I need to see him

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  "Hey have you seen Valt anywhere?" Rantaro asked Sisco. "No I haven't, why? Is something wrong?" Rantaro sighed. Sisco told him to wait outside for him. "Umm.. hey Sisco.." Chris says. "Chris!" Sisco exclaimed. "Please find Valt.. please. He hasn't returned." Sisco sighed. "Don't worry, me and Rantaro are gonna search for him.. tell the others to look around also." Chris nods and gathers the other bladers.


"Took you long enough broccoli hair.." Sisco smirked. "Yeah yeah, now come on." Sisco shouted, Rantaro dropped his lollipop and sighed. "That was my favorite one.." Sisco stopped in place. "Is it that good?" He nodded. "Let me have a taste~" Rantaro blushed hard and pushed him. "No no! It was disgusting, bleh!" Sisco laughed at Rantaro, Rantaro pouted. "Let's go, we have no time to waste." Rantaro scoffed. "You wasted time on trying to tease me.." Sisco glared at Rantaro."What was that!" Rantaro ran to Sisco's side. "Nothing.. nothing.. heh." Sisco wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Remember.. Valt is probably in pain right now.. don't bring Free up." Rantaro nods.

[At Free's Secret Training Spot]

Valt was laying in the grass, tears staining his cheeks. "If we planned to have a family together.. I don't think I can handle being away from him." Valt's heart ached everytime he would think of Free. His one and only, his lover. "Why.. why can't I-" his stomach started to growl. "Shut up.." Valt groans. He hasn't ate food, he didn't want to. He wanted to stay here with "him". "Valt!" Valt could hear his friend Rantaro calling out to him. But was slowly fading away, his vision grew blurry, his heart beated slower. "I'm gonna die.. am I." Valt smiled before passing out.

"Valt wake up! Little buddy!?" Rantaro says shaking Valt's body. He was about to cry, Valt wasn't breathing. "We need to get him to a hospital, let's move!!" Sisco says picking Valt up. Rantaro and Sisco ran back to BC SOL. "Rantaro, Sisco! Did you-" Chris started to tear up and fell to her knees. "We need to go.. NOW!"

In America

"Heh.. that wasn't so hard now was it?" Free didn't move, he couldn't move. "I would've been alot nicer.. if you didn't take Valt from me." Free looked Shu's way, not turning his head. "Heh.. you do take things seriously.. even when it comes to your life~" Shu gets onto him and whispers in his ear. "What a turn on~" Free closed his eyes. "Valt.. forgive me.." he said to himself. "I couldn't give you that family you wanted.." Free felt the sharp knife slice through his skin, he felt the pain surge through him. "Mmm~ Free." He heard Shu say. "It's quite surprising that you haven't screamed yet.. heh." Free felt the knife against pants buckle. "You seem to be enjoying this." Free shook his head, which was a mistake he made. Shu stripped him, leaving only his boxers. Shu got up, grinning madly.

"You'll never learn, will you Free." He says kicking his side. Free coughed blood, trembling. Shu then sits on his stomach, smirking. Shu felt like a God compared to Free. "Get.. ah.. off of.. me." Free breathes out. "Tsk.. you'll never learn." Shu grabbed a pillow from of the bed. "Unless.. you get punished!!" Shu held the pillow against Free's face, suffocating him. "Mmmf mff!!!" Free struggled getting the pillow off. Shu laughed, and then took the pillow off of his face. "This is so amusing." Shu says quietly. Free's face was red, panting heavily. "Ah~ I've had my fun.. and Free," Shu grabs Free's neck, licking his lips. "You better be thankful that I didn't kill you." He got off of him and left Free in his room. "I'm so weak." Free said to himself. He got up slowly, coughing and wheezing. He went to the bathroom near his room and looked at the cuts on his body. "It's not to bad..," He says grabbing a first-aid kit. He cleaned his wounds up and wrapped them up. "Hey Free, someone needs to talk to you." Free opened the door to see Theodore. "Hello?" Free heard sobbing at the other end of the phone. "F-free.. it's Christina. Something is wrong with Valt," Free's heart began to pump. "Please tell me.. h-" He heard her cry even more. "He isn't waking up." After hearing those words, his heart stopped. "No.. no. I NEED TO SEE HIM!!" He ran with Theodore's phone, out the door and into the streets. "Free, we aren't in America." Free gritted his teeth, tears pricking his eyes. "Free.. please-" Free hung the phone up, he fell to his knees, and cried. "VALT!!" he screamed.

At the Hospital

"Is he coming!?" Sisco exclaimed. Chris cried even more. "He hung up." Sisco looked to the side, holding back his tears. The doctor walks out of the room and stares at the BC SOL team. "Is he okay!? Please tell me hes okay!" Chris cried. "Valt Aoi is very ill, we are trying everything we can." The doctor says calmly. "Don't worry, he'll be okay..."

With Valt

"I need him.. Free.. I need you." Valt says quietly in his sleep. One of the nurses heard him, and smiled. Valt wakes up with tears falling from his eyes, whimpering softly. "Valt," Valt faces the nurse, still crying. "Would you like to see Free?" Valt slowly sat up, nodding slowly. "Okay. Do you know where he is..?" She asks calmly. "He's part if the Raging Bulls.." Valt says sighing.  The nurse nods, walks to the phone and dials a number. Valt falls back asleep again, breathing heavily. "Am I gonna die..." he asked himself again.

"Theodore speaking.."

"Hello, I'm speaking on the behalf of Valt Aoi, he's extremely ill. He wants to see Free de la Hoya.."

"Alright, I'll let him know."

Shu hung the phone up with a smirk. "Poor Valt.. my Valt." Shu laughed. He watched as Free cried outside, he enjoyed every minute of it. "Valt! I'm so sorry!! IM SO SORRY!" Free cried out. "I should've never left you!" Free couldn't stop crying, he felt so much guilt.. it was killing him. "ITS ALL MY FAULT!!!!"

Shu found this amusing to watch. "A few hours of torture was a turn on, but.. this~" Shu licked his lips and laughed. "This is something even better~!!" He screams out. Shu watched Free cry in pain, it seemed like hours before he fell to his knees. "There he is, help him up!" Shu glared at the people around Free, they weren't from America. "Valt.. Valt.. I'm sorry." Free cried. "Don't worry Free.." One of the people say to him. Free's heart was torn apart, his vision was blurry. Another person wipes Free's face softly with a cloth, he notices the white coat jackets.

"We are gonna bring you to Valt"


Hello Fluffy-chans!! Comin at cha with another chaptie!

Just to be honest, I wanted this chapter to be sad... I'm sorry!
(Don't hate me.. T^T)

What do you think is gonna happen if the two-love birds see each other again?

How will our little cinnamon roll react?

Who knows.. we must find out, next chapter~!

Fluffy-chu will always love you~

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