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*Eight Months Later, May Twenty-Second, 2019*

Sabrina POV

I stopped going to school about five months ago.  It was getting relatively obvious that I was pregnant.  I mean, I still did school.  My parents agreed to homeschool me until my senior year, which would come well after I've had my baby. 

Puck, however, still went to school.  We made a promise not to tell anyone about the baby, especially not Cora.  Hell knows what that bitch would do with that information. 

I have to say, being pregnant was not my favorite thing in the world.  I was in pain.  I felt gross.  I felt uncomfortable.  I felt emotional.  I felt like there could be other life experiences before this one.  Fucking hell.  I'm seventeen. 

I'm too young to be a mother.  Daphne's too young to be an aunt.  Basil's too young to be an uncle.  Mom's too young to be a grandmother.  Dad's too young to be a grandfather.  However I don't really have anything to say about Puck.  He's pretty damn old, but from the looks of it, he's too young.

I felt like this should have came a lot later, but it's okay.  We're going to be okay.

Puck POV

I slept in.  It's well past twelve o'clock PM, and I'm still in bed.  Thank Jesus it's Saturday, unless I'd be dead.  I groan as I roll out of Sabrina's bed.  I stumble downstairs to find Sabrina cuddled up on the couch sleeping.  I smile and I grab a blanket and wrap it around her.  I kiss her forehead as she begins to wake up. 

"Why are you down here?" I ask her.  "It was too hot in my room last night and I didn't want to bother you so I slept on the couch," she explained.  "Awe, babe," I pull her into my arms.  "All you had to do was wake me up and I'd turn on the air conditioner for you," I tell her.  She nods.  "I know, I'm sorry."  I frown.  "Don't apologize," I tell her.  She gives me a sad smile.  I hug her tighter. 

"Ow," she lets out a quiet cry.  "Oh, did I hurt you?" I ask, letting go of her.  "No," she whispers painfully, clutching her stomach. "Fuck," I mutter.  I hop off the couch.  "HENRY!" I yell of the stairs. Next thing I knew, a very tired Henry Grimm appears at the top of the stairs.  "I give him 'the look'.  A look I've been giving him for the past couple of weeks, however this time I think it's relevant. 

"I'll start the car," he groans.  I run back to the living room, scoop up Sabrina, and proceed to bring her to Henry's car.  I do my very best to open the front door with my foot, for my arms were occupied my Sabrina.  Instead, the door swings open and we're greeted by Jacob.

"What the hell," I spit.  "Hi!" Sabrina gives Jake a weak hello as she lets out another wince of pain.  "So this is what I come home to," Jake rolls his eyes, taking Sabrina from my arms. 

Jake knew Sabrina was pregnant, for we had told him a few months back, and I doubt this is what he wanted to come home to. 

The four of us get into the car, and head towards the emergency building.  Henry was driving, Jake was in passenger, and I stayed in the back with Sabrina.  At this point, she had tears rolling down her cheeks from the pain.  I kissed her repeatedly, telling her she was going to be okay.

"Go faster Henry!" Jake yelled. "What, you want me to get pulled over?" Henry yelled back. I held Sabrina closer to me, trying to ignore the arguing in the front of the car. "God, you drive like an old man!" Jake insulted. I did my very best not to laugh. "I am an old man!" Henry replied. "Forty Two is not old," Jake said matter of factly. "This has turned into a whole other argument," I muttered.

"Are we almost there, old man?" Jake snapped at Henry after about two minutes of silence. "Yes, like five seconds away," Henry said. We pulled into the parking lot, to find that it was packed. "Damn. Must be a lot of pregnant people," Jake joked. I rolled my eyes. "There's no parking!" Henry slammed his hands on the steering wheel as if it would help him find somewhere to park.

"Just drop us off and park a few blocks down," Jake suggested. Henry drove us to the front of the building and we all climbed out of the car. We were immediately rushed into a private room. Sabrina was put onto a hospital bed while Jake called Roni.

About ten minutes later, Roni, Daphne, Red, Basil, Old Lady, and my mother showed. My mother also knew about this somewhat of a convenience and didn't seem to have a problem with it.

The only people allowed in the room was me, Roni and Henry, while everyone else waited outside.

"You are well aware she's having two, right?" the doctor asked us. We all nodded. We had been informed months before Sabrina was having twins.

The whole thing took about an hour. One moment we were sure it was going to happen, and the next there was nothing. So after a long, tedious wait, it was finally over.

"Two girls," the doctor said quietly. I smiled. "NAMES!?" we heard a loud voice shout from outside the room, and I had no doubt is was Daphne. I looked over at Sabrina.

"How about Lilith and Delilah?" Roni suggested. From what I understood, Lilith was Sabrina's middle name and Delilah was Daphne's. Sabrina smiled. "Yeah. I like that," she looked over me. I nodded. "Then Titania can be their middle names," she told me. I laughed.


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