Chapter 8-Running Away

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"Peyton..." he starts to say. There's a first, never heard him call me Peyton before. "What?!" I say sharply. His mouth shuts immediately when I snap at him.  He looks like a little puppy that has just been scolded for peeing on the carpet.

Ahh, boo hoo. I thought, as if I gave a damn.

He takes a step forward and I take a step backward.  "I didn't mean to...  I thought you wanted to kiss me the same way I felt... I'm sorry.  GOD, why am I so stupid." he mumbles and shouts and all I could do is watch him.  I see him kick his foot on the floor and look down.

"You, took away my... my first kiss." I mumble looking up at him after.  I felt emotionless, blank, and I probably looked like it too.

As he registers what I told him his eyes bulge out of his head.  "No, Peyton.  No!" he starts to walk towards me.

But I didn't want to see him no more.  I simply turned away from him and walked through the hallway, not looking back.  "PEYTON!"  I hear him yell from behind me, but I don't turn back for a second.

I don't hear footsteps coming towards me. I turn to the right and find my way to the cafeteria, buying myself a lunch and drink. I leave the caf and continue to walk until the end of the hallway to a door that leads to the library. I quietly open the door, walking in and closing it behind me. I nod towards the librarian sitting behind her desk with her nose in a book.

She looks at me and smiles sweetly and goes back to her book. I walk to the back of the room where there is a secluded area with a table and chairs hidden by bookshelves. I place my lunch tray on the table and push back a chair to sit in.

I unravel my earphones that are plugged into my phone.  I place one by one in my ear and play my music. I turn up the volume as loud as I can and close my eyes for a second. I finally open them again, looking at my cafeteria lunch and eat in peace. I tap my foot to the music and bob my head... "You call me up, Its like a broken record, saying that your hearts hurts..."

Asher's POV:

I curse myself for being so stupid, for being so irritating. I sit in the hallway banging my head against the metal lockers, asking myself why I am the way I am.

I should have ran after her and held her in my arms.

I shouldn't have kissed her in the first place, but I couldn't help it.

She looked at me differently while leaning there on my arm. She didn't look at me just like the pesky boy that's she has known since she was little.  Her brown and blue hair that I can't help but touch, her captivating brown eyes full of curiosity. I took her first kiss?!

What is wrong with me?  Do I like Peyton, the girl that has been living in front of me since I can remember; the girl that pants me in front of the tourists as revenge to ruining her sandcastles?

Even if I do, she probably doesn't like me, right? Why would she? I haven't treated her any better. I don't blame her if she doesn't want to talk to me.  Irritated by hearing my own thoughts, I bang my head on the dull blue lockers.

Shaking my head trying to forget how disappointed she looked after I kissed her. Trying to forget how embarrassed I feel now taking away her first kiss!

GOD! She is right-I AM an Ash-hole

I take my phone and look at the time 12:10, it glows. My eyes lower to the background, my ten year old self with cake all over my face with Peyton and her pigtails laughing, playing with cake on her fingers.

My tenth birthday where she smashed my piece of cake in my face. I smile thinking back at the memory, I don't think I ever laughed as much as I did then. I'm thankful no one sees my phone, or else I would never hear the end of it from the guys.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked to the doors of the student entrance. I open the door and walk towards the little store down the street from the school. I walk in and hear a little bell ring over my head. I walk towards the snack section and through the aisle looking for what I needed. I stop when I find it-Salt and Vinegar potato chips.

This better work. I mumble to myself and walk to the cashiers. I pay for the chips and walk back out.

I sprint back to school and enter the hallway I was in just a few minutes ago. I walk to the other end and open the library door, hey I never thought I would come in here before!

I guess I could cross this off my bucket list. I stop in front of the librarian and wait until she looks up to me.

"Umm...," I start to say "Did you see a pretty girl with brown and blue hair walk in here?"

"Uh-huh" says the lady.

"Do you know where she went?" I ask.

"She went all the way to the back in the more secluded area of the library." she replies to my question and smiles.

"Thanks" I nod and walk to where she said she might be. I hear the librarian mumble your welcome behind me, but I don't turn back.

Finally, as I go towards the back, I see her eating all alone listening to music. I stay there for a moment and watch her every move. I quickly snap out of my daze and walk up to her. I pull the chair out next to her and take a seat.

Her eyes flick open and she sees me. She just glares at me and turns the other way. I roll my eyes and shake my head and move to be in front of her. I hold out the chips in my hand and I pull out her earplugs.

"I got these for you, 'cuz I know how much you like them. I don't understand why you like them so much, but I remembered they were your favourites." I say.

She simply looks at me and snatches the bag from my hand when I was not expecting it. She opens the bag, takes a few in her hand and pops them in her mouth, one by one.

"I just wanna say sorry for being an ass before, and every time."  I say staring into her eyes. She gives me a side glance and before I know it she is smirking.

"Hey, it's okay.  You only took my first kiss, no big deal."  I can hear the sarcasm from her sentence from a mile away.

"I just felt like something was attracting me to you..." I finish my sentence in a whisper, not looking at her in the eyes.

I lean onto the table and watch her stand up to her full height, not like it's much. She stands in front of me and looks at me for a second. Suddenly, she grabs me by the front of my vest and tugs me toward her. She quints her eyes into focus and smirks at me, what is she thinking?

"You stole a kiss from, I'll steal one back." she says smiling mischievously. She yanks my collar farther towards her and smashes her lips against mine. I hold her in place with my hands and I don't let her go.



Hey my lovelies!
Sorry it's been so long, I was packed with projects and tests and its only the first two months of school. *cries for help*
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Until next time my lovelies!
Ta-ta for now!

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