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Sabrina POV

I look away from the mirror, and turn the door knob.  I look up to find Puck.  He looks very irritated. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him, concerned.  "Cora told me what you did," Puck says, his voice cracking.  It sounds as if he's about the cry and it absolutely breaks my heart.  I give him a look of confusion.  "What did I do?" I ask.  He sniffles, his face getting redder.  "You know what you did, Grimm."  Grimm.  I open my mouth to say something, but he beats me to it.
"I thought you loved me, Grimm.  I thought I loved you," he says.  I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

He's breaking up with me and I don't even know what I did wrong. 

"Puck tell me what I did," I whisper.  "Cora told me she saw you kissing another boy!  She said you looked content with him too!" Puck begins to cry a little, and to be honest so do I.  I have nothing to say with him.  I can't even defend myself.  I can't even tell him Cora was lying, because trust me, that evil bag of bitch was most definitely lying.  

I start to cry harder as I slide myself down the door frame until I feel my knees hit the floor. 

"That's probably why you got home so late, huh? Because you were off having sex with someone else just like a slut!" Puck snapped.

That hurt.  And even though I would never cheat on Puck, in this moment, I feel like a slut.  Because I know exactly what's wrong with me. 

"P–Puck?" I sputter.  "What do you want?" He asks, and I pull myself off the floor.  "I'm pregnant," I tell him.  I look into his beautiful emerald green eyes filled with horrid anger.  And them it happens.  He hit me.  I let out a cry and I fall weakly to the floor. 

"See you are a slut!" he growls.  "No, Puck!" I plead.  "It's yours, baby, I would never cheat on you!" I cry harder and harder until I can't breathe.  And then I really can't breathe.  I try to stand up but instead I fall right back over. 

"Puck," I whimper as I gasp for air.  I look up at him and he just stares at me angrily.  And then he's gone.  He turns around and leaves me here to suffer.  I can't.  I can't live without him.  And I know that sounds cheesy as hell but I can't help it.  My lungs begin to work properly again, and I open up one of my drawers and grab a pregnancy test, of which my mother put in there in case of an event like this.

Positive. Fuck.

No.  I can't raise a bloody child without its father.  I have to git rid of it, but how?

Puck POV

I climb into my car.  I pull out of the driveway and head off to Cora's house. 

Twenty minuets later, I find myself standing on her front porch.  I knock on her door and point two seconds later, the door swings open.

"Can I help you?" Cora asks.  "Did you lie to me? About Sabrina?" I ask her.  She laughs a bit.  "Yeah.  I was still mad at ya'll for ditching me, so I decided to have a little fun."

About ten seconds pass, and I burst into tears.  Cora awkwardly gives me some kind of hug.  "Oh Jesus Lord have mercy, Robin, what did you do?" she groans.  I shake my head at her and I run towards my car.

"Don't get into a car accident and die!" Cora calls out before I drive away.

You accused her of something she didn't do.

And then you broke up with her.

And then you called her a slut.

And then you hit her.

And then you left her all alone.

And now she's never going to forgive you.

And now somehow you're the father of her child. 


"You know I really do hope I get into a car accident and die,"  I mutter to myself, but I shake off the feeling and try and focus and getting back to Sabrina.  I hope she's okay, but I know she's not. 

After arriving back at the house.  I run up the stairs. 

Where the hell is everybody? I wonder to myself before I remember they had some meeting with William. 

I open the door to Sabrina's bathroom, and I scream.  There is blood everywhere.  And I mean everywhere. However my Sabrina sits perfectly alive on the tile floor. 

"Holy fuck," I whisper and I pull her off the floor.  "Baby girl," I look at her beautiful blue eyes. "Cora's a piece of mentally ill cow shit.  I'm so sorry I believed her.  I'll never forgive myself for what I said and did to you, and I know you'll never forgive me.  I love you so much and it broke my heart to think you'd ever do something like that," I tell her. 

She doesn't say anything, just looks at me kind of weird.  "Fuck, Sabrina, I'm so madly in love with you.  I'm so sorry," I cry.  She gives me a hug and I squeeze her.  After I finally pull myself together, I take another look around the room. 

"What the fuck did you do?" I ask, noticing the blood between her legs. 

She looks at me a little longer before she speaks again.

"I killed it."

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