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*some swearing, you have been warned!*

"S-shu.. mm~" Valt moaned softly, gripping onto the taller males hair. Shu was sucking on Valt's delicate skin, nipping and licking at every love bite. "A-ah!" Oh his moans, his beautiful moans made Shu shiver. He wanted him, and he finally got him. "Valt~" Shu says quietly into his ear. "I can't wait anymore.." Valt groaned hearing Shu's husky voice. "Neither can I..-" The two boys kissed each other hungrily, wanting more of each other. Shu started to undress Valt quickly, Valt did the same. By now, the two males were in their boxers, dripping in sweat, their tongues connected through their saliva. "I've never thought we'd get a chance like this..." Shu says. Valt sits up and smiles. "We couldn't do this before you know.. we would.. get interrupted," Valt says looking to the side. "So I'll take advantage of this moment," Shu says pulling of his boxers. Valt looked at the prodigy's length, quite large for Shu's size. "Y-your-" Shu chuckled. "Don't worry my love... I'll take it slow with you," Shu grinned as he watched Valt take his boxers off and position himself. "Let me know.. if I start to hurt you," Shu says softly. "I tend to become.. rough at times," Valt nodded slowly and closed his eyes. He grabbed the bedsheets waiting for Shu to enter his hot body. Shu aligned his member with Valt's entrance, grinning madly. "Oh the things you do to me Valt... you make me go insane.." Shu entered slowly, groaning as he entered Valt's tight hole. "S-shu.." Valt moaned out. Shu looked at his beautiful Valkyrie in confusion. "What is it my love?" Valt hesitated and then spoke. "Will you tell me the truth? Are you really capable of doing the things Free told me about...?" Shu's heart stopped, just for a second though. He then sighed. "Yes, Valt.. I am capable of doing.. terrible things, I thought you knew that by now.."

Looking back at the old days, where Valt and Shu were little, he was a little.. well crazy..

"How many times do I have to tell you Valt! Stop hanging around Shu!" His mother screamed. Valt stared at his mother, his heart breaking in two. "Mom, please.. you can't do this!" Shu stepped in the house, anger filling his body. "Is there a problem with him being with me?" His eyes were on Valt's mother. "It's already a problem that you don't accept Valt for who he is," Valt's mother made a look, "What's that supposed to mean!" Shu grinned and spoke in a bone-chilling voice. "What a surprise! A dumb bitch doesn't accept her son because he's gay!" Shu grin grew by the second. "YOUR FUCKING SHIT!!" Valt stared at his friend in terror, he has never seen him like this before. Mrs. Aoi broke down in tears and ran upstairs. "Shu! You didn't have to go that f-" Shu cut him off. "I've had enough, you deserve to be happy.. you don't need to cry over that.. thing."

"Y-yeah your right.. why did I even ask." Valt says sadly. Shu smiled and kissed Valt softly on the lips. "No more sadness, this is our time.. our moment to finally make love to each other." Valt smiled. "Let's continue~♡"

After hearing those words, Shu thrusted into Valt, hard. This made Valt scream in pain and pleasure. Shu thrusted harder and faster into Valt, groaning loudly. "A-ahh.. Valt, your so tight-" he groaned thrusting a bit slower. Valt had tears rolling down his beautiful eyes, holding the bedsheets quite tightly. "S-shu.. Ah!!" Valt screamed. Shu thrusted again, grabbing ahold of Valt's thighs. "I'm gonna-" Shu shushed him, stroking Valt's member. "Cum Valt, I want to taste you~♡" Shu said to him. Valt's back arched as he came, semen covering the prodigy's hand. "So much~ Ahh~" Shu moaned licking the cum off his hands. "My dear Valt," Valt covered his mouth. "Pull out of me, let me taste you-" Shu did what he was told. He sat with his legs wide open, his member still hardened. "Let me suck you.." Shu grinned madly. " I need to cum Valt.." Shu groans. Valt fully engulfed Shu's incredible size into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. "V-valt~!!" Shu moaned grabbing onto Valt's hair. Shu slowly pushed Valt's head down, feeling his member hit the back of Valt's throat. Valt choked a bit it went back to sucking. "I-Im gonna cum!" Shu moaned out. As he came, Valt savored the taste of the prodigy's cum. 'Bitter..' he thought, but it just made him want more. "A-ah.. I can't take anymore.." Valt groans, breathing heavily. Shu chuckles, wiping the cum dripping from Valt's mouth. "I love you Valt-"


The nurse gave Valt some medicine and told him to rest more. She didn't really believe that Valt had sex with a psycho. Maybe he's hallucinating things. "I'm not crazy!" He screamed out. The nurse walked out without a word. "W-what's wrong with me.." Valt groans, tears falling from his eyes. "Nothing's wrong with you Valt," Valt heard that voice before. Low, husky, it had to be- "Free?" Valt looked up to see his boyfriend, he had cuts and bruises on his arms. "Don't ask questions.. But I'm okay." He says walking towards him. Valt cried even more. Free hugged the smaller male softly and whispered in his ear. "I know what happened Valt.." His tears fell even more. "Please stop crying.. it's not you fault." That's when Valt snapped. "HOW IS IT NOT MY FAULT! I WAS TO DUMB TO THINK YOU WERE CHEATING, I WAS TO WEAK TO DEFEND FOR MYSELF, I'M NOT WORTHY OF YOUR LOVE!!!" Free stared at his boyfriend, sighing. "I'm dumb too," Free said looking ag Valt. "I'm an idiot to think that my boyfriend was cheating on what I heard and saw. Anger filled my heart, I bawled my eyes out over you," Free chuckled. "The things that happen between you and Shu.. it doesn't mean nothing to me." Valt wiped his tears. "I finally got to see you and what seemed like months.. I didn't want to see you cry." Valt sighed. "I just had a lot on my mind lately," Free sat beside Valt and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"I'll listen to everything you got to say.. Valt Aoi-"


I'm sorry that this chapter was late, I apologize! *bows*
I'm so glad that I've finished it though!

I just wanted to say, thank you for reading this story.

♡~Love you all~♡

𝙳𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚖 𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚎 (𝚂𝚑𝚞 𝚡 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚝 𝚡 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎)Where stories live. Discover now