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Love ya Doll

You closed your eyes falling asleep in his arms...

You woke up once more feeling extremely rested. You can't say that it was a great nights rest since you did have bruises and possibly broken bones all over your body.

You got up, your joints popping loudly as if it were normal. You groaned, cracking your neck like how your body had popped with a sigh. You stretched your body soon realising you were in another comfier bed. You squinted, your eyes adjusting to the dark room.

The room consisted mostly of lime green, a purply pink, and neon purple colours with hints of gold. The floor was the same floor as the one in your room but the walls had all sorts of posters of him and Harley which caught your attention.

...Where is Harley... You thought to yourself.

You placed your hands on either side of you getting ready to jump out of bed. You felt something hard beneath the sheets where your left hand layed. The more you inspected with your hand, the more you began to realise that it was a persons thigh.

You felt it move and you froze.


There was complete silence for what felt like an eternity before the person next to you sat up yawning. You sat there still not wanting to move your hand away or move a muscle for that matter.

You felt the persons eyes piercing through and you closed your eyes laying back down facing away from the creep pretending as if you were still asleep.

Oh my god, oh my god! Who the hell is that?! Is that the joker?! Wtf would he be doing in bed with you,
(Y/N)? Of course it's not him, psshhh! But who else could it BBBEEE?!

You felt the person hovering over you now and your heart sped. You felt their had graze against your cheek pushing away your hair. This is how I die!

They leaned into your ear whispering, "I know you're awake, doll." Your eyes jerked open realizing it was the joker and you quickly rolled out of the bed onto the hard wooden floor. I stand corrected... You thought.

"Don't touch me." You hissed at him while getting up off of the ground dusting yourself off. He chuckled while slowly shaking his head in a no motion. "I said I'm sorry, doll face. What else do ya want from me?"

You turned towards his door trying to force it open. "What I want is for you to let me go." You said aggravated by the locked door.

"I can only give so much, sweetheart." He said laughing. "Fuck you!" You yelled at him.

You quickly looked around the dark room finding a big book. You grabbed the large book off of the book case that was conveniently located right next to you and started banging it against the door.

"I... hate.... you," You said between bangs. "I hope," You backed away from the door. "You die!" You yelled throwing the heavy book against his unbreakable door.

You huffed while groaning. You went to the door placing your head against it. "You don't really have a choice of loving me doll," He said getting out of the bed shirtless and in baggy Arkham sweats.

He walked behind you, pressing himself against your back while wrapping his arms around your waist. "I own you." He whispered. You cringed at those words and took your head off of the door.

"Let go of me bastard!" You yelled flailing your arms in attempt for him to release you. He threw you onto the bed and it was just like a trip down memory lane from the first few days being captive of him.

He got ontop of you. "You're really, rrreeeaaaaalllllllyyy getting on my nerves, doll face." He said squishing your cheeks with one hand holding you down by your hair with the other.

You glared at him reaching behind you for a pillow before shoving it in his face. "GeT OfF Of MeEEeE!" You screamed while struggling beneath him.

"Why are you doing this? You said you were sorry, so why are you doing this to me?!" He crazily laughed getting off of you and throwing the pillow across the room harshly.

"Yes, Yes, YES! I did say sorry. I didn't say what I was sorry for, though, and I'm definitely not sorry for this." He said putting his hands together and pointing them at you.

"What do yo-" You were cut off by him grabbing you by your shirt and forcefully kissing you. Oh god, it is like the first time I came here!

He stopped kissing you for a brief second for air. "St-stop!" You said in gasps. You covered your face with your arms. "I don't want to! Don't make me!" He wiped his mouth glaring at you.

"Don't make you what?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows at you. You slowly lowered your arms looking him in the eyes. "Hm?" He gently slapped your cheeks waiting for an answer.

Why won't she just give in? All the others did, why not her?! He thought getting annoyed.

You shifted your gaze towards the door then the floor not able to speak. He tilted his head while sighing. "Not gonna answer me? What's the matter with you?!" You shook your head no while closing your eyes holding back tears.

He chuckled to himself. "Whatever, I've got better things to worry about than you. Try anything funny and," He said while making his hand into a gun shape before pointing it at you. "BANG!" He yelled catching you off guard, causing you to jump.

He went to the door starting to exit. Before he left, he rolled his head towards you with a grin. "Ah, right! Almost forgot. Love ya doll~" He said making a kissy face. He closed the door behind him leaving you alone in the dark.

"What just happened..."

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