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After the tournament, Valt and Free rushed to their rooms. "I-I was afraid you would say no! I'm so happy!" Free says to his boyfriend. "Why would I say no? I love you!" Valt yelps. Free started to tickle Valt, which made him laugh. "Aahaha!! Free aha stop!" Valt laughed. Free chuckled. He then stopped tickling his hyper boyfriend and sighed. Valt tilts his head and smiled.

Free yawns, walking over to his bed. He gestures Valt to come his way, he did so. "You don't look so happy when your sleepy~" Valt whined climbing in the bed next to Free. Free pulled Valt into him so that he was resting in his chest. "I'm happy now~" He says stroking Valt's hair. Valt hummed and wrapped his arms around Free. Free smiled at this, giving Valt a slight kiss on the forehead. "Free." Valt said.

"Yes Valt?" He responds. "I've been wondering.." He says sitting up. "Why is your hair so soft and golden~" he says with a laugh. Free blushed and chuckled. "I don't know.. why do you keep your hair up?" Free asks taking Valt's headband off. "I don't like my hair down..~" Valt whined. Free smirked, biting onto Valt. "I think you look sexy~" Free growled. Valt gasped and looked at Free, red faced. "I-I do not! Don't say it like that.. it sends chills down my spine." Valt says covering his mouth. Free sits up, putting Valt into his lap. "I just love teasing you baby~" he says seductively. Valt was blushing harder, there has always been something about Free that drove him crazy. "Its unfair~!" Valt whined. "I can't tease someone like you Free," Valt says leaning back against him. "Your too precious of a gift.." he says afterwards. Free's heart skipped a beat, those words filled him with happiness. "Aww.. your so sweet Valt~" Free cooed. Valt giggled, Free snuggled closer to Valt. "I'm not tired.. sleepyhead." Valt says poking around Free's cheek. "This sleepyhead is tired.. but," he rolled Valt over and laid on top of him. "I'll stay awake... for a little while." Valt smiled playing with Free's golden hair. "I love you Free." Valt says to him. Free fell asleep onto Valt, oof that meanie. "Nya.. I love you too~" he says sleepily. "H-hey you said you stay up!" Valt laughed. "What can we do then.. zzz." Free says falling asleep again. "Maybe something fun~" Valt teased. Free's eyes shot open. "What kind of fun?" Valt laughed. "I knew that would wake you up.. hmm," he thought. Free was thinking lots of things.. lots of naughty fun things to do to Valt. "Can we leave this room, I wanna get some fresh air.." Valt says to him standing up. Free shrugged, standing up after him. The two boys got their shoes on and left their room. They were outside, it was cold and dark. "Brr... its c-cold." Valt stuttered. Free wrapped his arms around Valt and whispered in his ear. "Allow me to warm you up then~" Free says licking Valt's neck. Valt moaned softly, his face was burning up. "See~ All better." Free teased, Valt was blushing really hard. He pushed Free down and got on top of him. "You tease me to much.." Valt whines. "I could've done sooo much more... if you give me the permission~" Free growled.

Valt lays in Free's chest and nods slowly. "Just don't hurt me, okay? You are really.. aggressive." Valt says looking to the side. "I can't promise you that I won't.. and what's wrong with being aggressive," Free sits up running his hands down Valt's sides. "I want to be passionate in what I do to you Valt~" Free licks his lips, eyeing Valt. He picked Valt up and held him against the wall. Before Free could start the door slammed open. "FREE!! VALT!?" Chris yelled. "So much for that.. we are right here Chris.." Free says, annoyed. "I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU TWO!! WHER- what are you doing?" Chris then says after seeing Free put his hand under Valt's shirt. "Me and Valt planned to have fun.. you see," Free says moving closer to Valt. "You kinda ruined our plans.." Chris sat on a near by bench and sat. "Oh oh I'm sooo sorry, why don't you two have your 'fun'." Chris says sarcastically, with a large smile placed upon her face. "Are.. you sure about this Free? " Valt says quietly. Free chuchkled and kissed him. "We have to show our love for each other in public too~ Come on.. please~" Free begged. Valt lifted Free's head and smirked. "Show me what you got Sleepyhead~" Valt says kissing him roughly on the lips. The two boys  tongues fought for dominance, Free claimed victory. "Ha.. ha, you win~" Valt pants squeezing Free's shirt. Chris watched them, as blood dripped from her nose. "So hot!" She thought. "So~ Can I do what I want with you.. just liked we planned~" Free says biting Valt's neck. Valt let out a small groan and nodded slowly. "But-" Free tilted his head. "I rather do it in the bedroom, not out here." Valt says shivering a bit. "Ah okay, you boys have fun. I need to get some tissues for my issues." She says pointing at her nosebleed. Free chuckles, then he looks Valt's way. "Should I tell you what I'm gonna do with you first~" He says. Valt grins madly and licks his lips.

Time Skip [With Shu]

"Will you go out with me, Valt Aoi.. Will you go out with me, Valt Aoi.." Free repeats as Shu rewinds the show. "Why.. did he say yes?" Shu asks himself. "You said you loved him.. why him?" He keeps questioning himself. He turned the TV off and fell back onto his back, tears running from his once crimson eyes. They were a dark garnet, growing darker and darker. "Valt.. why him. Why him.. why him.. WHY HIM!!!" He screamed. Shu cried and screamed, yelling in pain. "Shu, are you alright." He heard Theodore say through his door. He didn't respond to him, that only made the situation worse. "Shu, answer me!" He screamed. "Leave. Me. Alone." Shu said to him. Theodore smirked,  and said. "Is this about Free de la Hoya?" He says. Shu walks to the door and unlocks it, behind him is a pocket knife in his hand. "What's behind your back~" Theodore asks. "That doesn't matter! Why do you think I'm mad at Free de la Hoya!" Shu screamed. "It's because he asked out your friend.. Valt Aoi." He smirked. "Congrats.. you figured it out.." Shu says quietly. "Maybe you could talk to Free.. since he's transferring here." Theodore says before walking off. Shu closed the door, locked it, and started to laugh. Laughing and laughing. "He's going to abandon Valt.. he's going to abandon him!" Shu laughs. He fell to his knees. "He.. is going to abandon my friend." He says with a smile. Shu looked to the ceiling with a smirk, he thought about Valt's reaction to Free's decision. "He's going to love me~ haha.. my precious friend," Shu licked his lips and smiled to himself.

"You'll be mine forever.. again.."


My friends, I am so sorry for the late update. I have been sick for days, and I have been recovering well, which is great. (This is Boa's fault.. he made me have s nose bleed T^T)

Then, there's the State Tournament. I have been playing since Friday, and haven't been defeated yet! I'm really happy, I have full faith in me and my team that we will do our best in this tournament.

Anyhoo.. FLUFFY-CHU HERE WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER~! Thank you all for waiting for this chapter, I really appreciate it! I feel like it's been forever since I updated.. has it?

Free: *yawns* probably
Fluffy-chu: no one asked you~!

I hope you enjoyed this chaptie, Fluffy-chu will always love you ^^.


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