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Puck POV

I stare at her for a while longer. 

"I love you too," I whisper back, lighting pressing my lips to hers.  About five seconds later, my mother's voice sounds from downstairs. 

"Robin, honey, I'm leaving!" she yells at me.  I roll out of Grimm's bed, not forgetting to grab a shirt on my way out. I head downstairs. My mother embraces me with a small hug. 

"Where is you're girlfriend?" she asks me.  "Upstairs, in her room," I reply hesitantly.  "Which door?" she asks.  "Second door on the left, why?" I ask her.  She ignores my question and next thing I know she's already gone up the stairs.  I look back at Veronica and give her a small smile and I walk around into the kitchen.   Hopefully she won't kill her. 

Sabrina POV
I roll my eyes as Puck leaves his room. It was perfect moment and Titania had to ruin it. I slide off my bed, grabbing a shirt and a pair of shorts to put on. After I finish changing, I hear a faint knock on my door. Thinking it's Red or Daphne, I toss it open, but to find Titania standing there looking a whole lot like Jennifer Lopez. She really fucking looks like Jennifer Lopez.

"Sabrina, darling, can I talk to you for a second?" she asks politely, inviting herself into my room. She quietly closes the door behind her. "Yeah sure," I respond and take a few steps back. "Listen sweetie, I need you to do something for me," she says. I nod. "What do you need?" I ask her. "Can you just do me a favor and take of Puck? He has some issues that need to be addressed, and I'm leaving for Malibu on Tuesday," she explains.  Though I'm not sure what issues Puck has, I nod my head, silently telling her I'm going to take care of him like she told me too. 


The rest of the day went by fairly quickly.  After Titania left, Puck and I took Daphne and Basil to the park.  Then we came home and had lunch, and then we watched some American Horror Story, which was when I learned that that show is not something you watch with other people, let alone a twelve year old girl, and then we ate dinner.  

Luckily, Granny Relda doesn't cook for this family anymore, so the food is perfectly normal.  Half way through dinner, Puck made a joke about maternity clothing and mom threw a fork at him.  I'm pretty sure that's the last time something like that is going to occur.  Puck's sweet and all, but he's still learning to be respectful. 

I'm currently trying to contact my screwball uncle, Jacob.  I think I've been at it for an hour, and by about nine thirty,  Puck entered my room. 

"Hey Grimm," he quietly greets me.  I look up and smile at him sweetly.  He kisses me on the forehead.  I toss my phone to the side as Puck climbs onto my bed.  He wraps both his arms around me and pulls me on top of him.  The lower half of my body rests between his legs and we stay like that for about five minutes before I drift off to sleep.


Puck POV

Sabrina I love you, but it would have been great if you told me that I had to get up at SIX IN THE MORNING.  FUCKING HELL.   And it doesn't help that the miniature pig version of Sabrina ate all the food.  I sat on the couch and waited for Grimm to come downstairs so I can drive her to school. 

"Hurry up, Grimm, It's almost seven!" I yell up the stairs. Moments later Sabrina's adorable self hops down the stairs. She's dressed in gray legging (that make her ass look amazing if you ask me) and floral gray shirt that looks like it's sized to fit Daphne.

"Can I ask you a question?" I say to her after she give me a hug. "You just did," she mutters as she stuffs a cookie in her mouth. I flick her head and she throws the rest of her cookie at me. "Yeah go for it, fairy boy," she says. "When does school start for you?" I ask. "That's a stupid question," she remarks, and somehow another cookie appears in her hand. "Do you have a stupid answer?" I ask, pulling her in for another hug, because, you know, just in case she forgot I love her. "It started last Friday," she muffles into my chest. I kiss her head, take her hand, and lead her to my car.

The reason I asked Sabrina when her school stated was because I felt like the schools in Australia started a lot sooner, and they definitely didn't start at seven fifteen in the morning.  Or maybe they did.  Whatever.

My schedule is roughly the same as Sabrina's.  The only difference is that we're in different math classes and she has biology for sixth period and I have English.  I enter my first period class, which is social studies, and sit down next to Sabrina.  I personally consider myself excelled in this class, mainly because I've been around a little bit longer than everyone else in this room, including Sabrina. 

Of course, I had a bit of catching up to do, but the class was pretty easy.  At least for me. 

"When did World War Two end?" Sabrina's "friend" whispered to her.  "Fucking hell, I'm not Jesus.  Ask Ms. Sanders," Sabrina replied, which made me choke on my saliva.  It was then that Sabrina's "friend" noticed my presence.  "Who are you?" she asked.  I looked up to face her.  "Robin," I said sheepishly.  "Cool," she muttered, turning her attention back to the teacher. 

My second period class, math, was boring as all bloody hell, but it passed by pretty quickly, as did the rest of the day.  Next thing I knew, I was already home. 

After eating food, Sabrina dragged me upstairs and into her room.  She closed the door behind her, shoving me against it.  She smashed her lips on mine and I grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the bed.  We made out for a solid ten minutes.  By then it was already four o'clock. 

"What do you wanna do?" Sabrina asks, meanwhile laying on my chest.  "Come here," I whisper to her.  She laughs.  "I am here."  "No you're there, come here," I say, tugging at her shirt.  As if reading my mind, she pulls in over her head, then tosses it on the ground.  I slowly pull down her pants, letting them fall onto the floor, alongside Sabrina's shirt.  I let out a snort as she attempts to remove my sweater, but fails miserably.  I pull it over my head, as well as my shirt.  Sabrina climbs on top of me and lightly kisses my lips.  I kiss her back, as she unzips my jeans.  She tugs them off of me, and pulls my arm, so that way I'm on top of her. 

"I love you," I whisper into her ear.

"I love you too," she says, kissing my neck. 

A/N: "and mom threw a fork at him" was probably my favorite line.  I feel like this chapter was pretty boring, but I did my best to fit in some humorous lines.  Also, shout out to gizzle247 for making me hurry my ass up to update the next chapter.  Until next time my dudes👌

(Btw, ww2 ended in 1945)

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