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A/N:  So um some of you may want to skip this chapter.  Don't worry, you're not missing any important info, I was just bored and wanted to spice it up a bit.  If you're younger than like 13, go ahead and just wait till I post the next one Lol🤪

Daphne POV

Okay. So today is the day I tell Sabrina my secret. I've been procrastinating.  I silently slip out of my room and walk down the hall towards my sister's door.  I quietly knock, and return I get no answer.  I groan, knocking slightly louder.  It's then followed by loud noises and bangs. 

Ten seconds later, Sabrina throws open her bedroom door with a stupid smile on her face.  Her hair is a mess and her shirt's all crinkled and her sweatpants are not secured around her waist properly.  I cringe.  Puck laying on Sabrina's bed, completely wrapped up in her blankets. 

"Am I interrupting something," I ask, just the slightest bit uncomfortable.  Sabrina shakes her head vigorously.  "Nope." I sigh.  "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask her.  She nods, stepping out of her room and closing her door behind her.

"What's up?" she asks enthusiastically.  I can tell she's trying to cover up her embarrassment. "So ya know how you're like...pregnant?" I sputter.  She laughs.  "No? What? I'm pregnant?!" she rolls her eyes.  I laugh nervously at her sudden sarcasm.  "Well...a few days ago I kinda up your uh...symptoms?" I spit out my next sentence, and frown when it came out as a question.  Sabrina nods, crossing her arms.  "Aaaannnndddd pretty much I knew the whole time you were preggo but I didn't wanna say anything because I wasn't one hundred percent sure so I just kinda kept it all to myself and my plan was to tell you right away but like I said I wasn't completely sure and I didn't want you to freak out but now you're probably really mad at me an—"

"Daphne, shut up a second! Jesus Christ child," Sabrina cut off my blabbering.  "I don't care if you knew the whole time.  I'm pregnant and nothing could have prevented it," Sabrina told me.  "Well, there is one thing that could have prev—"

"Zip it," Sabrina slapped her hand over my mouth.  Sabrina silently slipped back into her room. 

Thank God she wasn't mad. 

Sabrina POV

I silently slipped back into my room.  Puck was still laying there on my bed shirtless with a bag of popcorn scrolling through his phone. 

"What did she want?" Puck asked, tossing aside his phone.  "Nothing, just stupid stuff," I say as I remove my shirt.  I catch a glimpse of Puck's smirk.  "Come here," he says, holding out his arms for a hug.  I climb into bed with his and he wraps his arms around me. 
I weasel myself out of my loose sweatpants and begin working at unbuttoning his jeans.  I tug them off of him and toss them aside.  I press my body firmly against his and I feel the clasp of my bra come undone. 

"Baby," I moan and his hands trail down towards my underwear.  I run my hands down his chest as I lightly nibble on his neck.  He slowly starts to remove my underwear and I kick them off onto the floor and I get to work on his.  He pulls me on top of him, and I moan once more from the tight feeling. 

He lightly pushes me off him, so that way now he's on top of me.  I let out another moan as he moves in such a way it makes me wanna scream.  He leans down and kisses my neck. 

"You won't be walking after this," he whispers to me.  I giggle.  He's good.  He's really fucking good.  He grabs my arms and places them over my head, holding them there so I can't move. 

"You can go a bit harder than that," I laugh. He smirks, listening to what I tell him.  However I think he missed the 'bit' part because he went a lot harder and I actually ended up screaming. 

"Shit," Puck laughs, stopping himself.  "I said a bit you dickhead!" I slap his shoulder.  "I didn't know you were gonna do that!" He lets go of my arms and I pull his head towards my mine. 

"Kiss me," I whisper, my hands placed firmly around his neck.  He presses his lips hard against mine.  "If I do this are you gonna scream?" he asks, pushing two of his fingers where I most definitely might scream.  I quietly squeal.  "Shhh," he whispers, placing his lips against the skin of my neck again.  He pushes his fingers a little bit harder inside of me.  I let out a cry as he adds another.  He gave up on being nice to me and now I am in for one hell of a hickie. 

"Did I mention I'm pregnant?" I whimper.  "Oh yeah.  That," he pulls his fingers out of me and places them directly in his mouth.  "Damn you taste good," he says, sliding off my bed.  "Now I'm really going to have twins," I mutter.  Puck laughs as he begins putting his clothes back on.  I however, lay naked in my bed, not wanting to move. 

"You gonna get dressed?" he asks.  I smile and shrug.  "Maybe."  He smiles back at me.  "That's right," Puck says.  "You can't walk," he teases.  "Shut up!" I groan, rolling out of bed.  "You didn't fuck me that long.  I can walk perfectly fine," I inform him.  He rolls his eyes.  "Okay then."

A/N: Childhood ruined.

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