This.. Is Our Happy Ending

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Valt sighed before speaking. "It's my fault," Free tilted his head. "How is it your fault Valt?" Free asked. "Well, it's because," Valt shook his head. "Me and Shu were inseparable," Free looked down and sighed. "We were like brothers, we were there for each other." Valt hugged Free.

"Valt, maybe I should've left you alone..." Free sighed. "You and him were meant to be, It's my fault that he's this way." Valt shook his head. "No! This isn't your fault!" Free shook his head. "It is! You two were that close!" His eyes started to tear up. "He loved you! I got in the way! I'm the cause of this! I did this..." Free cried. Valt hugged Free tight. "It's not your fault Free," Valt says calmly. "None of it is," Free shook his head. "How Valt! How is it not my fault!!" Free screamed. Valt made Free face him. "Free, you weren't the cause of Shu losing his sanity..." Free looked into Valt's eyes. "It was Theodore," Free's eyes widened. "What did he-" Valt clenched his fists. "He raped him..."

It was completely quiet in the room, Free didn't say a word. 'That's what that bitch gets...' he thought. "Quite obvious if you ask me," Free says with annoyance. "What do you mean!" Valt exclaims. "When he held me captive, I could hear him.. crying," Free said to him. "He would scream out Theodore's name at night." Valt looked down. "Nightmares..." Free nodded. "I wonder how he's doing..." Valt sighed. Free tilted his head. 'He's probably beating Lui right now...'

With Shu

"Lui~" Where did you go~?" Shu says with a grin. "Over here," Shu's heart stopped. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of men with guns. "No..." Shu says backing up. "It's for your own good Shu," Lui says. "WHAT ABOUT THEODORE!? HE DID THIS TO ME!!!" A group of men surrounds Shu. "Don't worry," One of the men said, calming Shu down. "We got him," Shu started to cry. "So.. are you all gonna kill me?" Shu asks, his glowing garnet eyes slowly dimming. "No, it isn't your fault," One of the members say to him. "We knew something like this may happen, due to your previous incident." Shu smirked. "So you know what happened before... huh." Shu took a deep breath. "I guess, I just need to be locked away from the world for a few years,"

They escorted Shu to a mental hospital, they had a room made just for him. They helped him with the hallucinations and the voices in his head. Though... it was hard keeping him in his room....

"LET ME SEE VALT!!!" He exclaimed. "Someone keep him from hurting himself!" A team had went to his room to calm Shu down, "Would you like it if we called Valt?" Shu nodded slowly. "Do you know where he is?" Shu nods again. "He's in the hospital at the moment," Shu took deep breaths before resting his eyes. "Sir, please call Valt Aoi..."

At the Hospital

The phone started to ring, waking Free up. "Hello?" He answers sleepily. "This is Nurse Kami, we would like to speak with Valt Aoi," Free looked at his sleeping boyfriend. "He's asleep at the moment..." There was silence at the other end of the phone. "A friend of his would like to speak with him, Shu Kurenai." Free's eyes were the size of saucers. "Wait, where is he!?" The nurse explains that he's in a mental hospital to help with his disorder. "Oh... I see," Free sighed. He shook Valt awake, "Someone... would like to speak with you." Free says handing Valt the phone. "This is Valt, who is this?"


"Hey... Valt," it was Shu's voice. "Shu..." Valt said into the phone. "Where are you?" He heard him chuckle over the phone. "Well, I'm back where I started..." Valt started to tear up. "You got caught.. again," Shu sighed. "I might be here for a while... but please," Shu smiled. "Come visit me sometime." Valt smiled, wiping his tears. "Of course."


The phone hung up, Valt still in tears. "Valt..." Free holds him into his arms, wiping his tears. "He got caught... again." Valt kept crying. "He never wanted to go back to that place," Free rocked Valt slowly, kissing him softly on the forehead. "Now," Valt sits up and faces Free. "He can have a place to settle down and relax, and we can have that family." Free's heart was about to burst when Valt said that. "Really!" Valt giggled. "Yes!" They shared a long, sweet kiss. "One question," Free tilted his head. "Can we see Shu? After we settle down?" Free smiles. "Yeah, we can see him now if you'd like," Valt shook his head. "He needs time in there, so that he can atone for the things he's done." Valt laid down into Free's chest. "I wonder what our kids would look like..." Free closed his eyes. "They would probably look like you~" Valt pouted. "Nooo, they would look more like you~!" The two boys laughed at each other. "Well, shouldn't you be getting some rest shortie," Valt nodded. "Where will you sleep?" Free tilted his head with a smile. "With you of course." Valt giggled at his boyfriend. As they got into a comfortable position, they slept with smiles on their faces.

As the years past, Free proposed to Valt on his birthday, he of course said yes. They got a house together and had two babies. They were both boys, their names, Ezra and Tristan.

They visited Shu 2 times a week, he has gotten alot better. Everything has changed, Free and Valt's relationship grew.

Everything.. was perfect

"Hey babe, can you please bring Tristan his bottle? I'm quite busy here." Free walks in with his bottle and gives Valt a quick kiss on the lips. "Here you go honey," Free wrapped his arms around Valt's stomach. "I love you baby," Free says with a smile. "I love you too~"


I'm sorry for such the late update!
I hope this makes up for it~!!

Free and Valt can live happily ever after~♡

I drew what their kids look like, but I need to add the finishing touch.


•Is the youngest
•Loves to smile~
•Very Hyper
•Left eye is Navy Blue
•Right eye is Gray


•Is the oldest
•Very quiet and antisocial
•Rarely smiles
•Is blind in his right eye

They both kind of looks like Valt!!

𝙳𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚖 𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚎 (𝚂𝚑𝚞 𝚡 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚝 𝚡 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎)Where stories live. Discover now