◇-A New Beginning-◇

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 Before I begin this chapter, I would like to thank @BeybladeSensei for everything she has done. She has offered her time to help edit this fanfiction. Which I am very, very thankful for. I am glad that she and I are great friends... I really wish that I could express my thanks for her. I appreciate everything that she has done to help me. Please check out her story "Burst Finish My Heart" I highly recommend it!

I would also like to appreciate everything that you all have done for me also. Thanks for sticking with me till' the end. Sigh, this is the final chapter of this fanfiction. *celebrates quietly* it's been fun! Arigato

Now, onto the chapter

"Ezra, what are you doing, silly boy," Free says picking him up. Ezra starts to pull on Free's hair and screamed. "WHERE IS MOMMY!!!" Valt walked in with Tristen by his side. "Oh boy, Ezra-" Ezra stops pulling Free's hair. "H-hi mom," Free made a face at Ezra and walked off, holding his head. "Poor dad." Tristen says sighing. "He wouldn't tell me where you were!" Ezra exclaims. "You shouldn't pull on daddy's hair like that." Valt says with a smile. "Tristen, please take your brother to your room." Tristen nods and picks his brother up. "Jerk..."

With Valt

"Hey Free," Free was in bed, sleeping, Ezra must've kept him on his toes. Valt walks in, closing the door behind him. He walks toward his golden-haired husband and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Thank you..." Free grabs Valt, holding him close. "Anything for you... my Valkyrie." Valt snuggled with Free and slowly shut his eyes, hearing Free's faint heart beats. "I love you Valt." Free says quietly. Valt smiled, his eyes still shut.

As they slept, Ezra watched. "I don't know what mommy is..." Tristen picked him up, away from their parents' door. "Why does it matter Ezra?" Ezra sighed. "They look so happy... but my friends have parents who aren't... well-" Tristen shook his head. "We have better parents, now I think it's time for your bedtime-" Ezra starts to pull Tristen's hair, yelling and screaming. "N0!! NO!!" Tristen carried his wailing brother to his room, smiling softly.

With Tristen

I finally got Ezra to sleep, he is such a brat. I started to tuck Ezra in, smiling softly. "Thank you, Tristen," Free says quietly, walking into Ezra's slightly dimmed room. "Anytime, father," I respond. Sometimes... I wish I could be more like my dad. He's strong, calm, and mysterious. My father placed his hand on my shoulder, his eyes focusing on Ezra's rising and falling chest.

"Tristen, may I ask you something?" my father asks me. "Of course," I responded, "Is something wrong?" My father sighed softly, looking my way. "Are you okay with having visiting Shu Kurenai?" his voice trembled, but why? I turn to look at my father, somewhat worried about him. "Father, I would like to see him... but," I hesitated, my father tilted his head, that's when I saw it. Three jagged scars. Strange... how did he receive such nasty scars. So, I decided to ask him. He took a long sigh, he then covered the visible scars with his hand.

"It's a long story. A long, tragic... and dark story," He explains, his voice growing cold. "It's not that important anyway." I simply sighed, looking back at Ezra. "Okay, I understand," I respond. "When are we going to meet Shu Kurenai?" My father says that we are going to meet him tomorrow at a hospital. He then explains that Shu is there because of his mental health. After our talk, my father and I head to the kitchen to make dinner.


Normal Pov

Valt walked into the kitchen after his long nap, taking in the smells that invaded the area. "Mm~ Something smells delicious!" he says with energy. Free walked over to his husband and gives him a soft kiss of the cheek. "We decided to make your favorite food, since you haven't been feeling well." Tristen says readjusting his eyepatch. Valt shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. "That's... very sweet of you but," Valt says walking up to his son. "I'm more worried about you than myself." Tristen turned his head to the side, not looking at his brown-eyed father. "Tristen," Free says walking up to him. Tristen looks at Free, sadness filling his eye. "Take the eyepatch off, please." Tristen sighs, removing the eyepatch from his face, revealing a silver eye.

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