Chapter 5-The Apology

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When I returned back to class, I sat right back down at my seat and that's when I realized Asher was not sitting next to me anymore.

"Miss Westscott," replies the teacher.

I flinch, thinking she was going to scold me again. "Yes?" I respond almost close to a whisper.

"May I have a word with you in the hall?" she continued.

I simply nod my head and we step out of the class.

Miss Knottin leaves the door slightly ajar, so that she will be able to hear if it becomes noisy in class. She then looks at me and says "Peyton, I would like to apologize for scolding you. I didn't realize it was Mr. Brooks that was only asking for a pencil. He told me and cleared everything up."

When Miss Knottin finished, I just stood there with my mouth open. I noded my head and we reentered the class.

As I was walking to my seat, I scoped out the class of greasy haired teens and looked for Asher. I finally found him at the back of the class, writing down something. When he looked up, he saw me and gave me a little wave. I smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' and went back to my seat.

The class seemed to go on forever the bell didn't seem to want to ring.


As soon as the bell did ring, I quickly packed up my books and ran out of the class before Asher could catch up to me.

When I made it to my locker, I saw him leaning on my locker waiting for me. Don't ask me how he made it to my locker before I did, I honestly don't know. He was staring at the floor or his shoes, one of those but I couldn't care less which it was.

As I was approaching he lifts his head and stands up a bit straighter. I pretended he was invisible and just pushed him out of the way and turned my lock. I don't have time to chit-chat and be late for Spanish.

Three times past zero... straight to 19... turn past zero once... straight to 32... and right to 27. I pull at my lock and the link separates, I open my locker door and put my English books away and pull out Spanish copybook and workbook.

"Hey Peyton, I just wanted to say sorry for making you cry..."

I cut him off and just say "No biggie, it's all good." I shrug and close my locker softly, hearing the built in lock click shut.

I turn on my heels and start speed walking towards Spanish class, room 310, which was not too far away. Thank goodness we have six minutes of passing time. I hear loud footsteps trailing behind me and I know it's Ash without looking behind me.

He catches up to me and starts to smirk when I turn to my left and look at him. I pick up the pace and finally make it to class. I choose a spot and lay my books on the desk to finally sit down.

In walks Mr. Douchebag and searches for someone particular; ME. When he finally sees me, he makes a beeline towards my desk. Thankfully, the seat beside me was already taken by Toby.

Asher is right beside my desk and turns toward Toby "Beat it, twerp" he growls.

Poor Toby.

He stands up but I hold on to his arm and push him down "SIT".

Asher does not give up and slaps the palm of his hand on the desk scaring Toby, and me included, "I SAID MOVE!"

Without another word, Toby runs away from us and settles down at another desk at the other side of the class.

Pleased, Asher takes the seat and places his books down on the desk. "Since I can't sit next to you in English, I can sit next to you in Spanish." he says with glee.

I roll my eyes "Hopefully, if you play your cards right, you won't be sitting next to me for long. You know, like in first period. Or did you forget already." I bat my eyelashes flirtatiously and giggle with laughter.

Asher simply shakes his head and smirks.

The second period bell rings and in walks our Spanish teacher while closing the door behind him.

Señor González introduces himself to the class, even though we have had him for already three years. He is a sweet old man, bald and loves apples. He always seems to have one in his hand or on his desk, which is full of useless papers.

"Buenas días, (Good morning)" says Señor González excitedly.

"Buenas días (Good morning)" responds the class in monotone voices.

Señor González walks toward the front of the class. He stops in front of a paper folder hung on the wall near the blackboard. He pulls out a piece of paper which was obviously our class list.

Señor González starts to call on the students names and make a little check mark if they are here. When he is finally done, he looks around the class to see who should bring down the little yellow slip. Like a rocket, Asher shoots up his hand and waves it violently trying to get the teacher's attention.

Señor González looks down and sighs. He mumbles a few words under his breath and shakes his head lightly, then he looks back up.

"Okay, Okay. Brooks you can go... with Westscott." says the teacher.


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