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Wowza, Seriously 745 views.. I just can't even comprehend that this is happening. THANK YOU!!! AND I'M SORRY ABOUT THE VERY, VERY LATE UPDATE!!! 😭 ❤️

I'm sorry doll

You couldn't feel anything anymore and soon enough you passed out...

You woke up on the cold ground of the same room you had been beaten in before passing out.

You groaned sitting up while holding your throbbing head. All you remembered was the look on the Jokers face while he had beat you with the bat. He had a smile on his face but yet he hadn't  seemed too happy...

I can't believe he did that... You slowly shook your head in disbelief of what had happened. You struggled to get up on your feet stably, grabbing onto the side of the gurney for support.

You slowly shuffled towards the steel door and fought the doors knob, unable to exit the room.
"Really, fucking locked door!" You yelled annoyed. You punched and kicked the door over and over just wanting to die at this point.

You slid down the door, your body reaching the floor. You cried loudly while clenching your head.

*Jokers P.O.V*

I watched her through the camera that was set up in the torture room waiting for her to wake up. I've been like this for three days, just watching her on the ground not moving a single muscle.

I rubbed the back of my neck while getting up off of the cheap metal chair throwing it across the room before turning towards the table and kicking it multiple times causing the monitor to fall over. I quickly picked up the metal chair putting it it in front of the table.I sat down, placing the monitor upright.

I placed my elbows on the table and brought my hands together slightly touching my lips with them.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.." I whispered over and over impatiently. What have I done.. what have you done... why... I thought closing my eyes, leaning my head on my clasped fists.

A few moments later I jolted my head up, my eyes flicking open from the sound of banging. I saw her hitting the door before sliding against it and crying. "She's awake!" I laughed practically jumping out of my chair and heading to the room.

*Back to you*

You heard the door unlock and wiped your tears away. You crawled out of the way of the door so it could open.

The door swung open revealing the Joker to your horror. You started crying again while backing away from him. He frowned a bit while bitting his inner cheek. He walked up to you hesitating before getting on his knees and grabbing onto you, forcing a hug. "It's about time you woke up, doll." He said still holding onto you while laughing.

You pushed him off, wiping your snot and tears with the side of your arm. "That's all you say! Th-That's all you have to say?!" You screamed, angrily slapping him. "Why? Why would you do this? Why!" You yelled while sobbing. You got up off the ground standing up in front of him.

He slowly turned his head up staring at you blankly, still on his knees. You looked at the ground stiffening, ready for some sort of physical punishment.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around your legs leaning his head against your abdomen area. You relaxed slightly, involuntarily shaking.

"Sorry." He mumbled against your body. You bit your lip while shaking your head no. You pushed him off once more before rubbing your crying face.

He stared at you, guilt visible on his face.
"I hate you!" You yelled at him through your hands.

He got up softly grabbing onto your wrists and pulling your hands away from your face. He brought his forehead to yours while gently swaying with you in his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, doll, I'm sorry."

You buried your face into his chest, slightly hugging him this time desperate for some sort of comfort. "...Apology not accepted." You said sniffling.

"I'm sorry doll, I really am." He said resting his chin on your head. You shook your head no. "I know you aren't." You said sucking in a deep breath. He tightened his grip on you.

You closed your eyes falling asleep in his arms.

Sorry for such a short chapter 😔
I hope you enjoyed it though! And I'm VERY sorry for not posting sooner like I said, PLEASE DON'T BE MAD!

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