Let's go my Love

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Today was the day Valt leaves the hospital. Though his illness is still unknown, it seems he's doing just fine. "Good morning Valt!" Free says walking into the room. "Good morning Sleepyhead!!" Valt says excitedly. Free walks up to his Boyfriend and hugs him softly. "I'm so glad that your being released today!" Free says kissing Valt's forehead. "Hehe I'm excited! I can finally spend time with you!" Valt says smiling. Two nurses walk in with breakfast for Valt and Free, smiling sweetly at the couple. "We're glad your feeling better Valt Aoi," one says. "On top of that, you get to be with your boyfriend!" The two boys laugh, so did the nurses. "Enjoy your breakfast Valt and Free Aoi." One of them cooed. They looked at each other and blushed. "Free Aoi... heh." Valt chuckled. "I like it." Free still blushing covered his face. "Ugg..." Free groaned hearing the laughter of his lover. "In the future my love... I'll have to call you that." Free looked at him and smiled. "I'll be able to see my Valkyrie everyday, to kiss him softly on his lips and sleep with him." Free went on. Valt listened as he imagined all those things.  The nurse came back and helped Valt out of the bed, making sure that he could walk. "Your free to go Valt, take care of him Free... if he isn't feeling well.. please bring him back." Free nodded.

With Shu

"These roses?" The manager asked Shu. Shu nods slowly with a smile. "I'm sure he'll love them." The manager says.

"Are you sure this is enough Shu

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"Are you sure this is enough Shu.." Shu sighed. 'The voices are back again' he thought. "Shu, you want him right? Go ask Free if you can see him today.." he shook his head. "I don't want to hear his name... ever again." He thought and walked to the hospital.

Back at the Hospital

"Valt, would you like to see Shu today?" Free asks as they walk to the entrance. "Is it okay with you?" He asks. Free nods. "Yeah, I'd like to see him today." Valt says with a smile. Free smiles back hugging his boyfriend goodbye. "You know where to find me... right?" Valt nods and kisses Free. "I'll see you soon." Shu was waiting outside, wondering whether he should go in or not. Valt walked out of the hospital doors, which caught Shu's attention. "Valt!" Shu exlaims. Valt looks his way with the sweetest smile on his face. "Shu!! Thanks for coming!" Valt says happily. "T-these are for you." Shu says handing Valt the roses he bought. "S-shu they're beautiful.." Valt says blushing. "He's perfect..." Shu thought. "Oh your out here, would you like me to take these for you Valt Aoi?" One of the doctors asked him. "No, its okay." Valt smiled. "Shall we get going?" Valt asks the prodigy. He nodded and walked away from the hospital.

The two boys wondered if they could ever remake all the times they couldn't spend together.. but it couldn't be done here in Spain.

"Hey Valt..?" Valt was sitting next to him, laying his head against his shoulder. "Mm... yes Shu?" Valt lifted his head to face Shu. Shu leaned in and kissed Valt's lips softly and held him in his arms. "I never want this to end.. ever." Valt was blushing hard. "Let's go my Love~"

With Free [Night] (Free's Pov)

I waited for Valt's return, its past 8pm. "Heh, your Free de la Hoya right?" A harsh voice called out to him. "Yeah. What's it to you." A small figure walked up to him, flaming blue hair, shark-like teeth and purple eyes. "The name's Lui, Lui Shirasagi." He says walking up to Free even more. "Hah, too close. Back up." Free says pushing him. Lui licked his lips and lunged towards Free. Lui pinned Free against the wall, biting into his neck. "Moan for me Free." Free kicked Lui off, running off into a hallway. "Come back here you!" Free kept running and saw Shu standing at the other end of the hallway, 'He's mine now' Free read from his lips. He ran up to him and felt a sharp object enter his body.

"Go to sleep..."

The Next Morning

Valt woke up in Shu's room feeling dazed. "Ugg... my head." He said as he sat up. "Free! I gotta see him." He said with a smile. He then realized... Shu wasn't with him. "He was with me last night.." Valt thought.

Valt's POV

I walked around Shu's room, looked at a few things and found a note.

Dear Valt,

I have gone out for a bit... I'll be back soon.

Don't be afraid my love, I'll always be with you...  

Love, Shu Kurenai

"But.. why?" I thought to myself. I quickly put my clothes on and ran to the hospital. "Excuse me.. have you seen Free de la Hoya?" The doctor turned to me and shook her head. Valt started to panic, he checked every room in the hospital. His heart started to race, his breathing became unstable. "N-no, Free where are y-you!" Valt gasps out before falling to his knees. "F-free..."

"W-ehat are you doing! Let me go!" Free screamed trying to remove the restraints. "I'm sorry Free de la Hoya, we can't." Lui says climbing onto him. "We have to bring Valt here, so that he can see that your cheating on him~"


🌸💮Hi everyone!! It's Fluffy-chu here and I have a story I would like to share!

Dawn has had a hard life, losing her father in a car accident on her 10th birthday. Her mom restricted her from beyblading ever since what happened to her brother Ryuga. Before her father died, he left behind Meteo LDrago. Her life changes as she meets Shu and the bey club. Dawn wants to become the top female blader, but what'll happen on this journey to the top...

This story is absolutely stunning, heartbreaking and very interesting. Dawn's story grows as she becomes stronger as a beyblader.

My dear friend rockstargal45 created this story. Go check her books out~!!

Also, I'm so glad that I'm progressing quite smoothly. 2 chapters in a day!?!? I'm on a roll! I wish I could publish another chapter of "You and I" but I can't at the moment... I will when I can!

💮🌸See ya Fluffy-chans!!!🌸💮

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