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Puck POV

The drive home from ditching Cora was fun. Sabrina kept making jokes about how pissed Cora's gonna be at school tomorrow.

After we arrived home, It was nearly five o'clock, which meant dinner would be soon. Sabrina and I went upstairs to unload all of her crap out on her bed. I must say, It wasn't really that much, unlike Cora, who bought like, three different stores. 

About an hour and a half later, it was time for dinner. I walked downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Where's Sabrina?" Daphne asked me. I shrugged, curious as to where she was as well. Henry laid out all the food and Daphne, Veronica, Basil, The Old Lady and I put in on our plates.

"Puck, will you go look for her please?" Veronica asked. I nodded, getting up out of my seat. I walked upstairs. I opened the door to Sabrina's room, to find that she wasn't there.

"Sabrina!" I called. "I'm in here!" I small voice replied back. It was coming from the bathroom. I opened the door to the bathroom. Sabrina was leaning over the toilet, and it was obvious she had been throwing up.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked, helping her off the floor. "I—I don't know. I just suddenly felt really sick," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused. "Well, if you're feeling any better, dinner's downstairs," I told her. She shook her head. "I can't eat right now," she said. "Okay. Do you want me to run you a bath?" I asked her. "No thank you," she said, walking into her room. "Okay," I sighed. I headed back downstairs.

"She's sick," I said as I sat back down at the table. "Oof," Daphne replied. Veronica snorted. "Sabrina rarely ever gets sick," she said. I shrugged. "Maybe she ate something," Daphne suggested. I nodded, agreeing with her.

We finished up dinner, and I headed back upstairs to check on Sabrina. She was laying in her bed, clearly asleep. I walked over and kissed her on the head. I laid down beside her, pulling her closer to me.


The next day I was awoken by the sun blaring through the window.  I turn to my side to find Sabrina had disappeared.  My thoughts wander back to last night as I hop off our bed and head in the direction of the bathroom. 

Sure enough, Sabrina is in there.  Throwing up.  Again. 

"Sabrina," I get on my knees so that way I'm at her level.

"What the hell is wrong with me," Sabrina chokes out.  I frown.  I pick her up off the floor and carry her bridal style back to her room.  I fetch a bowl for her to puke in and a class of water alongside some pain killers.  

Later, I bring her some breakfast.  She smiles at me, taking the food. 

"I'm taking a lucky guess you're not going to school today," I mutter as I sit on the edge of the bed.  Sabrina laughs and she takes a bite of her toast. 

"No way in hell," she muffles through bites.  I laugh with her.  "I'll stay with you if you want?" I suggest.  She shakes her head.  "No, no.  Go to school," she tells me.  "I said if you want me to stay with you.  Nothing considering the fact that I should go to school," I say.  She smiles.  "Yeah I guess you could stay," she giggles, taking another bite of her toast.  I smile back at her. 


Sabrina POV

I feel awful.  My stomach feels like a brick and I constantly feel the need to hurl. I asked mom what she that I had, and she said she just thought I got food poisoning. I really hope it's nothing anymore serious than that. The last thing I need is to die from severe sickness, and hell knows what Puck would do without me.
If he does crazy shit while I'm alive, I don't even wanna know the crazy shit he'll do if I'm dead.

Hopefully I won't be dying anytime soon.

My thoughts focus in on Puck as their rudely interrupted by Daphne.

"Mom made cake," she states, holding a piece in front of my face. I give her a look of disgust, gesturing to the bowl filled with my puke and the icepack on my forehead. She shrugs, sticking her finger directly into the cake, and then basically deep throating it. I almost want to turn and throw up in my bowl.

It's roughly nine o'clock at night, and I have no clue where my mother got the idea to make cake at such a random time with no designated occasion.

My family is strange, that's for sure.

Daphne POV

After the delicious cake that mom made was completely disrespected and declined by Sabrina, I decided to be the nicer sister and look up Sabrina's symptoms. 

I hopped on my school computer and clicked on the browser.  I searched up Sabrina's symptoms, including throwing up, headaches, stomachaches, not being able to eat, etcetera.  I clicked around for a while and eventually I found some site that I thought might be able to help me.

I began reading, and after about two minutes I stopped.  I reread the same sentence over and over again until it finally occurred to me what could be wrong with my sister.

Oh no.

A/N:  Hahaha after a long wait for the next chapter, I hit ya'll with a cliffhanger.  Sorry not sorry...
Also this chapter IS NOT edited, excuse my mistakes...

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