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Jonny Frost

"What just happened..."

You brought your hands to your lips before flipping your back onto the bed. "Why did he do that..." You thought tracing your fingers across your lips over and over. "And why did I like it?!" You screamed kicking your feet into the air.

You wheezed like a maniac thinking about the kiss. "Hahahaha, no... You did not like it," You said while sitting back up. "I did not like it!" You brought your head to your hands while thinking.

If I liked it, does that make me crazy? Am I already crazy? Why have I been playing along?! Why aren't I despising him like I should have been from the very start?! "What is wrong with me?!" You yelled at yourself.

You sighed, looking around the room once more taking your mind off of him. You looked at the picture of Harley and him posing back to back. "Where's Harley, dammit?! I'm so confused... why haven't I seen her at all if this is the dc world?"

Your stomach growled and you felt a pang go throughout your body. You winced and held your stomach. "How long have I gone without eating?" You thought and thought. "ITS BEEN LIKE 12 DAYS, HOLY SHIT!" You yelled quickly jumping off of the bed.

You went to the door checking if he locked it on his way out. To your surprise it wasn't. Maybe that's why he said not to do anything funny...

You exited the room feeling a little light headed. You did notice that your body was even thinner, you felt like a ghost from how light you were.

You looked around the hallway for anybody that could get you food. You panted from the few minutes of walking and sat down with your back against the hallways wall. "Wow, I'm outta shape..." You closed your eyes resting for a few seconds.

"Who're you?" A voice echoed in the hallway.

You looked up, seeing a man with dark brown hair and scruff around his mouth. He was really fit and handsome. "Who're you?" You asked him back, while getting up.

He smirked with a chuckle. "So, you're in the jokers mansion but ya don't know me?" He asked you while raising his arms.

You shook your head no slightly confused. "Should I know you?" You asked him while rubbing your right arm.

He glared at you and crossed his arms. "You've got a lil' attitude, dontcha?" He walked towards you. Menacingly and you backed up quickly shaking your head no.

"W-whoa, whoa, whoa!" You said while raising your hands towards him. "I-I don't mean to be rude, but I seriously don't know... you..." "I'm Jonny Frost, kid." He said, stopping infront of you.

"Oh!" You said while nervously laughing. He doesn't look the the Frost from the comics... but this is suicide squad version... so weird how things work in this world..

"Ah, see, now ya know,  but we're off subject, why're you here? Do ya wanna get yourself killed?" "No, if I had a choice to leave, Believe me, I would." You said with a small sigh.

"Ahh, the joker, right? He broughtchu here?" You shook your head yes before looking over his shoulder impatiently.

"What're you lookin' at?" He said following your stare. "Welll, if you must know–" You said before you were cut off by a loud rumble from your stomach.

He laughed watching your embarrassed face. "Hahaha, you're hungry? Right?" He said with a smile. "Very.." You whispered avoiding eye contact.

"I'll take ya to get you somthin'" He said while walking past you. He turned towards you motioning for you to follow. "I won't bite ya!" He said with a goofy grin.

You quickly ran up to him and the two of you walked down a flight of stairs towards a huge, empty,  open bar area. He pulled out a bar stool for you to sit in and you did.

"Thanks." You mumbled uncomfortably sitting down. He nudged your shoulder with his elbow while saying, "Don't be so afraid, it's weird." He whispered the last part while winking at you

You slightly smiled and shook your head yes. "Anywho, what ya want?" You thought for a second. "What is there?" He chuckled while leaning on the bar. "There's everything!" Your eyes widened and you thought hard on what you wanted.

"Salad?" You asked him. He looked at you disgusted and waved for the bartender. "Aye, can you get this girl some fried chicken?" The bartender nodded before going into a back room behind the bar.

"I'm not lettin' you eat salad." He said as if he even regretted saying the word salad. "What's wrong with salad?! It's healthy and tastes good... sometimes, but still." You said defending the food. "Healthy food never tastes good, kid. Ya want the fried chicken, believe me."

"Fine." You said while rolling your eyes. "You'll soon agree with me, kid."

He stared at you and you uncomfortably shifted in the seat. "...Where'd ya those bruises?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

There was a bit of science before you spoke "I think you know." You whispered staring at the floor. He grunted, quickly looking away from you.

The two of you sat in silence until the food came out.

It smelt really good and your stomach growled again. "See, even your stomach wants ta eat it...." He stopped thinking about what he just said. You couldn't help but laugh a little. "That didn't even make sense." You said lightly hitting his shoulder.

The waiter placed excessive amounts of fried chicken infront of you and you shyly grabbed one. "Go ahead, eat it!" You nodded and took a bite. Your eyes lit up and you looked at him. "...it's goooodd." You said.

He Placed his hand on your head rubbing your hair into a mess. "Told ya!" He laughed. You continued eating it.

"Oh, uh, do you want some? I not going to be able to finish it all." You said while looking up at him. "Sure." He said sitting in the stool next to you and grabbing one before taking a huge bite.

After the two of you were full, he offered to take you back to your room. "I was in the jokers room I'm pretty sure..." You said while thinking hard.
"Okay, follow me kid." He said while leading the way upstairs.

"So, What-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. "What is it, I'm kinda busy right now." He said angrily into the phone stopping in the hallway. "Seriously, that motherfucker again. Ay, I'll be there. Oh, there's one more thing. I gotta kid down here that needs to be taken to the jokers room, send someone to get her, will ya? 2nd floor, Thanks Pal." He said sighing.

"What's wrong?" You asked, looking up at him. "Nothin' for you to worry about." He said shoving his phone into his sleek black slacks pocket. "I gotta go, kid, but there's someone that'll take you to Mr. J's room. Stay here, they should be here soon. See ya later." He said tussling your hair before walking off.

To be Continued~

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