Chapter 7-Kiss Me

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"Nah, you are going to love the movie." I reply smiling.

We walk to my locker to put my books away. When I unlock my locker, I put down my books in the shelves and take my wallet and phone.

"Westscott," Asher begins to say.

"Yes, Brooks?"

"Do you want to sit with me or something? Like for lunch." he asks rubbing the back of his head.

I laugh at how shy he is being which is definitely not the Asher Brooks I know.

"Well, I don't know. I don't feel like listening to your buddies talk out of their ass, there is already an ear-full coming from you all the time." I say sarcastically.

"Blah-blah-blah." Asher rolls his eyes and uses his hand as if it is speaking moving his fingers up and down.

"We can go sit outside by the football field if you want." he asks once he becomes serious.

"Okay, but can we go to the caf first?" I ask raising my wallet.

"Hey, hey, hey. Did you forget about me? I have to put these useless books away too!"

"Okay, My Lord. Don't get your panties in a bundle." I laugh while rolling my eyes. We walk through the hallways alone and stop until we get to Asher's locker. He opens his locker and instantly a few papers fall out.

I scrunch up my nose "It's only the first day of school and your locker is already a mess." I shake my head disapprovingly and lean next to the lockers.

"Not everyone is all neat and perfect like someone I know." he points a finger at me and moves it up and down.

"Yada-yada" I take my hand and pretend it is someone talking. "Just hurry up, I think the people from France could hear my stomach grumble." I clutch my stomach and make a face. And all I could hear is chuckling coming from Mr. Shit-For-Brains.

"You think this is funny?" I ask, standing my full height and crossing my arms. I must have looked funny because Asher at that moment barks out a laugh that you could hear from the end of the hallway. I stare at him making him know that I was going to lunge at his throat any moment now, but all he does is walk right up to me and pat my head like a dog.

"Ahh, no. I'm laughing because you think you're taller than you actually are."

"Get your greasy man hands off my head!" I scream slapping his forearm from my head. He continued to laugh and I wait until he is done. "'You done or should I wait until you have finally come back to your senses. Not like you have much." I mumble the last bit and start to walk off.

"Nah-nah-nah" I hear from behind me and suddenly there are loud exaggerated footsteps coming closer and closer to me.

"What? Can't you see that I dying over here. I'm STARVING." I gotta admit, I was a bit over dramatic, but this is my life. Deal with it.

Asher rolls his eyes and replies "Oh come on. I defended you in class today you owe me one." He lifts his index finger in the air. Does this kid seriously think I am stupid?

"Excuse me," I reply "If I remember correctly, I have to go to the movies with you. Or is it just my imagination?" I cross my arms over my chest and stand there with a glare on my face.

"I think you are hallucinating. You were begging me to go to the movies with me. You were practically on your hands and knees. Asher, Asher. Please come to the movies with me. Please. You are the most handsome guy I've ever met."

As he says this, he puts his hands together and leans his head against them batting his eyelashes. I think this kid is down right unstable, I should call the mental institute and have them take his away and put him into a straightjacket!

"Are you retarded? Did you hit your head recently?" I shake my head and continue to walk away. "And what is with this squeaky high pitched voice that you do? Are you trying to sound like me, 'cuz boy you definitely should get you ears checked. I definitely do not sound like a choking hyena." I laugh at the last bit and start to walk off.

"Okay, calm down. I was only joking." Asher starts to chuckle and pulls my arm towards him. I am yanked back towards him and my face is just centimetres from his. His breathing his low and husky. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even move away from him.

His eyes were glued to mine, his hand on the middle of my back. The space between us is closing in, his head is moving towards mine barely giving me any time to think, his eyes are closed. I was frozen, I couldn't lift my palm to block him, I couldn't speak and just say stop. Nothing; absolutely nothing. I stood there with anxiety and stress, not knowing what was going to happen. Millimetres away from my face now and BOOM!

His lips came together with mine, making a perfect fit. He kissed me gently like I was fragile to the touch. I lifted my hands to his head and held his hair lightly in my hands. I felt like I was seeing this outside of my own body.

I had no control of my movements, it was like a puppeteer was pulling at the strings connected to my limbs making me move. His hands held on to my waist not letting me go for a second. I held his face lightly, grazing my fingertips against his jawline.

The kiss sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps up my arms. After a while, he pulled back looking at my eyes intensely. He smiled at me while pushing back a strand of hair over my ear. I still couldn't breathe and I just looked at him with probably a bewildered expression on my face.

He frees me from his grasp and I need to lean on a wall of lockers to catch my breathe. I stare down to the floor looking at my feet. I try to rewind the last minute, to figure out what I just did. Did I just kiss Asher?! What just happened! My head feels like it's spinning a hundred miles per hour on with no end. I start to take deep breaths.

He kissed me! Asher Brooks took my first kiss!

Now I was fuming, steam was coming out of my nose and ears. How could he! He had no right to kiss me! I look up and see him just staring at me, scratching the back of his head.

"Well..." he starts to say.

"WELL! You just kissed me without my permission! And all that you have to say is, well!" I hiss, clenching and unclenching my fists.


Hey my lovelies!
Sorry it's been so long, I was packed with projects and tests and its only the first two months of school. *cries for help*
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Until next time, ta-ta for now!

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