"My Valkyrie~" -Free

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So they both feel the same for each other. "Well.. isn't this cute." Chris says walking in with her hands together. Valt let's go of Free blushing hard. Free tilts his head at Chris and sighs. "I told you I would let you know his response. You snoop around to much." Free says yawning. Chris kept smiling. "But I couldn't wait any longer! It took you too long, so i decided to do some snooping.. like snoopy!" She exclaims. Valt started to laugh, Free smiled at him. "So are you two a couple? From my perspective.. you guys seem like a married couple!" She said squealing. Valt looked at Free who was blushing.. he thought it was cute the way Free reacted. "Yeah.. yeah, go do some snooping some place else snoopy. I'm leaving now, so bye." Free says standing up. Free looked back at him and mouthed "Come with me". Valt nods, he stands up and starts to stretch. Chris walked out of the room to do some more snooping, and this time it was on Sisco and Kuza. "She's at it again." Valt says chuckling. Free starts to walk torwards to the door, he turns to Valt, got on one knee and held his hand out. Valt started to blush, but he didn't take Free's hand, he placed it gently on his cheek. "Hm~? What is it my Valkyrie~" Free tilts his head, Valt gets on his knees and smiles. "Before we go anywhere," Valt kisses Free on the lips. "Daily kisses!!" Valt exclaims. Free chuckles at this and kissed Valt on the forehead. "Your right, I almost forgot.. heh." He says before standing up. Valt grabs Free's hand, and holds it near his chest. "Oh Valt.. come here." Free says picking him up. Free sat down with Valt in his arms. "Ahh, what's this about?" Valt complained. "I need to find your sweet spot~" Free whispers biting his earlobe. Valt groaned, he loved hearing Free's voice.. his deep voice. "Nn.. Free-ah~!" Valt moans, Free found his sweet spot and started to suck it. "Heh.. found it~" He says kissing it. He then hugs Valt tight and sighs. "What's wrong Free?" Valt says quietly. Free didn't respond. "Free-" Free held him tighter, and then spoke. "I heard you crying.. did Sisco hurt you?" Free asks him. Valt thought about the note Shu gave him, if he told Free about it, what will his response be. "It was just a letter a friend of mine sent me, it's nothing serious." Valt said to him. Free shook his head. "It is serious Valt, what did he or she say!?" He was screaming now, did he anger Free. He pinned Valt against the bed and held his hands in place. Free was enraged. "Who was the letter from!" He yelled. Valt looked the other way and whimpers: "S-Shu.. Kurenai.."

Free notices Valt's eyes tearing up. "Valt.. I'm sorry, I.. just hate to see my Valkyrie cry." Free says letting go of Valt. The whimpering boy sat up, wiping his tears. "I knew you would react badly.. that's why I didn't want to tell you." Valt whispers. Free hated himself for what he did to Valt, his Valt. "So.. I'm competing with someone for your heart.. huh?" Free says quietly. Valt looked up at Free and crawled to his side. "D-Don't worry about.. okay?" Valt says laying down in Free's lap. "Get up." Free says. Valt sits up and stares at Free. "I.. need to think. I just can't forgive myself for what I d-" Valt put one finger over his mouth. "I-I'm glad I have a protective guy like you around. Maybe.. one day," Valt gets in Free's laps and whispers in his ear. "We could be something more..". Hearing that, Free's heart skipped a beat. Was he saying that they could become a couple? "I will let you have your time to yourself.. just come back soon, I'll wait for you." Valt says kissing him on the cheek. Free put a hand over the cheek Valt kissed and smiled.

"Even after showing my possessive side.. he still cares about me. Oh Valt.. I can't wait for that day to come.. because I will make you the happiest boy alive."

Free laid Valt down in the bed, he looked to the side and sighed. Free looked at him, removing his hand from his cheek. "Valt.. when will that day come?" Free whispers. Before leaving, Free kisses Valt's sweet spot and then his cheek. "I'll be back soon, I promise." He says quietly walking out of the room.

In America

"Shu come on, we hate to see you like this!" One of his one of his teammates yelled through his door. "It's been 4 days! You haven't ate anything! We should take you to the hospital or something!" Another shouted. "How can I.. he's gonna try a force himself in me again.." Shu thought to himself. Shu Kurenai was welcomed by the team manager Theodore Glass. But Shu noticed his actions, he was trying to avoid him, but he couldn't. One day he couldn't take it anymore, he attacked Theodore, but it just made him want Shu more. He forced Shu to his room, throwing him on the bed.. and well you know the rest. Shu was permanently scarred for the rest of his life. "Please Shu, can one of us come in?" One says jiggling the door nob. "Why can't you just let me rot in here!" He screams. No response. Shu hated himself.. and he shouldn't, it's not his fault that it happened. "Why me.. why did it have to happen to me..?" He questions. He drifted to sleep thinking about Valt, and him finding out about what happened.

"Shu!" Valt exclaims hugging the prodigy.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to help you."

"N-no.. you don't need to apologize," he says hugging Valt back.

"I'm just glad your with me now.."


Hai Friends! It's Fluffy-chu introducing you to another chaptie~!! And now.. you know about Shu's condition and why he's in the position he's in. And I know, I know.. it is disturbing to hear Theodore .... I'm not even gonna say it.

Tbh, I don't like Theodore. He's the reason why our crimson eyed prodigy lost his memories and only focused on power!!! Ugg!!! (Me yelling in frustration)

But he's not stealing our golden boi from his Valkyrie, we shall protect them!! Thank you for reading Fluffy-chans~!!!!♡♡

Lots of Love~♡


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