It's A Surprise

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Night 12:30am

"How should I surprise Valt in the tournament.." Free thought. Valt was asleep in his chest, he looked at him and took him head band off. "I might have a idea.." Free smirks and falls into a deep sleep.


"Good morning sleepyhead~!" Valt says smothering Free in kisses. Free woke up and kissed Valt on the lips. "Good morning to you too Valkyrie~" Free says. Valt climbed off of Free and went to his room. Free thought about the tournament today, will he be able to commit to his surprise. Free got up and went to put his clothes on, then Valt walks in. "Oo~ look at Free~" he said looking him up and down. Free had his shirt off, he then threw his shirt at him. "H-hey!" Valt laughs. He takes the shirt off and notices Free walking towards him. "Hm? A-ah.." Free took Valt's shirt off, smirking in the process. He put both of his hands on Valt's sides and slowly went down, examining his body. "Mm~ Your making me hungry Valt~" Free says huskily into Valt's ear. Valt shivered from his touch, then gasped when Free went down further. "Will you feed me.. master~" he says licking his earlobe. Valt was blushing, looking away from his companion.. well I wouldn't say that. "A-ahh~ Free.. you know how to turn a guy on~" Valt groaned. Free smirked and went for Valt's nipples, slowly sucking, licking and biting them. "Free~!" Valt moaned. Free kisses Valt's nipple before heading to his neck. "You seem to be enjoying this.. but you know we can't continue here." Free says sadly. Valt was sad too, he wanted to continue having fun with Free. Valt put his shirt back on, Free went to grab one of his t-shirts from the drawer. "Let's go." Free says walking out the door. Valt hesitated and grabbed Free's hand. "Okay!" He says happily. Free held Valt's hand softly, walking to the meeting room.

"Do I have everyone here?" Cris asks. "Where is Free?" A blader asks. "Right here." He says. Free and Valt weren't holding hands as anymore, they wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. Well Cristina already knows due to her snooping. "Ah~ Your here on time!" She exclaims. Free was looking in a corner to nap in, but decided to take a seat next to Valt. He laid his head against Valt's shoulder and slept. "Ahah.. of course he would sleep. Anyways, we have our first Tournament today and I'm choosing our starting three!" Chris says with excitement. "First, Free de la Hoya. Second, Valt Aoi. And Third, Rantaro Kiyama!"

Everyone cheered, except for Valt's sleepyhead. Valt plucked at Free's golden hair and chuckled. "Ouch.. I felt that." Free says sleepily. Valt laughed and laughed. Free looked at him and smiled. "Be ready for your surprise Valt, it's gonna shock you~" Free thought to himself.

At the Tournament

It was Free's turn to battle against the opposing team. "Good luck out their Free!" Rantaro and Valt exclaims. "I don't need luck.. I'm gonna win." He says coldly. "Can you say something nice!" Rantaro screamed. "Like what?" Free questions. "Just say something!" He argues. "Something.." Free says and walks off to face the opposing blader. "Grr.. he makes me so mad!" Rantaro rants. "Just calm down, it will be your time to shine next!" Valt exclaims. Rantaro agreed and watched the battle. Free's Bey span quietly around the stadium, bursting the opposing bey instantly. "Free De La Hoya with a burst finish! The score is 2 to nothing. BC SOL earns a point!" The referee exclaimed. Everyone cheered.

"Way to start us off Free! G-" Free walked in between the two and stopped in the middle. "Rantaro your up." He says. Rantaro brings out his huge fan and approaches the ring. "Good luck out there buddy!" Valt exclaimed. Before Valt knew it, he felt Free's hand brush over his butt. "Heheh.. sorry, I didn't mean to do that." He says before sitting on the bench. Valt was embarrassed, but he just wanted to run his hands down Free's slick abs. "Uh huh suurree." Valt says sitting next to him. Free wanted to confess now, but he had to wait for the right timing. "That's two points! Now it's your turn little buddy!" Rantaro says fist bumping Valt. He nodded and walked towards the ring. "Just to be clear on things Free," Rantaro says. "I ship you and Valt, so make something happen!" He exclaimed.

Free's heart began to pound, he blushed and looked up. "Oh, don't worry, something's gonna happen." He said with a smile. "Valt Aoi wins with a burst finish," Free stands up and walks towards the ref. "The score is 3 to nothing!" He yelled. The ref notices Free approaching and hands him the mic. "Hey Everyone, heh, this is probably the craziest thing that could happen on live television.. but it's worth it," Free says looking at Valt's way. "I have been wanting to say this to you.. Valt Aoi," the girls started to squeal, the boys watched carefully. "Y-yes Free?" Valt stuttered. Free walks up to him and kisses him. "Will you go out with me Valt Aoi.. I love you," he says. Valt's heart began to race. "I really do, and I will understand if y-" Valt hugged Free tight. "YES! YES I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU!" he exclaimed. The fangirls had nosebleeds. The boys cheered. Free hugged his cheerful boyfriend tight. "I love you so much Free!" Valt exclaims. Free was tearing up with joy, he finally asked Valt out, and he said yes! His Valkrie accepted him! "I love you too.. my Valkyrie!" Free says kissing Valt on the lips.

The couple left the ring, hand in hand. "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, YEAH!" Rantaro cheered. Free and Valt looked at each other lovingly, then looked at the star eyed blonde. "LETS HEAR SOME MORE CHEERS FOR THIS COUPLE!!" He exclaimed wrapping his arm around Free and Valt's shoulder. Cheers and squeals could be heard, everyone was waiting for this day to come. Free's dream came true, the love of his life said yes.. he's dating someone he loves.

Everything was perfect!


Ahhh! It happened XD. The story hasn't come to an end yet. How do you think our scarred prodigy would react to this (beautiful *cough*) event!

Thank you all so much for the sweet comments and voting! I really appreciate it! Kudos!! And lots of love!

Fluffy-chu will always love you~!
(My new catchphrase XD)



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