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Gotham City

"MoThEr!" You sang in a weird tone happily, like usual. You ran up to her, sliding near the end of your run with your socks causing you to run into the wall and fall onto the cold-ish wooden floor.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)," Your mother said sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "You're seriously going to hurt yourself someday."

You goofily smiled up at her before getting up. "So, motherrr, can I borrow the car?" You asked squealing excitedly.

You recently got your drivers license at the age 17. It was a huge step into adulthood and a big responsibility. Your parents were still weary of you driving alone since you're so clumsy.

"I don't know..." She said turning her attention back to her phone.

"Mom, I have to drive by mySELF at some point. What're you worried about? You know I'm awesome at driving... somewhat.... BUT PLEASE!" You begged her, falling to your knees dramatically and clasping your hands in the air.

She sighed once more and waved you away while saying "Fine, just be safe."

"YyyeeEESSS! Thank you, THANK YOU! I'll pick you up some ice cream!" You squealed, hugging your mother.

You giddily grabbed the keys from the table and exited the house. You hopped into the (Color?) car and started its engine, driving away.

"Wow... it's pretty this morning. Surprise, surprise..." You sighed. You were bored since it was the summer and you only had a few friends, not too many and you guys haven't hung out since they've been busy with family and shiz. You felt a little depressed and unmotivated these past few weeks.

Without paying attention and still daydreaming about your friends, there was a stop sign ahead. The next thing you know, a truck had rammed into you from the left, crashing into you who was obviously in the drivers side.

"Ugh..." You groaned. Your whole bottom half was numb and your head was throbbing. You heard screams in the little neighborhood you were currently stopped at and the next thing you know your engine had overheated causing a fire to form like in the movies.

The fire had spread throughout the car and you blacked out from the fumes and the pain of the fire burning you alive.

The fire had spread throughout the car and you blacked out from the fumes and the pain of the fire burning you alive

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( An Gif of how the car looks like because I'm trash at explaining)

You woke up gasping for air and violently coughing. After you calmed down a bit, you felt your body up and down in disbelief.

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now