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Bruce Wayne's manor

"You're in Gotham City."

"Wait, what did you just say?" You said laughing at the end. "You're in Gotham City, (Y/N)." He said once more staring you down.You stared at him in disbelief.

"So, your telling me-" Before you could finish your sentence, you heard police sirens not too far from the two of you guys, well, three if you include the criminal who's handcuffed to the pole.

You turned around to see three cop cars pull up from afar, blocking the alleyways exit.

Before you knew it, Batman had grabbed onto you, pulling you behind a trash can and covering your mouth. You didn't fight him. Instead, you sat there patiently with him.

You peeked out the side of the trash can seeing a cop going to the criminal and inspecting him before he waved at the two cops with two fingers signalling them to go.

Batman released you allowing you to observe the officer hands free.

You quietly watched as he uncuffed the criminal from the pole recuffing him once he was near the police car and shoved him in the back before zooming off not even caring to look for the person, Batman, who had done restrained the man.

"The Guy didn't even look for yo-"
You turned to where Batman was last, but he was gone.

"Awe, comeon! REALLY!" You yelled quickly getting up and looking around angrily. You huffed a little disappointed he was gone.

You crouched back down onto the wall next to the large trash, angrily rubbing your face. You closed your eyes deciding to just rest for a little while since you were exhausted.

A few hours later, You heard a crash from on top of a building and directed your attention to it. Ontop of the building behind the stores huge sign, you saw him. Batman crouching while picking up a metal trash can he had knocked over then looking at you again, freezing.

You gasped laughing. "What the hell! I see you by the way." You giggled shaking your head amused. "You are so weird, I never expected "Batman" to spy on people.." You said, making quotation marks with your fingers when you said Batman.

You heard him sigh before turning to leave. "Wait! Please don't go!" You yelled at him. He stopped turning towards you then turning back around to leave.

"No! Waiiittt!" You yelled again, pulling off your shoes and tossing them up at him as hard as you could only hitting him once. He stopped, grabbing your shoes then walked to the edge of the building and sitting, letting his feet dangle.

"What do you want?" He asked, tossing your shoes at you. You shielded your face as your shoes fell on you. You looked down at them then up at Batman smiling.

"You said we were in Gotham City, right?" You asked him before plopping down on the wet concrete and putting your shoes back on.

"Yes" He said. You got back up looking at him and thinking. "So, you're Batman?" You asked him, scratching the back of your head. He nodded looking down at you.

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now