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Sabrina POV

Today I decided that I was able to go back to school.   Red told me that I should stay home until I was sure I was completely normal again, but I don't need a shit load of homework due the next day.

Puck drove me to school, like he always does.  After the short drive, we climbed out of his car and were greeted by Cora.

"Where have you been, Sabrina?" Cora asked, however she sounded quite annoyed.  "Um, sick," I answered.  "Iv'e been meaning to ask you about what happened on Monday.  You know? With the LEAVING ME IN THE PARKING LOT!" Cora began to yell.  I wanted to laugh, but I kept it to myself. 

Before I could answer Cora, Puck took me by the hand and dragged me away from her. 

I sat down at my desk, alongside Puck.  We waited patiently for the teacher to begin teaching. 

About halfway through the class, my stomach started acting up again.  I quickly raised my hand and asked to use the bathroom. 

I sat down on the cold bathroom floor and started puking in the toilet again. 

"Fuck," I muttered to myself. 

Puck POV

I watched as Sabrina hurried out of the classroom.  I knew exactly what she was doing, and I couldn't help but to be worried.  About ten minutes later, Sabrina arrived back into the classroom.

"Ms. Grimm," Mr Fran turned his attention towards my girlfriend.  "You were gone for quite a while," he said.  I few snickers scattered throughout the classroom.  "I– I'm sorry.  I got sick," Sabrina replied.  "Then why aren't you at home?" Mr Fran asked.  "Um," Sabrina looked at the ground. 

There were a few moments of silence before Mr Fran spoke again.  "Detention," was all he said before proceeding to continue the lecture, however he didn't get the chance to because I stopped him. 

Cora POV

Halfway through first period, I fell asleep.  It't not my fault Mr Fran is such a boring teacher!  He talks in such a monotone voice and it's perfect for taking naps.  However this nap didn't go over very well because I was awoken by yelling.  My head snapped off the desk and I looked over at Robin, yelling at Mr Fran about Sabrina being sick or something. 

"It's true," I pitched in.  "That's why she wasn't here yesterday."  Robin, Sabrina, Mr Fran and the entire rest of the class all looked  at me.  I shrugged with a lazy smirk and laid my head back down on the desk.

Mr Fran didn't reply to either Robin or Sabrina. He just continued the class as if nothing happened. Next thing I knew, the bell rang and it was time for second period.

Sabrina POV

"What the hell?!" I whisper scream to Puck as we leave Mr Fran's classroom.  Puck just shrugged.  "I'll take you home if you want," he told me.  "No," I replied.  "I'll be fine."

He walks me to my second period class even though his is in the opposite direction.  We walk the whole way in silence.  I was still angry with him for making a scene.  "I love you," he says to me quietly before I enter the classroom.  I don't say anything back, I just give him a weak smile. 

I sit down in the back of classroom, all by myself.  I want to cry.  I feel so many emotions. 

You should have told him you loved him too.

I don't even know what's wrong with me.  One moment I'm throwing up my guts in a toilet and the next I'm yearning for death.  The class begins, but I don't feel like paying attention.  I bury my face in my hand and I start to feel my face get hot.  I quickly wipe away the barely shed tears and I try and focus on the lecture.  It's hardly even nine o'clock, and it feels like I've been at school for years. 

Sooner or later, most definitely later, second period is over, and there's just one more class until break.  I hurriedly walk to my next class.  I sit down and take out my notebooks and such.  The class goes by relatively quick, and I can finally go to lunch.

I search the cafeteria, wondering where my boyfriend is.  I spot him in the corner of the large room, talking to somebody else.  As I get closer, I realize the somebody else is Cora.  I frown.  Puck's face looks somewhat angry towards whatever Cora is telling him.  I don't really feel like interrupting their conversation, and instead of finding somewhere else to sit, I toss out my lunch and head to the library.

I sit in a bay window and study my next class until our five minute passing period begins.  I get up and slug myself in my fourth period class's direction.  I slump into a chair and feel the need to hurl again, but I hold myself together. 

The rest of the day passes by in a blur.  I saw Puck many times, but he didn't seem to notice me waving at him or calling his name. 

I head to Mr Fran's room.  I'm honestly not sure if I still have detention, so my plan is the check in with him to see.

Sure enough, he tells me to sit down somewhere, hands me extra homework, and tells me I can leave in an hour. 

I finish the homework packet just in time before I can finally head home.  Puck's car in gone, so I guess now I have to walk home.  Roughly thirty minutes later, I sling open the door to my house.  I stumble up the stairs, throw open the bathroom door, and puke up nothingness into the toilet.  I begin to cry and I lean against the shower door. 

I grab the corner of the bathroom counter and pull myself to my feet.  Before I open up the door, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  My face is puffy, my hair is a mess, and my eyes are bloodshot.  I look like a zombie, and feel like death.

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