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"So, I hear you know batsy."

He said a ear to ear grin forming while slightly glaring at you who was currently helplessly sitting on the ground.

You sat there against the steel table unable to talk. You started bawling your eyes out not able to handle your fear while trying to speak. "...y-yes.." You said through loud sobs trying to choke back the tears.

He sighed clearly annoyed. He rubbed his face before going to a wall and hitting his head against it semi-hard a few times. He kept his head against the wall slowly turning it towards you.

"Do you know what batsy's been up to, doll?" He asked with a forced happy voice.

You shook your head no, avoiding eye contact. You wiped your tears off with your shaking hand.

He laughed loudly, stalking towards you and clasping his hands together. "He's been searchin' for ya. He's been searchin' REAL hard, doll face." He said clenching his jaw.

"What're you to him, huh? Why's he want you so bad?" He said, continuing to you in a slow pace. "Do you have some sorta power?" He asked with the slightest bit of curiosity showing in his eyes. "You've only been missing for a few hours. For him to be this worried... it's quite a strange behaviour especially from a playboy like him." He said now hovering above you.

You furrowed your eyebrows thinking about how protective he had been. Oh god... He likes me You blushed thinking about the hot muscular man completely forgetting about what predicament you were currently in at the moment.

The joker slammed his hands on the table above you while looking down at you snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Why's he so obsessed with ya, doll?" He asked.

You stayed quite your voice just not coming out.

"Are you listening? Do I have to beatcha again!" He yelled, kicking you in the gut. You violently coughed bending over. You wheezed looking down at the ground.

"..I-i don... don't know...I just.. met him in an al-alleyway ...one day..." You said breathing heavily.

He exhaled sharply, tsking. "That's not an answer to my question darlin'." He kicked you over and over, twice in your head causing you to blackout the second time.


⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now