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Puck POV

Sabrina and I arrived home.  She was very eager to unload all of her new presents, of which she dumped onto the counter. 

"What's the occasion?" Daphne asked as she entered the kitchen.  "Nothing," I say.  "Just felt like it."  Sabrina smiles and she digs through her pile of random crap.  Daphne snoops into the pile along side her sister.  She manages to find the recipes. 

"I need a boyfriend to spend five-hundred dollars on me," Daphne pouts.  I laugh as Sabrina runs off to try on a new shirt.

As I hear the door to the bathroom close, I turn to Daphne. "How did you know I was dating you sister?" I ask quietly, making sure Sabrina can't her me. Daphne just stares at me for a minute. "Wait," she hold up her index finger and takes a few steps back. "You guys are actually dating," she asks, but it didn't really sound like a question. I nod, giving her a weird look. She silently turns around and runs back upstairs. I shake my head.

That kid is strange...


Daphne POV

"THE LEAST YOU COULD DO WAS TELL ME SABRINA!" I scream at the top of my lungs. It may seem like I'm having a bit of an over-reaction, but trust me, if you were me, you'd understand how important this is. Sabrina sighs and shakes her head at me.

"We were planning on keeping it a secret as long at possible," she mutters. My eyes widen. "W H A T," I ask. At this point, I can't choose between being upset my sister didn't tell me she was dating Puck, or being eXciTeD that the world's greatest ship is finally together. I didn't even have to get them together myself. 

"Jesus Christ, child.  Can you calm down?" Puck mutters from across the room.  "It's not that big of a deal," he says, rolling his eyes.  "Yes it is!" Sabrina and I say in unison.  Puck immediately looks hurt that Sabrina joined in on my protest against whether or not this situation is a big deal. 

Puck shoves himself of the couch and walks over to Sabrina to give her a hug.  "I'm gonna go tell Red," I say, turning around to go back upstairs. 


Puck POV

"It's a big deal for us Sabrina, not Daphne. It's none of her business," I assure her, hugging her tighter. "I know," she says with her faces smashed against my chest.

"Daphne said she was gonna tell Red," I say to her. She laughs. "I don't care."


I have to admit, I was kind of excited to go back to school.   Maybe I can actually meet some of Sabrina's friends.  I'm just hoping she has them. 

I grabbed my school stuff and called for Sabrina to come downstairs so we could leave.  About two minutes later she was ready to go.  I led her to my car.  Unfortunately we were followed by Red and Daphne. 

"I thought you two were taking the bus?" Sabrina asked them.  They both gave us a weird smile and got into my car.  I rolled my eyes and started the engine. 

Ten minutes later, we arrived at school.  Daphne and Red hopped out of my car and scattered off to their classes.  Sabrina and I walked to our first class. 

Once lunch rolled around, Sabrina and I found an empty table we could sit at.  But of course, we were interrupted. 

"Hi!" Cora's annoying voice piped.  I place my face in my hands and Sabrina gave her a awkward smile.  "So what are you guys doing after school?" she asked.  "Um, going home," Sabrina answered.  "Oh, I was hoping we could go shopping," Cora whined.  Before I could tell her to piss off, Sabrina spoke up.  "Sure!" she squealed.  Sabrina a sucker for shopping, I should've known she wouldn't be able to resist that.

*3 hours later*

Shopping with Cora was hell, but Sabrina seemed to be enjoying it, so I just kept quiet. 

"Can we go to Sephora?" Cora's annoying voice asked, taking Sabrina by the hand and dragging her in the direction of the store.  We roamed around Sephora for about twenty minutes before Cora decided to spend half her bank account on things she was probably never going to use.  Sabrina, however, was smart and only bought a few items.

Sabrina suggested a couple different stores we could go to, but Cora completely ignored her, which was starting to make me kind of mad. 

Eventually I turned the opposite direction of where Sabrina and Cora were going and began walking towards the exit.  They didn't even notice I was gone. 

Sabrina POV

Cora was sort of starting to make me upset.  It's like my opinion on where we go didn't matter to her.  I felt like a little girl following her mom around everywhere. 

Five minutes later, I look behind me to ask Puck a question, but instead I realize he's not there. 

"Shit," I mutter, pulling out my phone to text him.  "What's wrong?" Cora asks, tacking through clothing.  "Robin disappeared," I sigh.

Me: Where did you go? Cora and I are at Macy's.

*2 minutes later*

Me:  Puck? Where are you?

Puck:  waiting for you guys in the car

Me:  Why? Are you mad?

Puck:  at you? no. at her? yes.

Me: Why? What happened?

Puck: um, she's annoying as hell

Me:  Okay, well, we're almost done.  Just hold on.

I stick my phone back into my purse and tell Cora it's time to go.  She waved me off.  "You go, I'll catch up," she said.  "Okay," I say, turning around to leave. 

I reach Puck's car, and tap on the window to get him to unlock it. 

"Hi," I say to him and I close the door.  "Hi," he mutters back.  "I'm sorry," I sigh.  "For what?" he asks.  "I'm sorry for making you come with us," I tell him.  He smiles.  "Hey, It's okay, I forgive you," he says to me.  I smile back, glad he's not mad at me. 

"Where's Cora?" he asks.  "Does it matter?" I snort.  He laughs as we pull out of the parking lot. 

A/N:  Lmao they totally ditched Cora😝.  I'm really sorry guys it's been a while since I updated.  I've been really busy with my other stories.  I hope you people enjoy my newest one!

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