No.. NO!!!

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  Free sat in the back of the limousine with Theodore, who kept staring at him. "I'm glad you chose to transfer to my team Free," Free yawned. "Yeah yeah, just shut up." He says bluntly. Theodore licked his lips. "He's not bad at all~" he says to himself. Free looked out the window, sighing loudly. "Valt.." Theodore chuckled. "Miss him already?" Free glared at Theodore, gritting his teeth. "You know, your not the only one whose in love with Valt," Free's eyes widened. "Shu Kurenai loves him too, not just as a friend.. but h-" Free closed Theodore's mouth with his hand, glaring at him. "He doesn't belong to Shu, he's mine and that's final." Theodore grabbed Free's wrists and held him down. The driver of the car stopped, Theodore grinned madly. Free felt powerless against him, but he managed to break through. "Take me back to BC Sol, now. I didn't transfer here to get raped." Free says coldly. "You signed the contract Free, there is no going back." Theodore says grinning. Free opened the door of the limousine and got out. "Free," The driver said. "We are almost there. Come sit in the front." Free sighed and got back in. Free fell asleep, thinking about his Valkyrie.

Time Skip [In America]

The driver woke Free up, which didn't really work. Free was smiling and fidgeting in his seat. "Valt..~ Aha... mm~" Free moaned silently. The driver honked his horn, making Free wake up from his "dream". "We're here now, Theodore is waiting for you." The driver said to him. "Man..~ come on.. a few more minutes~." Free said smirking, licking his lips afterwards. Free was annoyed, Theodore opened the door for him. "I'm not a kid, move." Free pushes Theodore out of the way and slams the door shut. "He's here.. heheh~" Shu says lifting his weight again.

Theodore walked in, Free following behind him. "That's odd.. you usually don't come out of your room~" Shu growled at Theodore and kept lifting the weight. "I would like to introduce you to someone." Shu eyed the golden haired boy and smirked. "I know him, there's no need for introductions.." Free glared at Shu. "Fine then.. so are you familiar with Shu, Free?" Free shook his head. "I don't care who he is," Shu smirked. "But he better back off of what's mine." Theodore chuckled. "I bet you two would make good friends~ Shu, why don't you show Free to his room." Shu shook his head no, Free was already walking away from them. "Fine." Free stopped in place and eyed Shu, he's different. Shu put the weight he was lifting down and walked past Free. "Let's go." He says bluntly. Free follows. As they reached the room, Free grabbed Shu by the wrist and dragged him in the room with him. "We are gonna have.. a talk." Free says locking the door. He starts to crack his knuckles.

"With our fists."

At BC Sol

Valt sat on the tree trunk where he and Free had their last kiss. He sat on the tree trunk, tears falling down his cheeks. "Free.." he cried. Free's deer friend walks up behind Valt, tilting his head to the side. Valt turns around to see the deer and smiles. "H-hi there." Valt says petting the deer. "You must be Free's deer friend.." Valt wipes his tears, then hugs the deer. "I feel like.. he was here with you." He let's the deer go. The deer nods slowly. Valt smiles, the deer walks back into the forest leaving Valt. "Free... please be okay." Valt says. He leaves the spot and walks back to BC Sol.

With Free and Shu

The room was silent, but that silence was broken by a laugh. "You really think that's how I want things to go?" Free tilted his head. "I want you dead!!!" Shu held a knife from behind his back. "But I can't kill you... yet," Shu ran to Free, knocking him against the wall. Shu placed the knife near Free's shoulder where Valt left his love bite. And then.. slowly cut into it.

"S-stop it!" Free yelled, Shu laughed as he cut into Free's hickey. "I don't think I'll be able to forgive you.. unless I get rid of this.." He says cutting the outside of the hickey. "A-ah! Stop it..!!!" Free kicked Shu, knocking him off his feet. Free winced at the pain as he grabbed his bleeding shoulder. "HAHAHA YOUR NOT LEAVING NOW ARE YOU!?!" Shu screamed. Shu ran up Free, tackling him. He held Free's hands in place, ripping the access skin from his hickey with his free hand, laughing maniacally. Free screamed in pain as he did that. "Your blood.. its sweet.. but bitter." Shu says licking the blood from his hands. Free was bleeding badly, but not enough for Shu to be satisfied. "V..valt.." he said quietly. Shu held his knife near Free's neck, smirking. "Valt.. isn't yours," Free growled.

"He's mine~"



Hi friends!! Its Fluffy-chu here coming at cha with *sighs of failure* a short chaptie..

Probably the shortest in this book, most of my chapters have been over 1000 words, but hey I did my best!!

So the two rivals meet in a bloody fight.. (Free mostly suffered)

But.. how will Valt see Free again.. or will he ever see him again?

We'll find out next chaptie,

Fluffy-chu loves you~♡


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