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Puck POV

"W–what? You killed my baby?" I cry.  "Well I mean yeah, I went a little crazy with the thought of it not having a father," Sabrina snapped.  "And plus, it would have been my decision whether or not to keep it nevertheless," she said.  I frowned.  "I know, Princess.  And what I did is unforgivable.  It's just, after figuring out that it was my baby, I kind of got excited," I pout.  Her facial expression goes sad as she looks towards the floor.  "I'm a horrible person," Sabrina cries.  "I'm gonna go to jail!" she panics.  "No, hush!  We'll clean it up and everything will be okay!" I assure her.  "Okay," she whimpers.

"Babe, that baby was barely even a month old? What did you even kill? And how?" I ask her.  "What ever was inside of me Puck, it's gone," she says, giving me another hug.

About and hour later, the rest of the family invades the household.  Sabrina and I had just finished cleaning up the bathroom. 

This is the most illegal thing I've done in a long time.

We all gather around the dinner table.  Sabrina and I carry on normally with each other as if nothing that happened today actually happened.  I help Sabrina clean up the kitchen after dinner for we're the only ones left downstairs.  I wrap my arms around her lower torso and kiss her neck. 

"We're too young to be parents anyway," Sabrina says sadly.  I frown at the thought of killing an innocent being, but agree with her. 
"Do you think I'm crazy?" Sabrina asks me.  "No, Sabrina, Cora is crazy," I tell her.  She laughs.  "She tried to break us apart," Sabrina shakes her head.  "Nothing can break us apart," I finish her sentence and give her another backwards hug as she scrubs a dirty plate. 

At some point in time, Sabrina stops cleaning dishes as one falls to the floor, shattering everywhere.  "Sabrina?" I call to her, concerned.  She rushed towards the trashcan and hurls up every last bit of her dinner. 

"No," she whimpers.  "You know you just be sick this time, right?" I tried to assure her.  "Yeah.  That's it.  I'm just sick," she plays along with my remark worriedly. 

Daphne POV

I think right about now would be a good time to tell Sabrina what might be wrong with her.  I mean, if I knew the whole time and she finds out after she has the child she's gonna hate me for the rest of our lives! Plus, she seventeen! That's way too young to be having children. 

At first, I was confused as how the child could have gotten there, but then I remembered that only hell know what she's been doing with our childhood family friend.  Those too can be a real trip together.

Sabrina POV

So here I am.  On my way the hospital. 

The rest of the day went something like this:

I told mom I was sick again, she thought I was pregnant, I lied to her and said that I took a negative test, so now she thinks I could have ebola or some shit, and now we're in the back of her car. 

"We're here, shitbags, get out of my car," my mother snaps at Daphne, Puck, Dad and I.  Basil and Red stayed home with Granny Relda. The two of them never really liked hospitals. 

My mom throws open the door to the building and we're guided into a small office with a bed, sink, and a bench. 

The nurse tells me to sit on the bed and tells Puck to leave because he's not family.  So he pouts into the hallway and sits by a fish-tank. 

The nurse tells us the doctor will be right in, and in roughly five minutes later he arrives with a clipboard in his hand.

He starts asking about my symptoms and what I've been eating.  And then he asks if I've been sexually active.  In front of parents and thirteen year old sister.  "Um. Kind of," I sputter.  My dad face palms and my mom just laughs, shaking her head at the ground.  Daphne giggles like an idiot before the doctor speaks again.

"It's a yes or no question, kid," he says.  I nod my head.  He writes some more crap down on his stupid little clipboard before he sets it down on the floor.  Then he hands me a little plastic cup. 

"Here kid.  Just go pee in it then bring it back," he tells me.  I look over at my mother whose face had gone pale.  As I leave I snicker at her mouthing the words 'I told you'. 

I piss in the plastic cup and bring it back the doctor, doing my best not make eye contact with Puck as I head back.  I hand it back to him.  He smiles and takes it from me.  "It'll be a minute," he says, gesturing for us to leave the room. 

The four of exit the room and go to it with Puck.  Daphne sits in front if the fish, Mom and Dad sit side by side next to Daphne, and I sit on Puck's lap. 

"Fuck," is all I have to say before mom starts laughing historically.  Dad sputters trying not to laugh along with her.  "I get to name it," he says.  "No! Dad!" I laugh, throwing my head back onto Puck's shoulder. 

"If it's a girl, we're naming it Titania," Puck says.  "And if it's a boy, you're naming it Richard Sackson.  Dick Sack for short," Dad snickers.  Daphne gives us all a depressed look.  "I like the name Ariana," she says.  "And then for short, we'll call her God," I joke.  Puck starts laughing but the other three don't get it. 

Before I get into some serious detail about how God is a women, the doctor walks out of the little office. 

"Congrats, kid, you're roughly three weeks pregnant," he says. 

A/N:  In case ya'll were wondering about Sabrina's joke about Ariana and God, Ariana Grande has a song called God is a women, and some of you may not listen to Queen Ariana, so I just wanted to make that clear. 

PS this chapter isn't edited.  Please don't kill me.

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