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A/N: okay fam.  i didn't get that many replies on my last update, and this is the last chapter, so sorry if it didn't end the way you wanted it to.

Sabrina POV

This is difficult. This is really really difficult. You'd think it would just be hard enough with one, but the universe gave me two. 

I gently lay Lilith and Delilah down and slip out of the room.  I skitter down the stairs and into the kitchen, to see Puck waiting on the couch.  I smile and I walk over to him. 

"Those damn rats kept me up all night," he complained.  I laugh, climbing into his lap.  "Hey you're ass got bigger," Puck says.  I slap his chest lightly and snuggle closer to him.

Uncle Jake enters the room.  "Ya know, I'm to young to be a great uncle," he says, biting into an apple.  He was right.  He's only twenty-eight.  "Don't look at me," I say.  "He's the one who got me pregnant," I gesture towards Puck as he flicks my nose.  Uncle Jake laughs and tosses his apple in the trash.  "We are one strange ass family," he says, sinking himself into the couch cushion.  I laugh in agreement. 

The three of us sit there and watch TV until the doorbell rings.  I get up off the couch with Uncle Jake and Puck in tow.  I slowly open the door and find Titania on the other side. 

She smiles when she sees us.  "Sorry to bother, I'm just here to see my grandchildren," she says.  "That's okay! I just put them down for their nap," I said, letting her enter the house.  I take Titania upstairs and into the baby room. 

"Awe, my little peaches," she says, touching Delilah's face lightly.  "I've always wanted girls," she says.  I laugh.  "You can have one of them," Puck says sarcastically. 

I hope.

"I don't want to wake them up," Titania says, beginning to leave the room.  We follow her out and I close the door behind me.  "Thank you," she says.  I nod, welcoming her.  "You can stay for dinner if you'd like," I offer.  She smiles, and I take that as a yes.

"Puck, call your brother," I tell him.  "He should be here too."  Puck does as I tell him and sooner or later, Mustardseed arrives at the scene. 

An hour and a half later, we all gather around the dinner table.  Delilah and Lily (Lilith) had woken up, so I brought them downstairs.  We make our plates and begin eating our food. 

At some point in the dinner, Puck leans over to me.  "I love you," he whispers.  I smile at him.

"I love you too."


A/N: Just a short little something to end this disaster.  Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoyed this, and if I feel like it, I might make an epilogue.


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