I Need to Tell You Something

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"F-Free! Ah!" Valt moaned. "Nn~ Valt.." Free groaned thrusting faster into him. "I'm gonna- AH!!" Valt came hard, the cum splattered onto Free's chest and his stomach. Valt then felt a warm feeling in his stomach, his lover came inside of him. Free grabbed ahold of Valt's hand and moaned loudly. Valt moaned as he felt his partner fill him with his semen. Free pulled out, falling onto Valt in exhaustion. "Ahaha.." Free laughed. "Ha.. why are you laughing..~" Valt whined. Free kissed Valt's cheek and smiled. "Your moans are so cute..~" Free cooed. Valt rolled his eyes and smiled. "FREE!" Valt screamed and threw a pillow at him. "H-hey!" Free laughed. Valt got up slowly and stuck his tongue out. "I will bite that tongue off." Free said coldly. Valt hid under the sheets shivering in fear. Free walked over to the boy and pulled the covers down. "Come on~ Please~?" Valt was moving away from Free. Free got on top of him, holding him in place. He looked at his cum covered stomach and grinned. "W-what are you doing.." Valt stammered. Free covered his head with the covers, licking Valt's stomach slowly. Valt arched slightly, moaning softly. "F-free please no.." Valt begged. He felt Free take Valt's member into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. "FREE.. Ah!!" Valt moaned grabbing onto one of the pillows. Free stopped sucking, removing the bedsheets that were on his head. "Mmm~ That was nice." Free said getting up. Free picked Valt up bridal-style and brought him in the bathroom. "Wanna shower together?" Free asked. Valt stared at him with an annoyed face. Free laughed. "Okay, you go first, I'll wait for you." He says putting him down slowly. "Don't fall asleep sleepyhead..' Valt says starting the shower.

Time Skip

Valt was sleeping next to Free, Free was awake. "Valt.." he thought.

He stared at the love bites he gave him, rubbing against them

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He stared at the love bites he gave him, rubbing against them. Valt would flinch at the pain, Free sighed. "He's to precious.. my Valt Aoi.." Free blushed covering his mouth. "He's mine Shu Kurenai, and your not having him." Free smirked, grabbing ahold of Valt. Valt turned over, facing Free. Free took Valt into his arms and fell asleep.

Next Morning

Free woke up, looking at his boyfriend beside him. His heart started beat remembering what happened last night. But, his heart was also filled with sadness. Today he was transferring to the Raging Bulls. How was he gonna tell him? Free got up from the bed, sighing. "Hm.. oh your awake Sleepyhead~" Valt says. Free turned to his head to see his boyfriend. "Y-yeah.. how are you feeling." Free says sitting next to Valt. Valt tried to get up, but then screamed in pain. "It hurts! It hurts!" Valt screamed out. Free held his hand over his mouth and smiled weakly. "But," Free tilted his head. "I'll power through it.. for you." Valt smiled. "Oh Valt.. " Free said quietly, then kissing his forehead. "I'll be back.. okay?" Valt nodded and got up from the bed. Free walked out the door and closed it, holding his onto his chest.

 Free walked out the door and closed it, holding his onto his chest

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"This isn't good.. no.. not good at all." Free says to himself. "I have to tell him.. or he'll think I'm leaving him, just for my sake." Free sighed loudly, feeling his heartache in pain. "I don't want to leave him.. not after what we did together." Free opened the door to see Valt looking out their window, sighing while putting his headband on. "Valt, is everything alright?" Valt turned to him and smiled. "Yeah, everything's fine!" Free tilted his head, Valt tilted his. "I want to show you something Valt." Free says to him, Valt's eyes sparkled. "Let's go!" He says jumping up. Free smiled and turned from him, his smile slowly fading away. The two boys got dressed and walked out of their room, Free supporting Valt. "Hey, I'm okay. You don't need to support me." Valt says. Free didn't respond to him. They left the building and headed for the woods. "What is this about Free? Is something wrong?" Free wanted to cry.. but crying would show that he's weak. He kept his emotions inside, to suffer from them later. "We are here." Free says to Valt. In front of them was an old beystadium, Valt seemed confused. "Valt.. I'm sorry," Free says walking towards the beystadium. "Today.. I'm transferring to another team." Valt's heart broke in two, hearing those words.. made him regret everything. But, he never would regret the things they did together, he loved Free.

"W-why! Why are you leaving!?" Valt exclaimed, tears falling from his eyes. Free looked the other way, trying not to cry. "Free answer me!!" Valt cried. Free didn't respond. "Free.. please. Talk to me." Valt said softly. walking up to him. "Valt, please.. I don't want to hurt you anymore." Free says walking towards a tree stump, sitting onto it. Valt walked over to where Free was sitting, and sat next to him. "You haven't hurt me at all.." Free looked at the love-bites on Valt's neck, and sighed. "Free, I'm not hurt. These are just markings of love." Valt say getting up, he then sat in Free's lap and smiled. "I should give you one too~" he says, licking Free's neck. Free smiled, holding Valt closer to him. "Are you.. gonna be okay without me?" Free asks. Valt continued to suck and bite Free's neck, and then stopped. "Yeah.. I have to learn to be without you when you leave. Because we might-" Valt closed his mouth with his hand. "Valt?" Valt started to blush and then spoke. "I was dreaming about us having a family.. isn't that weird?" Free started to blush, and smiled. "Valt.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I was just afraid you would break up with me." Valt smiled and kissed the love bite he left on his neck. "I understand that. And it's alright, really." Free looked at his boyfriend, his eyes were filled with tears.. but he had a smile on his face. "I love you Free.. and I'm willing to wait for your return.." Free smiled softly, covering his eyes with his arm. "I love you so much Valt." Free says. Valt moves Free's arm, wiping his tears with his hand. "Smile for me." Valt says, Free smiles leaning in. The two  boys connected their lips.

"I'll never forget you Valt.." -Free

"You'll will forever be in my heart.." -Valt

They headed back to the building, hand in hand

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They headed back to the building, hand in hand. Free saw Theodore's limousine, with him talking to Chris. Valt looked at Free, Free looked at him. They kiss before their departure.

"See you soon my love.."


Hello Fluffy-chans!!! Phew, I'm glad I finished this chapter today! It was hard due to the fact I'm in Louisiana for the World Series, I don't have much time to update..

But, I did it! Thank you all for being patient!

Love you all!!


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