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If your impatient like me then you probably really want to see the joker and are on the verge of burning my book, aka, your phone, but DO NOT FRET CHILD FOR HE IS HERE!
Hope you enjoy!

What a Joke

*Summary of the past 4 Months*
You've been staying with Bruce for awhile now, about 4 months to be exact.

The two of you had grown close. Bruce had developed strong feelings for you and hated when you left the mansion so much, every time you went to leave he'd have Alfred go with you and even made a bracelet that was equipped with a tracker that he'd make you wear. You thought his clinginess was cute for awhile, but it became annoying and uncomfortable.


*The Present*

You woke up around 5:00 am, earlier than usual. You yawned, getting up off of the comfy bed. You shuffled to your door still half asleep. You put your head on the door tiredly before exiting the room for a drink from the kitchen.

You walked around the manor taking in the detailed wallpaper and elegantly decorated rooms you passed. Everything in the mansion showed how wealthy he was, being a multi-billionaire. Gold and silver covered the rooms.

You sighed not knowing where you were. Yes, you were lost in the mansion.  Anytime you were thirsty or hungry, Bruce made sure it was taken care of not having you lift a single finger for something.

"Okay, so Alfred went to get my food from the third floor..? Or was it the fourth? ... Shit. Why does he have so many floors?!" You groaned retracing your steps, endlessly searching eventually making it to the kitchen which was located on the first floor.

It was a chefs kitchen hidden behind doubled doors. He even had a metal plate that had KITCHEN carved in it and screwed into the left door. You guessed it was for the newer chefs or visitors who came with no sense of direction like you.

"Finally." You sighed getting a glass of milk from the fridge.

You thought about all that happened the first day you had arrived. "Wow, what a mess." You giggled. "So, if Batman exists does that mean the joker does too? This is REALLY crazy." You pondered, finishing your glass of milk before rinsing the cup out in the huge steel sink probably worth more than you. (Joking!)

"I guess Bruce is still sleeping? Perfect." You thought, creating a plan to walk around town by yourself. walked back to your room getting dressed. You threw on a red plaid button up over your tank top, leaving it open. You then threw on some black leggings and brown combat boots you found in the closet. You made sure to leave the bracelet that Bruce had made with a tracker for you and exited the room once more.

You went back to the first floor and looked out the huge arched window. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if i left for a bit without Alfred.." You opened the door and walked out. It was pouring hard rain outside. You liked the rain so you weren't too bothered by it.

You walked down the graveled dirt road slipping here and there like your usual clumsy-self. You liked Gotham City, it was different from your home. Though the people weren't the nicest, the whole artistic view of the city was pretty and homey in your opinion.

⬙What A Mess⬙ (Joker X Reader X Batman)Where stories live. Discover now