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Sabrina POV

I frantically slap my hand all over my nightstand, hoping for a chance I might get my stupid alarm clock to shut up.  Once I succeed, I realize that it's nearly seven AM, though I vividly remember setting it for six.  I scramble out of bed.  As quickly as possible, I put on a pair of jeans, a t short, a jacket, slip on a pair of flats and scurry off to my bathroom.  I snatch a rubber band off the counter, tangling it into my hair, creating a messy pony tail.  I eye my eyeshadow brush laying out in the open, but don't bother to use it.  I have left makeup for Daphne to explore. 

I skip breakfast, and hurry out the door to catch my bus.  Seeing as it has already left, I groan and stomp back to my petit sized house. 

"Mom!" I holler up the stair.  I short women with raven black hair appears beside the banister.  I give her a guilty smile as she rolls her eyes.  "Give me like, 10 seconds," she sputters, and sure enough, she's ready to go in the blink of an eye. 

The car ride to school was silent, aside from the quiet Taylor Swift music  playing through my mom's speakers.  She waves goodbye as a slide out of her car.  "Don't get pregnant," she groans tiredly she as starts up the car again.  I give her a 'really mom?' look as she drives away. 

Daphne had decided to stay home today, for yesterday she had thrown up basically everywhere.  Though it's not like I missed her stupid puns as we walk to our classes.  Those got old about two years ago.  Daphne's all grown up now.  Today would be her first day of seventh grade, as today is my first day of eleventh grade, which is not my favorite idea in the world right now.

I unlock my locker, hurling my unneeded textbooks in there.  I feel my phone buzz through my pocket.  I pull it out, expecting to see something from my mom or Daphne, but find Puck has texted my for the first time in the past two days.  I grunt as a swipe to open his message. 

Puck:  are you busy

Me: Yes

Puck: with what

Me: School you jack wagon

Puck: right. but I thought that started in like, 2 weeks

Me: Well, you were wrong.  Now leave me alone

Puck: wait hold on

Me: What?

Puck:  how come your school is so much bigger than mine?

I pause, realizing there was no way in hell he would know such a thing, for he was in a completely different country, exploring the world with my wack job uncle.  I slowing turn my head towards the front door of the school, right down the hall from where I stand, to find my only friend leaning against the wall looking an awful lot like he had just spent ten hours on a plane.  I drop my backpack, hurrying towards him.  I practically jump into his arms, causing him to almost fall over. 

"You're back!" I exclaim.  "You don't say, Grimm," he spits sarcastically.  I giggle like a giddy little girl, wrapping him in one more hug.

"How come you didn't tell me you were coming back?" I ask excitedly. "Because I wanted to surprise you, duh," he mutters. I smile. "Anyway," I start. "I gotta get to class." He frowns. "See you when you get out then I suppose?" he asks. I nod. He smiles and walk right back out the front doors.

I power through the day. I can hardly wait until the end. Once I reach sixth period, I plop myself down into a desk, pulling out the books I need. The teachers starts talking and I do my very best to pay attention, though the time just isn't moving fast enough. I feels like an eternity had passed by the time the class was finished. I groan, lifting myself up out of my seat. I head off into the direction of my locker. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Puck that I've finished my last class.

Me: I'm done with class now, are you here?

Puck: um, sure

Me: Really?

Puck: the least you could do was tell me when you got out

Me: The least you could do was just ask me

Puck: i'll be there in 5

I roll my eyes. He's a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Six hundred years later, I find myself crawling into Puck's car. I sling my backpack into the back seat, watching it splat against the headrest.

"I distinctly remember you saying five minutes," I say with a harsh tone. "I did," he casually replies. I cringe. "I was waiting at my locker for a millennium." He shrugs. "Sucks to be you." I reached over and slap his head. "Ow, you bitch," he says as he attempts to dodge my next hit. "Don't call me a bitch. You're the one who left me waiting for as long as you've been alive," I tell him. "I will have you know I am not five minutes old!" he snaps back with a humorous smile on his face. I dramatically gasp. "Son of bitch," I mutter. "What did you say about my mom?" he pretends to be offended. "I said your mom's a bitch!" I yell. He laughs. "Well you're not wrong."

I smile. I was happy he was back.


I'm basically Cinderella. 

This is really what my pathetic life has come to.   My two siblings spoiled rotten by my parents, (more specifically my mother) and I'm pretty much treated like a useless piece of shit. 

Every since I decided I didn't want to be like the rest of my stupid family, everybody hates me.  Who am I kidding though? They've always hated me.  I'm the one to fuck everything up.  I'm the screw up. 

I crawl into my bed.  I sigh as it dawned to me I haven't eaten any food at all today.  I shrug it off, rolling over into my side, hoping I would fall asleep before I starve to death.  My eyes slowly close, and I can feel myself falling asleep.  Seconds later, I hear a faint tap on my door.  I chose to ignore it, thinking it's just the old house.  But then I hear it again.  I groan, tossing the blanket onto the floor.  I slither out of my bed and walk over to my door.  I swing it open to find Puck lingering outside of it. 

"Can I help you?" I ask him tiredly.  "Yes," he remarks, pushing me inside.  He presses his lips to mine and wraps his arms around my waist.  I wrap mine around his neck, kicking out my leg to close the door all the way. 

"What is this?" I ask him once I finally get the chance to breathe.  "A present," he whispers, shoving me onto my bed.  I let out laugh as he joins me.  We lay there for a few minutes in comfortable silence.  Then he turns his head towards me. 

"Your sister is going to shit herself," he says.  I giggle.  "Who says she has to know?" I reply.  Puck shrugs.  "You know she'll find out eventually," he tells me.  I nod, agreeing with him.  "I'm okay with that," I say after a few moments of quiet.  "You sure" he asks, and I nod.  "Yeah, I'm positive," I say, crawling on top of him.  He laughs.  "Shut up, or someone will hear you!" I threaten him.  "Then we won't have to worry about Daphne finding out," he says.  "Touché fairy boy," I snicker, then kiss him once more.

A/N:  Yay, first chapter!  1291 words, which I believe is pretty good.  Second chapter is posted👌


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