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A/N: WARNING: This chapter gets a little intense towards the end. Viewer discretion is advised.

Puck POV


I hate Sundays.

Because you know you're just trying to enjoy your weekend, but your mind is overwhelmed with the thought that you have school tomorrow.

Although, I am not entirely upset about school tomorrow. I am officially joining Grimm's school, which is pretty exciting. Grimm tells me that her school is pretty laid back. Not too many bitchy people, not too much classwork and homework. That's nothing compared to the school I went to in Australia. I swear to God, there was a new book to read every other day.

Because of the amount of shit we had to do for school, I never really got into a lot of sporty stuff. I mean, I honestly don't give two fucks because I never really was a very sporty person. I like food, I like sleep, I like Grimm, and that's about it.

However I'm not totally out of shape. I did do some running and some working out with Grimm's uncle. But since I've moved back in with Grimm, all I've done is eat, sleep, and make out with her.

To be honest, at first, I didn't really know what to think about making out with my innocent little Grimm. I mean, I made the first move, and she seemed okay with it. But now, it feels like it's a normal thing that we do. Veronica knows I sleep in the same bed with Grimm, but I'm now sure she's aware of our late night kissing sessions.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I roll off Grimm's bed and hop down the stairs. I open he front door to face my mother.

"Oh, hi honey," my mother greets. I smile. "Hi mom, what are you doing here?" I ask. "Well I heard Jacob dropped you off back in town so I decided to come and visit," she explains. I step out of the way so she can enter the house. Her stiletto heels make contact with the hardwood floor, creating a loud clicking noise.

She enters the living room, lightly placing her Versace handbag down on the floor. She takes a seat on Veronica's leather couch.

"It reeks of Veronica Grimm in here," she sighs quietly. I chuckle at her snooty comment, taking a seat across from her.

The room in suddenly filled with the presence of my beloved Grimm. She waves hello to my mother, who returns a small smile. My mother always acted like she didn't like the Grimm family, but I knew she secretly adored them for many reasons. One being the whole family is actually together, the father isn't dead or anything. Another reason being Veronica really helped my family when they needed it the most.

"Speak of the Devil," I mutter to myself as Grimm's mother enters the room. My mother lifts herself off the chair to greet Veronica, which turns into some kind of awkward hug. Grimm looks at me with humor in her eyes, and I snicker quietly. Grimm walks over, sitting down next to me. She leans her head over on my shoulder. I smile. She is so adorable.

Grimm and I remain seated in our same position as our mothers converse quietly among themselves. About ten minutes pass, and I nudge Grimm with my shoulder, gesturing to the upstairs. She smiles as I grab her hand, dragging her to her room with me.

Once our destination is reached, I silently close the door behind me. Then I take Grimm by her hips, pulling her towards me. She giggles as I kiss her neck. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I host her up, letting her wrap her legs around my stomach. My lips move against hers, and I slowly lower her onto the bed. I climb on top of her and continue kissing her.

This last for maybe five more minutes before she decides she wants more. I know this because suddenly her shirt is no longer attached to her, and she's working at tugging her pants off. After she's finished undressing, she tugs at my shirt, silently telling me she wants it gone as well. Without hesitation, I yank it over my head. Grimm quickly hops back on top of me, shoving her tongue into my mouth. I let out a moan as she presses her body harder against mine. I let her sink in between my legs, which causes me to let out another low moan. She giggles, realizing the effect she has on me.

Grimm continues to press her body harder against mine. Then without thinking, I push her off of me. She lets out a laugh, before I position myself entirely on top of her. This time the kiss is a little more intense. She moves her lips more forcefully, causing it to hurt a little bit. I attempt to unclip her bra, but she grabs my arm and slings it to the side. I laugh a little, and then let her climb back on top of me.

I am being completely honest here, I could not wish for anything better than this. This is literally perfect. She is perfect. Everything is perfect.

I mentally thank Jesus that Henry took Daphne and Basil to the park, for this went a little farther than I intended it to, but I am totally okay with it.

Grimm's lips slowly depart from mine, migrating down towards my neck.

"Try not to bite too hard, we have school tomorrow," I whisper to her. She laughs and returns her mouth back to mine. I wrap my arms around her, so that way it's more like a hug. She continues kissing me and I run my hands along her body. She giggles as I squeeze her thighs. She runs her figures through my hair, touching my nose with hers. We go back to kissing. I keep my hands on her thighs and she keeps hers in my hair.

No more than two minutes later, she stops kissing me. She removes her hands from my hair and place them on my shoulders, and I keep mine clutched onto her thighs. Sabrina looks me dead in the eye, and I am confused for just a few seconds before she speaks.

"I love you."

A/N: 1048 words. Hey, we got some reads, not very many, but some. Next chapter should be posted some time this week.

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