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Food Fight

"Are you hungry doll?"

That's so random! You thought. He literally just got done holding a gun to my head... The mans mad!

You looked at him confused sucking up your tears. Why won't he just kill me... "No." You said pushing his hand away from your face. He nodded with a smile.

"Let me ask again," He said jerking his hand to your face, squeezing your cheeks. "Are. You. Hungry?" When you didn't respond, he violently shook your head in a 'yes' motion.

"Alrighty then, let's go getcha somthin'! You're lookin' too thin for my taste anyways." He grabbed your arm pulling you behind him with a strong grip.

The two of you made it to a huge dinning room with black and white checkered floors and off-white walls. Above the overly large dark oak dinning table that was placed in the middle was a gold and diamond chandelier. He reminded you of the mad hatter if he were to have gone gangster.

He sat you down in a chair next to the edge. "I'll be right back, don't move doll." You nodded and watched him walk off. "Finally..." You said aloud. You started counting the chairs that were pushed in the table after awhile of him being gone. "22....22 chairs... now that's a lot of chairs..."

You looked under the table boredly hoping to find anything interesting. You sat back up in disappointment. "Where did he go?" You asked yourself, tiredly placing your head onto the table while letting out a long sigh.

You've been sitting at the table for what seemed an eternity afraid to move. You decided to get up and peek outside the hallway.

Is he testing me to see if I'll move? You started getting paranoid and ran back to your chair tripping on your way over and desperately grabbing onto the dinning tables white lace cloth only to have yourself pull that down including the three large golden candelabras evenly placed on the tables who, thankfully, candles weren't lit that were in them.

The joker walked in right before you tripped watching the whole thing. "Wow, that was very unexpected." He said clapping his hands slowly while laughing. "But, ya moved" He said raising a finger at you.

You stood up slowly while still holding onto the tables cloth. "...I... I didn't... I was looking for you... you were taking forever.." You said defending yourself while nervously fiddling with the table cloth that was in your hands.

"Ahhhhh, I see," He said walking over. "You missed me, didntcha." You quickly shook your head no. "Pshh, n-no!" You said hardly able to get the words out for how embarrassed you were.

You were only able to act out when he was about to kill you or torture you but never in regular situations. You were slightly scared in these regular situations because anything you do or say could trigger him and he would definitely punish you as a result no matter how absurd his reasoning.

"Say whatcha want doll, I know the truth." You quietly laughed then quickly shut it up seeing as you caught his attention. "...why're you laughing? Don't believe me?" He asked raising his arms. "...I-I mean... you really don't know anything..." You said averting your eyes. "Really? Well then, please do tell me what I 'don't' know." He said grabbing a chair from the table and pulling it in front of you before taking a seat. He waved his hand in a go on motion while leaning forwards.

"...You don't know my name or where I'm from." You said looking at him. "Let me rephrase myself. Tell me what I don't know that I would wanna know." He said sitting up in the chair with a smile. "Y-you don't know what I was to Batman." You mumbled, your voice cracking partially out.

You gave him a slight glare before going to a chair and sitting down. "So, where's the food..." You asked trying to hide your nervousness. "Now that's something I wanna know, doll face. So, What're you to Batman?" He asked getting out of his chair and standing behind you while putting his hands on your shoulders completely ignoring your question.

You hesitated before asking him, "...What does it matter what I am to Batman?" He let out a small chuckle spinning your chair around towards him and crouching. "The fact that he's lookin' for ya matters. It matters a lot, doll."

You bit your inner cheek regretting that you brought it up. You're too stubborn to let small things go, like the joker being a smartass, which results in situations like these.

"I'm a friend of his." You said straightening yourself. The joker got up leaning into you even more who was still in the chair and brushed your hair with his fingers. "I'm not one to be lied to, doll." He put either of his hands on the sides of your face staring deeply into your eyes. "What're you to him? Tell me."

He enjoyed watching people crumble in their own thoughts and regrets which he didn't seem to be satisfied by your reactions, which is the first. Instead, he's more interested in you because you don't really feel the need to hide your anger more than half of the time unlike the other people who play by him hoping to survive.

He righted his grip on your  cheeks growing impatient by the second. You swallowed hard, thinking for a split moment. "What're you to him?!" He screamed shaking your head. "I-I'm his friend!" You yelled at him letting out a small growl.

He smacked you before picking you up by your shirt and practically throwing you on the dining table. He pushed your back flat onto the table, hovering over you.

Some men in suits came in with plates of food pretending the two of you weren't there and placing the food all across the table. He held you down on the table clearly annoyed, waiting for them to exit the room.

Right after they left, you sprawled your arm out grabbing onto some mush of food and hitting him in the face with it. He released you backing up and wiping the food from his eyes clearly not amused.

You, on the other hand, cracked up covering your mouth attempting to silence your laughter. He glared at you licking the food off of his fingers showing a small genuine smile.

You quickly grabbed another handful threatening him. "I swear I will hit you again. I'm not afraid of you." You said through small laughs putting on a straight face.

"That's why you interest me, doll. You're not scared. Your different, amazingly different from the rest."  You blushed looking away. why the fuck am I even conversing with this dude?! He literally just slapped me! Maybe I'm the mad one...

He started walking towards the tables chair pulling the chair out and ready to sit and eat. You, on the other hand, threw the food at him partially on accident. "Whoa, I-I'm— You came near me like that and, and-" "and?" He asked laughing madly while slamming his chair back in.

He sped towards you planting his hands in the food on the table on either side of you. He clenched his fists picking up a messy handful of foods from behind you and slammed his hands that were full of food mush on your face cheeks.

You gasped trying to push him away not able to see with the food all over your face including your eyes. "You fucking asshole!" You yelled still laughing.

When he didn't move from you pushing him, you picked yourself onto the table trying to get away since you couldn't see. You fell back, off of the table landing on your back. "Ow, ow, fuck, shit, damn..." You whispered arching your back in pain.

"That wasn't necessary~" He sang, walking towards you covering his smile with his hand. He picked you up letting out some small laughs. "You wasted your eating time, bravo doll face." He laughed louder now, walking out of the room with you in his arms.


We hit 200 views two days after hitting 100, unbelievable! Thank you all! I'm so thankful!!! I'm legit crying!!! I hope you all have a splendid day, thank you!

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