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A/N: I'm really hoping I am at least semi-entertaining you people.  It all seems sweet and boring now, but you just wait until I get to to good part...

Sabrina POV

After sixth period, Puck drove me home, like he always does. Unfortunately, Granny Relda was over, and was making the rest of the family dinner. I walked into the kitchen, alongside Puck, and after seeing that disaster, we decided it was best if we just skipped dinner. I wasn't really hungry anyways.

Puck followed me into my room, closing the door behind him.

"So," I started. "What do you wanna do?" Puck paused for a moment and just stared at me. "Take off your shirt," he said after a few moments of silence. I roll my eyes and smile as I tug my t shirt over my head. He moved closer to me and kissed my lips.

"Maybe we should do something other than just make out," I suggest after a few minutes of kissing. Puck gives me a confused look. "Like what?" he asks. "Whatever you want," I tell him. "But I want you," he says, burying his head into my hair. I laugh, giving him a tight hug. "How about we go for a walk?" I ask him. He looks up at me and smiles. "And what are we going to do on this said walk?" I gives me a suggestive look. I laugh once more, kissing him on the head. "Whatever you want, remember?" I remind him. He nods, grabbing my shirt off the floor and handing it to me.

After I put my shirt back on, Puck and I get ready to leave the house. But of course we're bothered by Daphne and Red begging to come with us. I roll my eyes, ignoring their pleads, and drag Puck put the door, making sure to lock it behind me.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask him. "How about we go to that park we took Daphne and Basil that one time?" he tells me. I nod, taking his hand and we walk to the park together.

A few short minutes later, Puck and I arrive at the park. There's only one person there, and I can't see their face. Puck leads me over to one of the benches that sits in front of the pond. He wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I love you," he says to me. "I love you more," I laugh. "Fucking hell," he says. "Not this game again." "I know. It's the one game you don't want to win," I say quietly. He gives me a sad look. "Maybe we shouldn't play it anymore," he tells me. I nod, agreeing with him. 


Puck POV

I swear to God, Friday came so fast. The whole week was a blur. Except for my special moments with my wonderful Grimm of course.

Next thing I knew, I was already home, ready for the weekend. Sabrina took my hand leading me up to her room. I already knew what was going to go down.


My eyes flutter open, the Saturday sunlight greeting me happily. I look over at Sabrina. Her hair is thrown up into a messy bun, her face stuffed into the pillow, making me genuinely concerned about whether or not she's breathing.

"Sabrina," I whisper. Her head shoots up and she gives me a dorky look. "Yeah?" she says, with an adorable smile. "Nothing, just making sure you're alive, that's all," I say to her. She scoots closer to me and gives me a hug.

"Good morning, babygirl," I whisper into her ear. She giggles, kissing my cheek. "Good morning," she replies, making me smile.  A crazy idea dawns to me. 

"Hey guess what?" I say to her.  She looks excited as she asks what.  "Want me to take you to the mall and buy you shit?" I ask her.  Her face lights up as she hops out of her bed.  Our bed. 

Sabrina and I prepare to leave the house.  After a few minutes, Sabrina crawls into the passenger seat of my car.  I slowly back out of the driveway, and start heading towards the mall. 

"Which store do you wanna go to first?" I ask as we walk into the front doors of the exceptionally large building.  "Pink," she says.  I smile, taking her hand, I let her lead the way. 

I patiently wait by Sabrina's side as she digs through all the stuff she's already picked out.  I pay for all of her things, the total cost being somewhere around two-hundred dollars, and we leave the store. 

Sabrina takes my hand and drags me to the next store.  She picks out a few pieces of attire and walks towards the checkout line.  There, a male cashier waits for Sabrina to finish setting her things on the counter.  I don't fail to notice him staring at her boobs.  I shake it off though.

What can I say, she's beautiful. 

"Almost done, Grimm?" I ask politely as she piles for crap onto the counter.  Before she gets the chance to answer, the male cashier decides it's a great time to speak.  "Well don't rush the lady," he says, as if it's a crime to ask her a simple question.  I give him a small, awkward smile, as if saying "Um, okay?"

Sabrina finishes unloading her things so the cashier can ring them up.  "How about I give you a discount, sweetheart?" he asks creepily, triggering me a bit.  I don't do anything though.  I don't want Sabrina to think I'm jealous of someone she doesn't even know. 

"No, it's okay," she says sweetly.  The male cashier shakes his head.  "No, I think a beautiful girl like you deserves a discount," he insists.  Sabrina frowns, as do I.  "No I think I can pay for it all myself, thank you," she snaps, causing me to smirk.

"What's your number, sweetheart?" he says, shaking off the fact that Sabrina just told him off.  "What do you need my number for?" she asks.  I assume it's so the store can send her a notification when there's a sale or something, but oh boy was I wrong. 

"So I know what time to pick you up for a date, of course," he says as if it's obvious.  That's when I absolutely lose it.  "I'm standing right here, you four-eyed-fuck-face," I snap at him.  He gives me a snobby look as if I'm bothering him and MY GIRLFRIEND.

"You know what, you piece of shit? You are going to give my girlfriend a discount," I say.  "A one-hundred percent off discount," I command him, grabbing Sabrina's things, and stuffing them into her Pink bag. 

"Can I still get your number, sweetheart?" the stupid fuck asks before we leave.  "No, but you can suck a dick you perverted shit stain," Sabrina mutters as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.  To my surprise, the male cashier doesn't call security, for we basically just committed a crime.  He just walks away as if nothing happened. 

As Sabrina as I walk out the door, the alarm doesn't sound, for he had scanned Sabrina's items, we just didn't pay for them.

A/N: Trust me, that's only the beginning of the drama🤐Hit the vote button my dudes!😁

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