Pain X Agony X Rage

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Valt's POV

Beep...Beep..Beep. What's that sound? Where am I? As I opened my eyes, I was back in a hospital room. "Valt! Are you okay? What happened?!" Someone called out to me. My vision was a bit blurry, so I couldn't really tell. "Well.. I thought Free would be here.. I looked.. everywhere." I said back to the voice, should I have said anything? Then I heard a laugh. "Oh Valt~ My beautiful Valkyrie.. I've come for you." The voice sounded deep and seductive. It kind of sounds like... Shu. "Where is Free! Tell me!" He kept laughing, how could he laugh! "Your "boyfriend" is a lying, double crossing cheater." Free.. no.. my golden boy would never cheat on me.. will he? Tears ran down from my blurry eyes and they wouldn't stop falling. "HE WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON ME!" I screamed. I felt a shadow linger over top of me.. with a sinister grin on its face. "Why would I lie to you Valt?" He said to me. He held something up to my ear. I heard moans, it sounded like his and someone else..

"A-ah~ you like that?"

"Harder! Nnmm~!!"

Just for a second my heart stopped. My Free.. was cheating on me.. but why? I- wasn't good enough for him.. was I.

With Free (Free's POV)

"Get up." Lui said to me. I couldn't move my body at all.. not after what he did to me. My body ached in pain, but what hurt most was my heart. My boyfriend was taken from me, and he's gonna think I'm cheating on him. "I said get up!" Lui exclaims kicking me in my stomach. I got up on my hands and knees, my arms trembled as I did. Lui grabbed my hair and made me look at him. "I need to cum Free, help me." I knew what he meant.. and did what he wanted, but that wasn't enough.

"A-ah.. Free~" he kept pushing my head down so that his member could hit the back of my throat. "G-good boy, good boy," Lui said, at this point I was choking. He came in my throat, which made me gag.. why did he- "You did alot better than last time! I'm proud of you~" He cooed licking his lips. I felt like throwing up as I felt the hot substance run down my throat, but this hasn't been the first time. Things like this was an everyday thing that must happen. If not, "he" will come back and beat me senselessly. "Is.. he gonna come back?" I asked holding meh bruised stomach. Lui grinned, "Why? Do you like what he's doing to you?" Wait... what? Do I like what he's doing to me? No.. that's not the case here. "I just want to know.. that's all." Lui stopped grinning and got to his knees, he made me face him. He had a soft smile on his face, which was pretty rare. Why is he smiling? He stared into my dull eyes and sighed. "He's not coming today," he says and picks me up. "You need to rest.. do you need anything?" I shook my head.

>With Shu and Valt<

Shu sat silently as Valt slept in his bed, he was peaceful. "F-free.. how could you," Valt whines in his dream. Shu started to grin, rubbing against his throbbing member that was begging to be let out. "Just a few more minutes... then I'll let you out~" Shu groaned, he wanted Valt now. Valt's condition was too critical though, so.. he'll have to wait until he fully recovers. "Maybe he will help me-" Shu chuckled and got up. He kissed Valt's forehead before leaving the room. "I hope your ready Free," he licks his lips, then his fingers.

"Your gonna make daddy feel good tonight~"

Time Skip

"Please.. no more-" Free groaned. Lui stared from afar, holding back his tears. "Free.." Shu punched him in the stomach over and over and over, to the point where he wouldn't move anymore. "P-please.. s-stop.." Free was crying now, the pain was to much. "W-why.. do you hate me so much.." Shu kicked him again."Heheh.. I think you already know~" Lui couldn't help but cover his eyes. "Why! Why did I do this to him!" Lui couldn't help but cry. He loved Free. He regrets everything he did to him, he regrets agreeing to help Shu. He knew.. that Free was going to die soon. His heart ached at the thought of it. Lui could still hear Free's screams of agony through the door, moans and groans of pleasure. "Free de la Hoya," Free looked at the God who was looking over him, one last tear fell from his blood-shot eye before he could shut his eyes.

Everything went quiet. Lui moved his hands from his eyes and looked. Free wasn't moving. Shu was holding him with a devilish smirk on his face. "You want him now Lui? He's a basic puppet now." Lui stared at the dangling body in Shu's arms. His nose was bleeding, his lips were swollen, bruises and cuts all down his arms; legs and stomach. "I-is he-" Shu laughed and wouldn't stop laughing. "HE'S DEAD!!!" Those words stabbed Lui in the heart, he can't be dead. "No, no he can't be dead!?" Shu's laughs grew louder and louder, Lui's tears kept falling.

"Free de la Hoya.. is dead.."


I am so sorry for the long update, the reason for that is because I had surgery..

I wanted to update before I got it, but I didn't have enough time.
😿Please forgive me😿

(I'm sorry if it's bad btw)
I'm glad to be back though! Thank you for waiting for me! It means alot!

Bai bai~!

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