I'm Here Now

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"Valt, are you alright?" Rantaro asks him. Valt nods slowly. "Y-yeah.. why wouldn't I be?" Rantaro sighed. One of the doctors came in, with Free standing next to him. Rantaro walks up to him and whispers in his ear. "He's been waiting for you." Free nods and walks up to Valt. The doctor leaves with Rantaro, closing the door slightly. "Hey Valt.." Valt opened his eyes slowly and smiled. "Free!" Valt exclaims. Free hugs Valt softly, smiling happily that he was okay. "I'm so glad that your okay... I missed y-" Valt eyed Free's shoulder. "W-what happened to your shoulder..?" Free held onto him tighter. "You don't wanna know." The two boys pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes. "Just tell me, who ever did this to you is gonna pay!" Free looked away from Valt and then sighed. "It was Shu.. he went crazy.. and cut it off." Valt started to shake in fear. Is Shu really capable of doing such a thing? Free grabbed onto his shoulder and sighed. "Free.. it can't be.. no." Valt was denying it. "He would never do that!" Valt exclaims. Free hugged Valt's trembling body in his arms, Valt whimpered softly as tears ran down his cheeks. "Why.. why would he..?" Free didn't say another word.

"You took him away from me!"


Free felt his heart break in two remembering the words Shu said to him. "V-valt... it's because he loves you." Valt starts to cry more. "He wanted you to himself..," Free gritted his teeth. "Free.. is it okay if I speak to him?" Free's eyes widened. "Valt he's dangerous! I'm worried ab-" Valt kissed Free's lips softly, smiling afterward. "One thing I know about Shu.." Valt smiles. "He wouldn't lie to me." Free hesitated.. but then nodded. He went to the phone and dialed Shu's room phone. "Well well~ isn't it Free de la Hoya!" Free told him to shut up. "I really don't have time to hear it. I'm calling for Valt's sake." Shu smirked. "He wants to speak with you.. so," Shu hung up the phone and started to laugh. "Valt.. oh valt~ My Valkyrie.. we will be together again.." Shu took a shower and got dressed. "Don't worry... daddy is coming~"

Timeskip [At the hospital]

"Isn't that Shu Kurenai?" A nurse asks. Shu walked in emotionless, holding a "Get Well" card and some flowers. "I hope he's okay... he doesn't look too happy." Says another. "E-excuse me.." Shu turns to a little blue haired girl. "Are you looking for Valt Aoi..?" Shu nods slowly. Shu and the little girl approached the BC Sol team, Rantaro ran up to him and hugged him. "SHU!" Rantaro started to cry onto his shoulder. Shu hugged him back softly. "You must be hurting a lot Shu... you and Valt were like brothers." Shu shook his head. "It is painful... yes. But.." Rantaro felt a sharp feeling in his back. "Valt is mine... only mine." Shu let Rantaro go and opened the door to Valt's room. Free was holding Valt's hand, kissing it softly as he slept. "Oh.. your here," Free says annoyed. Free walks up to him and grabs his shirt collar. "If you hurt him in any way, I'll get rid of you." Shu smirked. Free walked out, clenching his fists. "Valt... I'm here." Shu says sitting in the chair next to the bed. Valt woke up slowly and smiled. "Hey Shu.. thank you for coming." Shu nodded and grabbed ahold of Valt's hand, smiling weakly. "Anything for you Valt," Shu looked around the room for any cameras and thought of something... Dirty. "I wanted to ask you about Free's shoulder, did you have anything to do with it?" Shu started to chuckle, laughing afterward. "Yes! I did it! I cut into his shoulder!!" Valt's eyes were filled with terror. Shu grinned, licking his lips. "You don't know how long.. I've been waiting to see you~" Shu says climbing onto Valt. "S-shu! Please!" Valt screeched. But then it hit him, he remembered this position when they were little...

Back Then

"Hey Shuuu~!!!" Valt says running up to him. Shu turns to him and smiles sweetly. "V-Valt slow down your gonna-" Valt ran into Shu falling onto him. The two boys blushed, especially Valt. "I-I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Shu was still smiling, holding a hand up to Valt's cheek. "Yeah, I'm okay..." he looked at Valt's lips, his eyes closes slightly. Valt leans in, so does Shu. Before they could connect, Rantaro runs up to them. "Hey love birds!" Valt and Shu looks at him and sighs. "Next time..." they thought.

● ♡ ●

Valt looked at Shu, his eyes softening. "Shu... do you remember this?" Shu looked down at him, sighing. "Y-yeah.. except you were the on me." He chuckles softly. Shu leaned down slowly, closing his eyes. Valt sat up, kissing him softly on his lips. Once they pulled apart, Shu spoke. "We got our chance Valt..." he said blushing softly. Valt nodded slowly and smiled. "Um.. can you get off me..?" He nodded and got off of Valt, smiling sweetly. "Valt," he looked at him blushing harder as he approached him. "Wanna hang out.. like we used too?" Valt closed his eyes, and then nodded. Shu kissed Valt's forehead and smiled. "Smile Valt.. don't hide it from me.." Valt covered his head in the blanket and laughed. "Nooo stop, I don't wanna-" Shu pulled the covers from over Valt's head, looking into his beautiful chestnut eyes. Valt looked into Shu's crimson eyes, trying to hide his blush. "My Angel.. please smile for me.." Valt started to smile, which made Shu's heart flutter. "S-Shu.. do you think things will be the same. Even if I'm dating Free?" Shu looked to the side, he looked hurt. "Why wouldn't it be?" Valt shrugged. "Well, I should let you rest.. see you later little buddy." Valt smiled again, waving goodbye to Shu. He left the room, sighing loudly. "Valt.. I wish it was just us.. not him." He walked away, thinking 'Will you and I, ever be thing?'. He saw Free walk by, glaring at him.

"Valt.. my love, what does he have that I don't?"


I'm so sorry for the wait everyone! I couldn't update since I moved to a new house.. we have no wifi, nor good service. I'm sorry for inconvenience *bows*

"Fluffy-chu loves you!"

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