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You woke up, groaning and stretching out your sore limbs. You gasped sitting up remembering that the joker had kidnapped you.

You looked around in a panick.

You were in a room that had green and purple checkered wallpaper with generic wooden baseboards. The floor was simple dark oak planks complimented by a dark brown decorated rug under the bed you were currently in. The bed was a canopy bed with dark brown fitted covers on the canopy sitters(?) that looked like royalty slept there. The beds spread was a fluffy dark purple duvet with slight ruffles on the edges. It was fairly beautiful yet with a touch of darkness. It was somewhat unusual colours but all the little accents went together perfectly.

"Whoa..." You stared breath-taken at the large beautiful room. You shifted your attention towards the ground to your right. "Nowww to escape."

You uncovered yourself seeing that you were in a white sleeping blouse and pants. You cringed at the thought of him changing you while you were asleep. You brushed the thought away redirecting your attention towards the door.

You jumped off the comfortable bed quickly regretting your decision. "Fuck!" You whispered screamed lightly falling on your hands and knees.

"My body hurts so bad! God, what'd he do to me.." You shook your head before lying on the ground and flipping to your back. You moved yourself still on your back with your bare feet towards the door.

You took a deep breath in before getting up off of the ground. You whimpered, pressing your shoulder on the wall next to the door having it support a majority of your weight.

You grabbed the doors knob, slowly turning it and taking a peek out. You saw two men in tuxedos and cute fuzzy animal head masks equipped with guns on either side of the door.

You slammed the door shut surprised (pressing your back against the door), scaring the two who hadn't noticed you. They turned towards the door and the guy on the left motioned for the other to go get the joker.

The man walked off while the other moved in front of the door blocking the exit.

You grabbed your heart. The men in the animal heads scared the hell out of you. "That... was.... so random..." You thought aloud nervously smiling. The surprise was pleasant to say the least no matter how badly it had scared you.

You spotted a window by the bed and sped towards it hopeful. "Who puts metal bars outside a window!" You yelled, aggravated after seeing the bars on the outer side of the lone arched window.

You looked around, limping back to your bed. You crawled on it, bringing your knees to your chest while tucking your head in pondering up a plan.

You heard the doors knob turn. You lifted your head up looking at the door. The joker walked in and your eyes widened.

"Bet you slept well." He said laughing, flashing a wicked smile. You clenched your white sleeping pants in fear.

He walked towards you and sat on the bed, next to you. You backed up to the other side nearly falling off the edge.

"What? You scared?" He asked, scooting closer. He leaned in to your neck and whispered, "You should be" lightly grazing your skin with his lips. You closed your eyes slowly breathing in and then out.

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now