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He laughed louder now, walking out of the room with you in his arms.

He took you to the bathroom down the hall from your room, placing you on the ground before opening the door for you. "Erm, thanksss..." You said. "Go wash up, I got a surprise for you. I'll give ya 30 minutes, doll." He said rubbing your head with a smile before closing the door.

You abided and got in the shower washing all the gunk off of you. You got out seeing that someone had come in while you were showering placing some clothes on the bathrooms counter accompanied by towels.

You saw your white sleepers that were stained from the food and your tears on the ground. You kicked them aside with a small sigh. "Gross."

You dried yourself before putting on the neatly folded clothes. You were now in a white tank top with some baggy purple sweats that had Arkham written on the side, but no shoes.

The joker walked in scaring you. You gasped, grabbing your chest in surprise. "You should really knock!" You said shaking your head in disapproval.

"But sweetheart, this is my house." He said in a sad tone with a frown. You rolled yours eyes hiding your smile. What a goof. You thought with a slight blush.

He looked you up and down clasping his hands together. "Per-FECTO!" He yelled and grabbed onto you by your arms, forcing you in front of him looking you up and down more. You raised your eyebrow at him. "...Uhm, thanksss..." You said not sure how to react.

He grabbed your hand soon after leading you out of the bathroom."Where are you taking me?" You asked him, ignoring how uncomfortable you felt.
"You'll see once we get there, doll face~" He cooed with a smile planted on his face. You ignored him and awkwardly let him lead you.

You felt a little uneasy going somewhere with the lunatic but you had another feeling too. One that made you want to stay with him and you felt appreciated although he is the same man that had violated you and abused you.

He stopped in front of a familiar steel door. "No. I'm-I'm not going in there...." You said to him struggling in his grasp. He laughed, opening the door and throwing you in. "Oh, yes you are doll." You heard his iconic laughter as he exited the room, locking the door on his way out making the room pitch black.

You let a few tears roll down your cheeks. You looked around and got up turning on the single dainty light that illuminated the room. You wiped your tears away looking behind you at the wall of weapons. You shivered at the thought of him torturing you for his pleasure.

You sat on the old hospital gurney taping your foot and accepting your fate.

He walked in a few hours later with three other men with black ski masks on. Two of them had cameras while the one had a large stick microphone that they use in the movies.

You scooted back on the gurney picking up your feet. "..what's that for.?" You whispered pointing at the cameras.

"Well, ya see doll," He said, walking over to his wall of weapons and grabbing a baseball bat off of the large hooks that held it. "I needa show batsy what'll happen if he defies me, and what better way to show him than with his adored friend? It should get the message through, right doll face?" He asked walking over to you and slamming the bat next to you.

You flinched, sitting up and scooting closer to him with a cold glare. "I was actually starting to like you, fucking bastard!" You screamed at him letting tears flow down your cheeks while clutching the beds sheets in anger. He froze seeming to ponder.

 He froze seeming to ponder

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She liked...me.... What a joke.... no, no she's lying.. she's lying like they all do! He thought while clenching his jaw.

He snapped out of his thoughts grabbing your face and resting his forehead on yours. "I'm not one to be liked, doll." He growled pushing you before picking up the bat and slamming it on your shoulder as hard as he could. You cried out laying on the gurney and holding your shoulder. "...well you were liked," You mumbled in your warbled voice sitting up and sniffling. "But don't worry Mr. J, I don't like you anymore." You seethed with hatred, blankly staring him in the eyes furrowing your eyebrows with your continuous streaming tears.

He clenched the bat turning towards the cameras. "Are ya filming yet?"He asked pointing at them with the bat. "Yessir." They said in unison while positioning their filming tools.

The joker turned towards you unbuttoning his shirts collar while pulling off his white bow tie and throwing it aside.

He avoided your eye contact and struck you in the face with the bat not wanting to see you cry. After that he turned towards the camera fixing his hair and smiling.

You struggled to sit up, your vision blurring. You squinted barley making out the joker talking to the cameras. All you could hear was your hearts slow beating. You closed your eyes hoping it would all just stop.

All of a sudden the joker whipped around continuously beating you with the baseball bat. You couldn't feel anything anymore and soon enough you passed out.
Sorry for taking so long on this chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for 300 veiws (almost 400) I never thought I would get so many!
Hope you all have a nice day,

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now