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Puck POV

"Dick Sack it is then," Henry nods.  "Yayyyy," Veronica sarcastically cheers.  However, I'm quite excited about being a dad.  I never really had a dad, so this is going to be new.

As we're leaving Sabrina leans into me.  "I totally pulled a Lana Winters," she says to me.  I chuckle, remembering American Horror Story's 'Asylum' season where a journalist named Lana Winters gets pregnant by some crazy dude and then tries to kill her baby with a hanger and fails. But this story's a bit different because I'm not an inane asylum patient.

We get into the car and start heading home. It's silent until Daphne decides to speak.

"Ooh! I know! We can put a list on the fridge of the names we like!" she suggested. "Daphne that's a wonderful idea," Roni said, and honestly, I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not.

Daphne grinned widely and we returned home shortly. We entered the house and were greeted by Old Lady, Red, and Basil.

"Soooo?" Red was clearly curious as to what was up with Sabrina. Daphne smiled stupidly, and we all knew she couldn't keep it in.

"Sabrina's preggo!" Daphne cheered. Old Lady gasped, Red smiled, and Basil did nothing because he wasn't really listening.

Roni seemed to notice and picked him up. "You're gonna be an uncle!" Roni said to Basil. He gave her a weird look and then changed the topic. "I want juice," he said with a bit of a lisp.

We all gathered into the living room. Roni got Basil juice, Sabrina and I turned on the TV, while Red and Daphne made a name list.

About ten minutes later, the two of them came up to Sabrina and I.

"Look!" Red said. "We made the list." The list was split into two sections. One for girls, and one for boys. On the girls' side, the names were Ariana and Titania. And then on the boys' side there was just Richard, courtesy of Henry Grimm.

"I'm not naming my child Richard," I said flatly.  Daphne ignored my remark and turned to her sister.  "Sabrina, pick  name that you like!" she said.  "I like the name Billie," Sabrina said, flipping through television channels.  "Boy or girl?" Red asked with a bit of humor.  Sabrina look at Red as if she had just asked the dumbest question ever. 

"Girl," Sabrina said, turning her attention back the TV.  I chuckled at looked at Daphne and Red.  "I like Billie for a girl.  Put that on there," I told them. 

"How about Rubin, for a boy?" Red suggested.  "That's too close to my name," I said.  Red frowned.  "Okay so for a girl we could go with Cleo?" she said.  "Sure," I replied, shrugging.  Red wrote down Cleo on the girl side.

"Alex for a boy," Sabrina joined in on the conversation.  Red wrote that down too.  "Ooh or Hunter," Daphne scribbled down Hunter.  "Pick a name, Goodfellow," Sabrina told me.  I paused for a moment.  "What about Chloe?" Red interrupted.  Sabrina gave her a look.  "Not naming my daughter after Khloé Kardashian," she said.  I laughed while Red and Daphne rolled their eyes. 

"I like the name Lilith," I said.  "Lily for short."  Sabrina smiled.  "That's cute.  Write it down."

Sabrina POV

Puck, Red, Daphne and I sit on the couch, all four of us on our phone.  It's completely silent until a thought dawns to me.

"Oh my gosh," I say, looking up from my phone.  The other three look up at me.  "What," Daphne asks.  "What if I have twins?" I ask.  Daphne gasps dramatically. "Holy Jesus," Red whispers to herself. We all sit there and dream about what their names would be.

"Liv and Maddie," Red eventually spits. "Shut up, doofus," Daphne snaps back. Puck giggles and I stay silent, still thinking.

"Marcus and Martinus," Daphne says evilly. I groan and Red laughs along with my wicked little sister.

"How about Lily and Titania?" Puck suggests. "Puck, we get it. You love your mom," Daphne rolls her eyes and Pucks face gets a little red. "I think it's cute that he loves his mom!" Red smiles at Puck. I chuckle and kiss Puck on the cheek.

"Ew!" Daphne covers her eyes. I scoff. "You're about to be an aunt! I'd soak this in for as long as possible."

Silent seconds pass. "I like Lily and Titania, but what if it's a boy and a girl?" I ask Puck. "Titania and Hunter," he says. "This hurts my brain," Daphne states. "I'm going to sleep."
Puck and I start heading up to our room.

We sit down on the edge of my bed. "How could you forgive me for something so awful?" Puck whispers. "Just because I'm still in love with you doesn't mean I've forgiven you, Puck," I tell him. He looks up at me with depressing eyes. "Don't forgive me, Princess, I don't deserve it. I don't even know how those cruel words came out of my mouth. I wouldn't even say that to Moth. Hell, I wouldn't even say something like that to Cruella De Vil. I guess I was just so upset with the thought of losing someone so precious that I lost all control of the things that roll off my tongue. I'll never forgive myself. For making you feel that way. For making you cry. For hurting you physically and emotionally. For believing Cora. How could I have believed her? She's insane. How could I have ever thought of you purposely hurting me if I knew you would never do something like that?"

The tears start to form in Puck's eyes as he finishes venting what I can tell has been on his mind lately. "You are the most valuable thing I have, Sabrina," Puck says, his voice cracking. I wrap my arms around him. "It's just you and my mom, and that's it," he says. "That's all I have." "That's all you need," I whisper to him. He smiles at me. "You're right, Princess"

"And then sooner or later, there will be three things. My mom, you, and the little shit growing inside of you," he laughs as he flicks my stomach. I giggle, pulling him on top of me.

"Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, Goodfellow."

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