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Sabrina POV

You know when you feel like your body just knows what time it is, even without looking at a clock? Yeah.  That's me right now.  I know for a fact that it's  six AM,  but my retarded alarm clock hasn't gone off.  I look over towards it, and sure enough, it nearly six in the morning. 

"Ugh," I mutter, sliding out of my bed.  I felt like I got zero sleep, mainly because I didn't.  I was up all night having a make out session with my best friend.  I look over at Puck.  He is currently taking up three fourths of my bed, with a pillow under his head and another on top of his head.  I giggle to myself, as I pull the top pillow off of him.  His eyes squint as ducks his head under the covers. 

"Go away, Grimm.  It's Saturday," he complains at me.  I smile.  Damn right it's Saturday.  I hop back off my bed, thinking of ways I can get Puck to get his lazy ass up. 

"Are you hungry?" I ask him, tugging the blankets off of his body.  "I can make you breakfast."  I watch the smile form on his face.  I laugh and I take his hand, pulling him out of my bed.  

Once I've finally succeeding at getting Puck out of bed, and drag him downstairs.  I force him to sit in a chair and not the couch. 

"Grimm, this is practically torture," he complains.  I roll my eyes.  "You're impossible.  Now what do you want for breakfast?" I ask him, changing the subject.  "Anything is fine," he mumbles, resting his head on the table.  I slap him with a spoon and he immediately re-adjusts to his original posture.  "Damn you really are the devil," he spits.  I laugh.  "Who told you?" I ask, playing along with his stupid joke. 

I finish cooking Puck food, and I slide the plate across the table.  He smiles, taking it.   A few moments later, Daphne enters the kitchen.  "I smell food," she states lazily.  "There's eggs on the stove," I assure her.  She happily scoots along and grabs herself a plate.  I laugh, watching her try to pick the eggs up with a fork, but decide not to help her.  That's what she gets for eating all my pizza rolls the other night. 

Puck finishes his food and sets his plate in the sink.  He lingers back upstairs.  I wash Daphne's plate, and place it in the sink along side Puck's.  I wander back to my room.  I open my door, not expecting Puck to be patiently waiting on my bed.  He smiles when I enter the room.  I close the door behind me, making my over to him.  I press my lips to his as he wraps me in a hug, leaning back, pulling me on top of him.  We kiss for a little over five more minutes, before we hear a petrifying scream from down the hall.  We put our make out session to and end, and quickly scatter out of my room. 

There, my little sister lays on the floor, rolling around like a doofus.  I spot the smile on her face, assuring me she's not injured. 

"What the fuck, Daphne," Puck exclaims.  "Oh, nothi—wait" she stops for a moment.  "Why were you two in there together?" she asks. 

I swear to God there was at least thirty seconds of silence.  Daphne continuously starred at Puck and I until I finally cleared my throat.  "You know Puck, Daphne.  He's just trying to annoy me, like usual," I lie.  "Yeah but why was the door closed?" she asks suspiciously.  "Um, because my door is always closed?" I reply, unsure of what she might think.  "Riiiiight, okay," she squints her eyes.  Puck begins to laugh.  "You guys are great," he states.  "See you later, Grimm," he flicks my head before walking away, and I don't fail to notice him wink at me.

He's changed.

For the better.


"So Daphne," I lay lazily on the couch with my sister, flipping through channels on the TV.  "Wanna explain why you screamed like a fucking banshee in the hallway today?" I ask.  "I saw something funny on Snapchat," she tells me.  "Wanna explain why you and Puck were hanging out behind closed door together?" I cringe.  I turn my attention towards Puck.  "Yeah, Puck, why were we hanging out in my room together?"  I ask him, not wanting to answer myself.  "Um, stuff," he replies with a mouthful of pizza rolls.  Correction: My pizza rolls. 

Daphne giggles, and focuses her attention on the TV.  I try to forget the fact that I have a three paragraph essay due on Monday, along with a two page bibliography, but my anxiety gets the best of me.  I excuse myself from the room, and head up back to my room.  I take out all the stuff I need, and begin my homework.  I'm going to kill myself...

Two hours later,  after I half assed my one-hundred point assignments I hit the turn in button.  I shove my compute aside.  Seconds later, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I groan. In comes my father.  I mentally scream.  "What do you want?" I ask him.  "Where is that boyfriend of yours?" he asks.  I scoff.  "Non existent."  "I'm going to kick his ass," my father mutters to himself, though I hear him clearly.  "Dad, you can't kick an ass that doesn't exist," I state.  He quints his eyes at me,m before leaving.  I want to break something when he doesn't close my door all the way.  "DAD!" I screech, though I don't get an answer from him, however I'm graced with the presence of my eight year old brother. 

"Why are you sthcreeming?" he spits through his cute little braces.  "Can you please close my door?" I ask as innocently as possible.  More like if possible.  "Sthure," he replies, closing the door.  Though he never left, just closed the door.  "You little shit," I mutter. He giggles,  and then scatters out of my room, closing the door how I wanted him to the first time.

A/N:  1035 words this time.  Next chapter should be posted very soon.


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