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"I want you."

Your mouth hung open in shock.

I've always had a crush on the joker but this happening in reality, him being this crazy... this is too much... You thought. You quickly looked away and outside the window, sitting as stiff as a statue, trying not to make the slightest of movement.

He laughed at how uncomfortable you were and took his right hand off the wheel putting it on your thigh.

"I like you, a lot. Your different from all the others, doll face." He said rubbing your thigh in a circular motion with his thumb. You cringed hard at this feeling.

What should I do! UGH! This is so weird... You thought, letting out a short breath.

You put your hand on his still looking out the window and slowly put his hand on his own thigh. You kept your hand there awkwardly not knowing if he'd get mad if you took your hand off of his.

He smiled looking at your hand on his not wanting to move it and continued driving until the two of you made it to his secluded mansion not too long after.

The joker got out of the car. "Ah, home sweet home!" He exclaimed, dramatically raising his arms in the air.

You hesitated on getting out of the car wondering if you really wanted to although you knew you'd have to go in at some point.

Without you having to make the decision, the Joker went over to your side opening the door and pulling you out forcefully with that same wicked smile on his face.

"Arentcha glad to be home darlin'?" He asked you with a wide smile, grabbing both of your arms and slightly shaking you. This is anything but home... You thought to yourself afraid to say it aloud.

He snaked his arm around your waist and lead you inside of the creepy mansion.

It didn't look like Batman's mansion but rather a literal prison. There were armed men outside the house ready to shoot up whoever they saw.

On the inside, it was practically unlived in. The house was too clean for someone to live in it. There was not a spec of dust anywhere to be seen. This was a surprise to you, you thought since it was the jokers home it'd be childish and unkept. There were a lot of weapons framed in glass cases on the walls and Harley Quinn's original back and red checkered suit on a mannequin. Several of little details made it obvious it was the jokers home.

"Dontcha like it?" He asked you stopping in the hallway causing you to bump into him. You looked up at him fear clearly visible on your face. "Hellooo?" He said annoyed, snapping his fingers in your face.

You flinched and shook your head yes. "We've been over this before, doll," He said rolling his eyes before turning away from you. "You've got to speak for me to hear ya!" He yelled before whipping around and harshly slapping you.

You fell to the ground from the impact of his hand and held your stinging cheek while sobbing. "Fuck off!" You screamed at him through with him pushing you around and flipped him off.

He laughed running his fingers through his slick green hair. "Daddy doesn't like naughty girls, doll." He said kicking you in the right shoulder causing to fall back in pain. You groaned, clenching your fists. He got ontop of you, stepping on the shoulder he had kicked.

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now