like twelve! He could date my sister for Christ's sakes!" I yell.

"Who died and made you King that gives you permission to call me your girlfriend!" I poke my finger on his chest. I'm pretty much blowing up in his face and he is taking it all in.

"But, like we kissed yesterday; three times." he says.

"Oh, so now kissing automatically makes you become boyfriend and girlfriend!" I am fuming, and I can't stop "I haven't been kissed before nor had a boyfriend and yet I still know that kissing doesn't mean you are immediately in a relationship!"

I heave a sigh and take a step back from the conversation, I realize I just screamed at him for something that he did from the goodness of his heart.

"Wait" I start to say "YOU'RE JEALOUS!"

I jump up and down.

"What? No I'm not." he says, but I know he's lying because he starts to blush.

"You totally are! But why though? Go look at all the girls that drooling and yearning for you to give them the time of day. I pretty much treat you like dirt, just saying."

"PEYTON!" he picks me up in his arms and twirls me around "You don't treat me like you dirt, you just can't deal with my stupidity. I don't want the stupid other girls, I want you. You're incredibly perfect, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're kind-er-sarcastic. And I have told you before, and I will tell you again, I'm in love with you and I'll always be. If I have to wait a lifetime to be with you, I will. I am not going to give up on you."

He gently sets me back down and holds me in his arms as he plays with the ends of my ponytail.

"You know; you sound exactly like Luke Chandler from The Last Virgin Standing." I say.

"Who? What?"

"Never mind." I say, enjoying the comfort and warmth from his hug.

"Ummm... Shouldn't you go back to the dugout to help or something." he asks.

My eyes pop open and realize I forgot about the game. Oooooh, my dad is going to strangle me!

I remove myself from Asher's arms and jog back to the dugout, where I can still hear Asher chuckling. The girls come back into the dugout from the field, to get themselves ready to go up at bat.

"Why were you talking to that boy?" Drea asks while smirking at me.

"Ya, I saw you talking to him while I was infield." asks another girl, Julia.

"What boy? I don't know what you're talking about." I try to play dumb.

"You know exactly what boy we're talking about!"

"No, I don't."

"Oh ya, then why are you blushing?" they both ask.

"I'm not blushing it's just hot outside." I start to fan myself, but I know they are not buying it.

"Whatever you say, Peyton." says Drea, clearly not believing me.

"Aren't you first up at bat, Julia?" I ask looking at the batting lineup.

"Oh shoot! I completely forgot!" she says running to get her helmet and batting gloves.

I snicker to myself and turn to see where Asher ended up. When I spot him out, he is looking at my direction giving me a two finger forehead salute.


The game finally ended and the girls won! To celebrate their last season game and their last season victory, the team got rewarded ice cream at the nearby ice-cream shop.

As we are leaving the field, my dad got a phone call.

"Yes... Uh huh... I'll will be there in forty minutes." says my dad on the phone.

"I have to go to the law firm. The judge decided to move the case a week in advance and now I have to meet with my client to discuss the situation or try to reschedule the date to another time. I'm sorry, girls." my dad says towards me and Morgan.

"It's okay, Mr. Westcott." says Asher while setting down the equipment "I could bring your girls for ice cream."

"Thank you Asher, I owe you one."

"Just spending time with Peyton is all the payment I need." he smirks while wrapping a arm around my shoulders.

"Ooh" say the girls around us.

"Okaaaay... Let's dump these bags in the trunk and let's go." I say removing his arm from around my shoulders.


On our way to the ice cream parlour, I got an earful of questions from none other than my sister.

"Are you guys dating? Did you guys kiss? When are you guys getting married? Can I make the wedding invitations? Can I be the maid of honour?..."

"No. Not telling. Never. Not a chance. And, maybe in another lifetime." I answer all her questions.

However, Asher has his own responses to these questions.

"Hopefully. Yup, one too many times. Not until a long time. Sure, whatever you want. That's your sister's choice." he smirks.

I glare at the side of his face and yet he still laughs because he knows what I'm doing.


We arrive at the ice cream parlour and we can see the rest of the team lurking through the store window, all giggling and smiling. We step in the shop and the cool air conditioning washes over me and begins to soothe me.

I get to order my ice cream and wait until Morgan does as well, but I realize that I didn't bring any money with me. Asher steps in and orders as well and hands the worker some money to pay for the orders.

"Thank you." I say sheepishly "I will pay you back when we get home."

"Pay me back by going on another date with me." he says seriously.

"Oh... Umm..." I swallow and start to speak again "Okay."

How the hell was I supposed to answer that?!

I get all giddy and excited, but I realize who I'm talking to again and push away those thoughts.

We get our ice creams and go and sit at a booth near a window. Chairs drag across the floor to our table and I can sense people sitting right in back of me. I close my eyes and reopen them to see little purple blobs.

Oh wait, those aren't blobs; those are the girls wearing their purple baseball jerseys.

Of course, what did I expect. This was going to be "fun"...



Hello, my lovelies!
Hope you liked the chapter.
Sorry it wasn't much to "write home about", but I promise the next will be interesting.
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Until next time, ta-ta for now!

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