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Wrong place, Wrong time..

You stood in the hallway impatiently taping your foot. "It's been like, five minutes..." You sighed, leaning against the hallways hall.

You heard feet from afar and you quickly got off the wall looking down the hall. You saw a man with a rubber unicorn mask on walking towards you.

Finally. You thought while walking towards him too. "Jokers room?" He asked while stopping infront of you. "uh, yes..." You said awkwardly.

He nodded. "Follow me." He commanded while walking off. You sped behind him abidingly.

A few minutes passed and you decided to break the silence. "S-so... Do you get to pick your, Uhm, masks?"

He shook his head yes. You replied to the motion with a frown. Are they not allowed to talk...? You pondered confusedly.

The two of you went up stairs and what seemed like aimless walking through halls until he stopped at a door.

The door was bigger than the others with a golden J bolted in the middle of it.

The man knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He opened the door after a few minutes of waiting practically shoving you inside and closing the door behind you.

"H-hey!" You yelled. Before you heard the door lock. "..rude..." You said followed by rolling your eyes.

You turned around seeing that it wasn't the same room you had woken up in. There were random weapons such as guns and personalised knifes scattered on the ground with some rose petals.

The walls were a light brown marble pattern with fluffy white carpet with random red stained blotches. The walls had the weirdest looking weapons hanging against them, only weapons. The bed had a thick satin purple comforter with gold thread lining the edges.

"What the hell?" You said while cautiously walking across the floor making sure not to step on any knifes or possibly loaded guns.

"This isn't the same room..." You said making it towards the bed and sitting on it. You looked  down at the carpet examining every possible life ender.

You directed your attention towards a door located across the room hearing talking noises. You raised your eyebrow, slowly getting off of the bed once again and walking across the floor carefully. You made it to the door and pressed your ear against it.

Suddenly, the door opened up revealing the joker wet in a fuzzy red robe.
Oh my god, he was taking a shower in the bathroom... He stood there squinting at you before opening his mouth while pointing at you. "Where did you come from?" He whispered in a groggy voice.

You backed up blushing. "I-Uhhh... were you talking to yourself?" You asked slightly giggling.

"What of me talking to myself, hm?" He asked in his low, melodic voice while raising his arms. "But," He said slowly walking towards you. "You're avoiding my question. Did you miss me?" He asked now hovering over you.

Your eyes widened and your body stiffened from the feeling of his breath brushing against your skin.

You pushed him away with a nervous smile. "Psh, Hell no!! You're a-a, you're a creep that's, like, such a CrEeP!" You said trying to pass him to the bedrooms door.

He snaked his arm around your waist, swaying with you in his arm. "Hm, a creeeep... Just because I'm a creep doesn't mean you don't like me." He murmured.

You cringed, hating every second of him touching you, though, there was a part of you that liked it~

"Okay, I'm very tired and i w-want to go back to my room now." He laughed picking you up like a princess and carrying you to his bed. "Well then, you can just sleep with me tonight." You glared at him as he dropped you on his bed.

"No thank you, I think I'm better in the other room..." You said, crawling the opposite way of him and getting off of the bed. "You think? Well, I know that you'd," He said as he went to the bedrooms door and locking the several locks that were bolted to it. "like it a lot better in here, doll."

You glared at him. You got in your hands and knees moving the random weapons and such to the side before laying down.

He sighed. "What're you doing?" You ignored him rolling onto your other side to face away from him. "Sleeping in here like you wanted me to." You hissed.

"Why do ya have to be so annoying? I kill people that are annoying and you're no exception, doll."

You laughed loudly before calming down. You sat up, turning back towards him. "Then, why haven't you killed yourself?" You asked him with a slight chuckle."Ha, Ha, Ha-larious." He said completely bitch faced.

He started to walk towards you and you yelped before rolling under the bed. He grabbed your feet attempting to pull you out from under his bed. You, on the other hand, had latched onto the beds leg as tight as you could making it impossible for him to get you out.

He grunted and cursed under his breath before crawling under the bed too. "Go away ya CREEP!" You yelled getting out from under the bed. "Not only am I going to kill you, but I'm going to fucking blow my own brains out!" He said as he struggled to get out from under the bed.

You sped to the bedrooms door unlocking only two of the locks before being grabbed by the joker and dragged to the bed.

"No, no, no, no!" You yelled while struggling in his grasp. You latched onto his robe pulling it off by accident. You screamed out of horror.

"M-my virgin eyes!!" You cried, your body stiffening.


I'm SORRY!! It's been hella long and I've been slowly adding to this chapter, FORGIVE ME ('∩`。)

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now