Me and You

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It's great to be next to the one you love right? At least Free thought of it that way. Ever since Valt came to BC Sol, everything seemed better with him around. He was cheerful, determined and very clumsy. But that's what he liked about him; Free loved him.

"Hey, Free! Let's battle!!!" Valt exclaims.

Free woke up from his nap and smiled at him. "Yeah.. sure," he said to the over excited boy.

As they ripped their beys into the stadium, Free's heart began to beat. It was beating fast. Was it because of the battle? Free looked up to see Valt picking up his bey from the stadium. Valt looked at Free; he seemed concerned.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asks.

Free grabs Fafnir and nods. "I'm fine, let's finish this battle," he responds.

Valt was worried about the slender boy; he knew something was wrong. "Free, I think you need to rest; it looks as if you're burning up," he says, walking up to him.

Free sighs and nods; Valt walks with Free to his room, a smile on his face.

"Get better soon...okay?" Valt says, hugging Free softly. Free hugged back, hiding his blush in the smaller male's neck. After what seemed like forever, they let each other go and parted their ways.

There is something wrong with him...Maybe, I should stay in there with him, just in case he needs anything, Valt thought, walking back to Free's room.

What is wrong with me? Free questions himself mentally, putting a hand over his heart, which thumped uncontrollably.

"H-hey Free, I decided to stay in here, just in case you needed anything," Valt says, with a bright smile.

Maybe, he's the reason why I'm feeling like this, Free thought. He sighs and gestures Valt to come his way. "Thank you, Valt," he murmurs before dozing off.

Valt smiled and tilted his head. "Anything for you, Free," he says quietly into his ear. Valt lifts his head, but is brought back down by Free's arms, which wrapped around him.

"Don't leave yet.." Free whispers.

Valt nods. "Then...can I sleep with you?" Valt asks.

Free lets him go and pats the bedsheets to his right. Valt climbs over Free, but stops in place. Free opens his eyes and smiles. "Valt..." Free whispers. Valt lays on top of Free, wrapping his arm around his neck.

"Goodnight, Free..." he says before drifting to sleep. Free wrapped his arms around Valt and held him close. warm, Free thought. Free fell asleep, feeling warmth from his companion.

I'll tell him tomorrow...if he's willing to accept me.

The Next Day...

Valt and Free didn't wake up, even after hearing the alarm, and unfortunately, Christina was there to solve that.

"Hey, Free! It's time to get up!" Christina says, knocking on the door. Is Valt in there, too? He was pretty worried about Free... she thought.

Overtaken by curiosity, she opened the door just a little and smiled at the scene before her. "I knew it. I knew you could do it, Free," Christina says, then walking off, but not after closing the door very carefully.

Valt woke up slowly, smiling at the blonde that he was laying on top of. "Hey,'s time to get up," Valt whispers into his ear. Free yawned, his grip on Valt tightening and then he woke up.

𝙳𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚖 𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚎 (𝚂𝚑𝚞 𝚡 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚝 𝚡 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎)Where stories live. Discover now